Chapter 216 Finding Someone
When I got home, I fastened the doors and windows, and by the light of the soybean oil lamp, I opened my light purse to have a look.

Wu Xiaoniang was dumbfounded.

"This...this is?"

"This is 100 taels."

Seeing his mother's agitated expression, Wu Xiao finished what she hadn't said.

Both Xiaoyue'er and her younger brother looked at the banknote unfolded in their mother's hands with joy.

Our family is rich.

Wu Xiaoniang came back to her senses, more frightened than shocked:

"Is Tian Mi giving too much?

Did she give it wrong? "

They only helped for a day and a half.

Wu Xiao is mature and said:
"Mom, Sister Tian Mi gave it to you, so you can take it.

I think she's about to ask us for help. "

Wu Xiao was right in splitting the board. A few days later, Tian Mi walked into their house.

This is something.

It was said that Li Yuhu ran away at night, and Wu Qingfeng's family was looking for someone everywhere.

It alarmed the sleepless villagers in Wujia Village.

As soon as the enthusiastic person asked, he spontaneously joined the search team.

Zhang Yumei originally thought that this was a family matter.

And Yuhu ran away awkwardly.

In line with the belief that no good deeds will be spread, and that everything will be spread thousands of miles away, it is enough for my family to search around with torches.

Seeing that the search team was getting bigger and bigger, Zhang Yumei's heart sank.

"Uncle Lizheng, did sister-in-law Yuhu quarrel with Brother Youyu?"

A young guy asked with a smile, not afraid of big troubles.

If you are really afraid of anything, you will come.

Zhang Yumei was holding back her anger, but she was also worried about where Li Yuhu had gone.

Wu Youyu clenched his fists in anger when he heard the words.

At this time, Wu Qingfeng raised his head, looked at the endless darkness ahead, and said lightly:
"Which couple doesn't quarrel?"

The villagers heard it and quickly echoed:
"Husband and wife quarrel, fight in front of the bed, and fight at the end of the bed."

"Arguing, if you're in a good relationship, mix the oil with honey."

"We also often quarrel, and if we don't quarrel, our relationship is not stable."


A group of people walked along the fields, mountain roads, villages, etc., and searched everywhere they could find, but they didn't see a piece of Li Yuhu's clothes.

Wu Youyu's heart was up and down.

Where did the jade pot go?
Why haven't you found it yet?

Are you in danger?

I was anxious and restless, and my face was tense like a fully drawn bow.

Judging by his appearance, there is a possibility of ejaculation at any time.

"Uncle, Aunt, Brother Yu, sister-in-law is at my house."

A group of people were discussing going to Li Yuhu's family overnight.

After correctly determining the number of people, I was caught off guard by a clear female voice, passing through the crowd and reaching everyone's ears clearly.

Wu Youyu's tense body instantly relaxed like a leaky ball, soft and cottony.

Zhang Yumei supported her eldest son with heartache, followed Tian Mi, and hurried to Tian Mi's house.

When a group of people arrived, Li Yuhu was sitting at the dining table at Tian Mi's house, devouring lean meat and bone soup noodles.

Seeing this, Wu Youyu and the others overflowed their mouths with words of concern, and they died just like that.

Zhang Yumei raised her hand and wiped her cold face dumbly.

At this moment, her heart felt cold.

The people in the village ran with them late at night, looking for her everywhere.

She's fine, sitting here eating lean meat noodles.

Do you have any conscience?
Her heart was burning with anger, if Wu Qingfeng hadn't grasped her cold hand, Zhang Yumei would have gotten into a fight with Li Yuhu by now.

Wu Youyu felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Seeing his daughter-in-law sitting here with good hands and feet, able to eat and drink, his heart sank back into his stomach.

Wu Youyu was very angry and thanked the fellow villagers who were looking for Li Yuhu.

After sending them off, Wu Youyu grabbed the bowl full of tea by the table, raised his neck, opened his mouth wide, and poured it into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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