Chapter 627 The Heroes of Troubled Times Like the Abyss
When Qu Yi heard that the Majia River was lost, he was so angry that he rushed to the battlefield with his men, "Wen Chou can afford to lose this man, but I can't afford to lose him. He can't hold a river embankment with 8000 people, and he is still alive." What are you doing? Just hit your head and die."

Yang Feng hurriedly pulled him back, "Let me go. There may be some reason for this."


Majia River.

The sky in the deep winter is gray, the clouds are thick, and there is not a ray of sun in sight.Howling cold winds swept across the battlefield.The strong smell of blood floating in the air makes people suffocate.

There are many corpses floating on the surface of the Majia River. The clear water has been stained red with blood. The river flows slowly among the people.

On both sides of the embankment, dead bodies filled the field. Soldiers from both sides piled up in the mud in various postures. A few broken battle flags rushed out of the pile of corpses tenaciously, howling in the wind.

There was a bloody head on a spear, and the loose long hair became maroon hair whips because of the blood, and a pair of horrible, painful and hateful eyes were looking at the hunting sound on the other side. Countless banners seemed to turn into ghosts to sweep them away.

A big hand caressed and gently closed the eyes.

Gongsun Zan looked down at the blood on his hands, a trace of pain appeared on his handsome face.As soon as he grasped the handle of the spear, he pulled out the spear that had pierced through the two corpses, and pulled off the head.With a spear in one hand and a head in the other, Gongsun Zan walked slowly up the embankment, stepping on the strewn dead bodies.

The killing sound is shocking.

Within [-] paces ahead, on the battlefield more than one mile long, tens of thousands of soldiers risked their lives and fought fiercely.

On the hills and slopes in the distance, the ballistas of the Northern Frontier Army roared, countless long arrows roared in the air, and the dense arrows were like rain, wantonly devouring fresh lives .

Within this distance, the Youzhou army had no way to fight back except for running hard with courage and hatred.Pieces of soldiers fell on this muddy depression.

Gongsun Zan watched silently for a while, then raised his legs and walked forward.A group of personal guards held up their shields and surrounded him, "My lord, the front is too dangerous, please stay here, my lord."

Gongsun Zan didn't speak, but continued to walk very stubbornly.

A burst of crossbow arrows came, and the guards in the front row let out a miserable howl, and their vigorous bodies flew upside down, crashing into Gongsun Zan's feet.Bolts pierced their shields and nailed their armor, taking their lives.

A group of personal guards couldn't help but set up Gongsun Zan and quickly backed away.The head in Gongsun Zan's hand fell to the ground.A soldier holding his injured thigh and screaming loudly suddenly saw the rolling head on the ground, immediately jumped up as if he had found a treasure, and hugged it in his arms.This is money.Several wounded soldiers nearby discovered it at the same time. Everyone shouted and rushed over excitedly, struggling to snatch it.

Long arrows roared fiercely, killing the soldiers in an instant.


Lao Wai was kicked up by someone, and fell to the ground on his back.He didn't dare to stay, he scrambled to get out of the crowd, hid behind a pile of corpses, panting heavily.

From the morning to the afternoon, there was almost no time to catch his breath. Lao Wai's hands and feet had long been numb, and his armor was already stained with blood. The heavy, pungent blood made him dizzy.He spat out the blood in his mouth, wiped the sweat from his brow, and threw the saber in his hand aside.This knife has been rolled up, and it is missing a few holes, so it can't be used anymore.This is the seventh knife he used today, and he can't remember how many people were killed by these seven knives.He still remembered it at the beginning, but then he became so dizzy that he couldn't even tell the sky from the earth, so how could he remember it.

He looked up at the roaring ballista on the hillside, and cursed a few words loudly.Due to the loss of the river embankment, the army withdrew to the hillside near the river embankment, and the strong archers and crossbowmen suddenly had a place to use. He and a group of brothers could only stay at the edge of the depression and kill the enemies who rushed through the arrow array.Compared with the fierce fighting on the river embankment before, he felt very unsatisfactory.

The old crooked stomach let out a growl.After killing for a few hours, the few dry biscuits in his arms were already eaten up. "Everyone in the Bing Cao camp should be killed. For such a long time, neither ammunition nor food was sent. I deliberately wanted to kill me..." He cursed a few times, and reached into his arms to fumble, hoping to touch it. Get some crumbs out.I didn't touch the pancakes, but I touched a few strings of money.The old grinned and smiled triumphantly.The current Yellow Turban Army is different, everyone has money.Taking advantage of the fierce battle, Lao Wai found a whole string of money from many dead bodies.Posted this time.

Lao Wai turned his head to look at the battlefield where corpses were strewn across the field, and at the soldiers who were screaming and fighting bloody battles, and suddenly he bent down and quickly rushed into the pile of dead people.He searched the corpses of more than a dozen enemy soldiers in a row, and he gained a lot, and then found a piece of meat pie.Lao Wai took it under his nose and smelled it.It can't be human flesh, right?I used to eat too much in the Taihang Mountains, but now I don't want to eat it.

The long arrows whizzed past like rain, and a few long arrows flew past Lao Wai's head.The old man shrank his neck, turned around and yelled, "The people above are giving birth to children? Why don't they shoot arrows when the enemy comes..."

The explosion of the ballista was deafening.

Lao Wai nodded in satisfaction, "It's not bad, like a human..." He picked up the meat and tasted it carefully, smacking his lips.It is not human meat, nor does it look like horse meat. Is it beef that is rare in a century?Lao Wai's spirit was greatly lifted, and he swallowed it in three gulps. "I was fighting by the river, and I had no water to drink." He ate too fast and choked.He looked left and right to see where he could find water.

