I have traveled through the heavens in the Great Desolation

Chapter 206 The Supreme Dragon God Candle Dragon

Chapter 206 Supreme Dragon Divine Candle Dragon Family (First update)
Hunyuan people are all in one breath.

At the time of Taoism, one can play the world, incarnate all things, and be the master of creation, which is the ultimate pursuit of all practitioners.

Although Fairy Yunxiao has not yet attained the true Hunyuan Infinity Luojin Immortal Dao Fruit, she is also a Hunyuan middleman. She can be a Hunyuan Sanshu by beheading corpses. It can spread all over the world, know the rise and fall of the world, and enjoy supreme glory and vitality.

But even such a great supernatural being, some people dare to use the two terms 'youthful' and 'younger', isn't he afraid of causing this empress' dissatisfaction?

To be honest, Fairy Yunxiao had indeed frowned at this moment.

But after seeing clearly who is coming.

For some reason, he just smiled and relaxed again.

"It turns out to be the god of Zhongshan, senior Candle Dragon, this junior is very polite."

As soon as a thought came out, the Hunyuan Jindou on top of her head had already been put away by him, pinched in the palm of her hand, in a defensive posture, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, so she quickly winked at her elder brother Zhao Gongming, The two backed down together until they reached Qiong Xiao, Bi Xiao, and Xiao Lingyun, and they were really relieved.

Do you know why?

It's all because Zhongshan Zhulong's usual behavior is a little too evil, and no one can really control his temperament. In the era when the ancient times were created, this person was already famous Hob meat.

how to say?

This guy doesn't have the bearing of a master at all, and he is also extremely sleepy. Sometimes he can even sleep for several yuanhui. He is obviously one of the top ten dragon gods in the ancient times, but he doesn't want to call himself a dragon. The god of Zhongshan considers himself to be the floating island or mountain top he occupies, which is also far away from the prehistoric continent, the three realms and six realms, wandering on the edge of the long river of time, erratic, and only at the intersection of the nether world and the yang world, at certain specific times. Above the node, it is possible for people to detect the trace of this floating island.

Therefore, when Long Han was first robbed, it was because he was still in a state of 'sleep' that people ignored him, so that he completely missed that robbing.

After this guy woke up, he even pretended to be scolded by the disciples and grandchildren of the Dragon Clan.

Why didn't you go find him before the war?
But can it be found?

It’s fine if this guy doesn’t look for reasons on himself, but instead he blames others, so that the good-looking Dragon Clan was quite united and strong after the war, but after he appeared, he suddenly provoked The dispute caused the entire Dragon Clan to be torn apart.

So far, although the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas is orthodox and guards the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan, it has become the weakest branch of the Dragon Clan.

As for the masters.

Naturally, he was a little disheartened, he had already escaped from the prehistoric universe, and escaped to other worlds, the only ones who could be regarded as the strong in the world, probably only a few parents and children born of Zulong and other races, they were The interior of the Dragon Clan is originally heterogeneous, and it didn't receive much attention back then, as for now.


Whether it's Yazi or Taotie, they've all voted under the command of this Zhong Shanzhulong clan.

And obey his words.

I don't know if Zulong has knowledge under the spring, but if there is still a trace of will, will he jump his feet in real anger?

You know, even though the Candle Dragon and the Zulong were both the Great Dragon Gods, they always disliked each other because of the position of the patriarch of the Dragon Clan. How could it be possible for a certain dragon god to really abandon his own race and run away from home?

Laughing first is not winning, laughing last is the real winner.

This sentence is indeed the same truth wherever it is placed.

Looking at it now, doesn't the Zhulong family have already won Zulong?
Of course, if this is the case, this person is not enough to make the people present pay such attention and vigilance.

The most correct thing is to repay it with awe.

Everyone is a powerful person with great supernatural powers, who wouldn't have made calculations several times?Even if it is to plot against one's own clan, brothers, and sisters, it is not incomprehensible for those present.

We are all immortals.

They all have an almost eternal life, so how can these time not be used for planning or calculating?

Isn't it boring?
But this person is different.

Zhulong was originally one of the ancestors of the Dragon Clan. His nature naturally summed up all the essence of the Dragon Clan. What a sound sleep!Greed!Miserly!Every grievance must be repaid, and the appetite is surprisingly large
These are nothing.

The point is, this dragon is extremely shameless and shameless.

Anyone who opposes him, if he can beat you, he will bully you vigorously, punish your nine clans, and kill everyone who has anything to do with you.

But when he can't do anything to you, unless you have an absolute advantage and absolutely overwhelm his advantage, then you can make him truly afraid, and thus flee far away from the outside world, thousands of miles away.

Otherwise, he will definitely do everything possible, starting from the people around you, and take revenge bit by bit. Therefore, even in the ancient prehistoric era, few people would dare to really have a grudge with this person .

There is no way, if you want to truly overwhelm this person, I am afraid that it is only possible to invite a few sages of the heavenly way, or a few real world powers.

Fairy Yun Xiao was not sure.

At this time, she could only protect the sisters and elder brother as much as possible, and then wait and see what happened.

"Sure enough, those who come are not good, and those who are kind don't come!"

At this time, the entire land of Tushan, the country of Qingqiu, was completely silent.

No one dared to breathe loudly, for fear of offending the old man above.

Even the Nine-Tailed Fox Tu Shan had retreated below.

It reappeared silently on the hill made of innate crystals.

Is it because she disdains it?
of course not.

She is also afraid.

Be afraid of the opponent's strength, and even more afraid of the opponent's character.

The 'Old Loach' called just now was indeed loud, but that was because the two of them had never really met each other.

At this time, I dare not really call out like that.


That is to hit someone in the face.


"Sao Fox, didn't you say hello when you saw your old friend coming?"

As a result, if you don't speak, people will not be polite.

The little old man above the sky, with the divine light in his smiling eyes, can be described as intimidating.

This is even worse.


Nine-tailed Fox Tu Shanshi's complexion can be imagined, I'm afraid it has already turned ashen.

But at this time, in order to hide her embarrassment, she could only hum softly and turn her head away.

Although she wished to kill him, she also understood that she was not his opponent, and she was not sure how to protect the young and old of this mountain under the threat of this person.

I can only endure it temporarily.


Someone stood up.

Her mother was afraid of this dormitory, but she was not.

The person who stood up now is already obvious, it is the empress of the human race, the wife of the human emperor Dayu, the Nine-Tailed Fox Tushan Nvjiao.

It can be said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, which is exactly the reason!
But someone has already pulled it into his arms first, and pressed it on the king's throne again.

"Let me come!"

Gently patted each other on the shoulder again and again.

After all, Human Emperor Dayu still had to take action himself.

He has stepped out step by step, like climbing a ladder to the sky, slowly stepping into the sky.
(End of this chapter)

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