Chapter 700 Existence

Hu Cai paused for a moment, and then looked at Mu Qingyang and Mu Muyang with serious expressions.

The voice was deep and somewhat lost:

"You two little masters, it's really great that you are back.

The people of our Muyang City are saved. "

As he spoke, Hu Cai raised his sleeves again and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Tian Mi was speechless.

Say yes, take them to see the homeless next door.

Why are you still being provocative here.

Tian Mi curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

No, she suddenly felt that someone was pulling her sleeve.

Looking down, I saw Xiao An was looking up at her with a questioning face.

Seeing Tian Mi showing a helpless look, Xiao An quietly took a step closer, pointed at Tian Mi and motioned her to lower her head.

Tian Mi obeyed.

Quietly squatting down, Xiao An's unhappy voice entered his ears:

"Sister, how long will this Butler Hu have to talk?

Didn't you say go to see the homeless together? "

After he finished speaking, Tian Mi looked up at Hu Cai who was still talking, then quickly lowered her head, and whispered to Xiao An.

"Let's find out."

"Find out?"

Xiao An looked surprised, wondering what it meant.

Soon, Tian Mi explained Xiao An's confusion.

"Pave the way for him first, so that he can show his ability as a housekeeper.

Besides, your elder brother Qingyang and elder brother Muyang are still young and don't understand many things very well. "

Tian Mi said this, but was interrupted by Xiao An.

"Sister, it's just for superficiality, right?

To put it simply, it is to brush the sense of presence. "

After hearing this, Tian Mi smiled like a lotus blooming in the summer pond.

Unexpectedly, my brother is so smart that he can understand everything.

Looking at her sister's bright smile, Xiao An also frowned with a smile.

The siblings were about to whisper a few more words, but they heard Hu Cai's heavy coughing.

"The two masters, as well as Mr. Tian, ​​Mrs. Tian, ​​Mrs. Wu, and ladies and gentlemen, please go to the next door with this old slave and see if there is anything that can help them."

Hu Cai's words were very euphemistic, and Tian Mi immediately heard the voice of his words from his words.

Donate money, donate things, just don't be empty-handed.

You are so capable, why don't you ask the prince for it.

Looking at Hu Cairen's tall and burly back, Tian Mi narrowed her eyes slightly.

Xu Shi felt the gaze, Hu Cai suddenly turned his head, and quickly glanced around at the people behind him suspiciously.

Noticing anything unusual, he turned around and continued to lead the way.

Such a sharp person.

Tian Mi's heart beat wildly, and when Hu Cai turned his head, he had already looked down at Xiao An's meticulously combed hair.

"Sister, tell me, will the people next door have no clothes to wear and no food to eat?"

Xiao An and Tian Mi held hands and walked slowly towards the depths of green bamboos and pines and cypresses.

After walking for about half an hour, a moon-shaped gate came into view.

Hu Cai came here, bowed slightly, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"Everyone, please!"

Mu Qingyang and Mu Muyang looked at each other, quickly parted their eyes, and stepped in.

Tian Dawang and the others followed in.

As soon as Tian Mi stepped through the Moon Gate, she wondered why she didn't hear anyone talking.

Looking up, I was stunned by the scene in the yard.

Under the shade of trees in the yard, in the gazebo, or under the eaves, a large group of men and women are sitting or standing.

Seeing that they were wearing coarse cloth clothes that were washed white or were patched with patches, Tian Mi felt that she was back to the time when she first wore them in Wujia Village.

(End of this chapter)

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