A group of black shadows roared towards him, and Lao Wai instinctively roared, turning over and dodging.A pool of warm blood immediately splashed on his head and face, "Who? Who did this good thing? I want to die..." Lao Wai grabbed a spear casually and shouted at the top of his throat.

"Old Wai, what are you doing?" Lao Song, who was drenched in sweat in the distance, staggered back and forth, with his mouth wide open, panting violently, white mist rising, "We can't hold on anymore, we can't hold on It's..."

Lao Wai roared out with a loud voice, and stopped choking.Falling beside him was a young man, very thin, hugging his stomach in fear, screaming terribly, desperately trying to stop the wound that spurted blood.He looked at Laowai with extreme fear, "Don't kill me, don't kill me..." Laowai expressionlessly stretched out his hand to pull the young man's hands away.The spear pierced through his abdomen, opening a long opening, and the internal organs and blood flowed out together.

"You can't live anymore." Lao Wai said calmly, "When the blood dries up, you will die."

The young man cried out in pain, tears overflowing, "I'm going to die, I'm going to die...water, water..."

Lao Wai stretched out his hand to take a little blood from his wound, and slowly fed it into his wide open mouth.

"Old Wai, what are you doing? Come on, I'm going to die, I can't hold it anymore..." Lao Song cried out weakly, his voice hoarse.

Old Wai patted the young man on the face and got up to leave.The young man grabbed Lao Wai's clothes and shouted with all his strength, "Help"

The old man ran away without looking back, "Kill, kill..."

The spear was flying, Lao Wai was like a fierce tiger, and plunged into the crowd, "Go to death, go to death..."


The sound of gongs soared into the sky, and the Northern Xinjiang Army retreated.

The old crooked spear swept across, forcing back the enemies who rushed up, and strode back, "Go, go, brothers, go..."

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly..." Ma Ping, the military officer, stood in the middle of the hillside, shouting hoarsely, "Archers, shoot, shoot..."

"Lao Song, Lao Song, let's go, let's go..." Lao Wai hurriedly backed away, looking around for Lao Song's figure, "Is your kid dead?"

Lao Wai saw Lao Song, who was dragged to the end, a long arrow was shot in his thigh, dripping with blood, and he was struggling to catch up with his spear.A few steps behind, a group of enemies are rushing towards them.

"Lao Song, hurry up, hurry up..." Lao Wai yelled wildly, and raised his spear to kill him.A few soldiers roared wildly, and rushed over after Lao Wai.

The two sides fought.Lao Wai wanted to tear his eyes apart, and killed two people in a row.The spear is broken, and the broken spear kills another person.The broken spear was inserted into the enemy's body until it sank into the handle.Old Wai, who lost his weapon, punched and kicked, and killed two more people.

"Go...go..." Lao Wai yelled, kicked down the enemy in front of him, grabbed Lao Song's arm with his backhand, and dragged him away.

Angry enemies are in hot pursuit.A long arrow whizzed towards him, and shot fiercely into Lao Wai's shoulder.Lao Wai let out a cry of pain, stretched out his hand and let go of Lao Song's arm.

"Kill him, kill him..." the enemy roared like thunder.

"Go, go..." The soldiers rushing forward shouted anxiously.

Lao Song used both hands and feet, and while struggling to crawl, he yelled loudly at Lao Wai: "Go, go..."

The old crooked tiger let out a roar, stopped its rushing figure, turned around and went up again, "Damn it, I'm going to die here today, kill..."


War horses are like dragons, swords are like rainbows, enemy soldiers are like autumn leaves, and blood is like flying clouds.

Wen Chou and a hundred cavalry guards swept over like a hurricane.

Lao Wai let out a roar, picked up Lao Song, and ran desperately, "Go, go, brothers, let's go..."

"Scatter, scatter..." Wen Chou slashed his sword immediately, raised his hand and shouted wildly, "Don't let a brother go, save everyone who is alive, hurry..."

The ballista on the hill roared loudly.

All the strong archers of the Northern Frontier Army fired their last round of salvo almost at the same time. The loud howling sound and dense arrow scene made people feel dizzy, and the air above the Majia River suddenly condensed at this moment.


Yang Feng, the general of Yangwu, led the battalion of the captain Lei Zhong to the Majia River overnight.

Wen Chou hurriedly greeted him and pleaded guilty.Yang Feng originally wanted to scold him a few words, but seeing his bloodstained body and dejected expression, his anger immediately diminished a little.Wen Chou is a general of the Jizhou faction, a confidant of General Hushi, and has a close personal relationship with Yan Liang.Because of the special relationship between Yang Feng and Yan Liang, Yang Feng and Wen Chou are also very harmonious.

Yang Feng tapped his helmet with a horsewhip, and sneered a few times, "Master Wen went to battle again in person? You killed it so fast, but Majiahe lost it. It looks like you don't want your head anymore?"

Wen Choujun blushed and was speechless with shame.

"Master Qu is very angry, and told you to take Majiahe back immediately." Yang Feng sighed, "Otherwise, even if the general comes, he won't be able to save you."

"I'm reorganizing the ministries and preparing to launch a counterattack in the early morning." Wen Chou cupped his hands gratefully, "Please report back to General Qu, I will definitely retake the Majia River tomorrow morning."

Yang Feng shook his hand, "I'll go back when you take back the Majia River. How did you lose the Majia River?"

Wen Chou smiled helplessly, "From the morning to the afternoon, the Youzhou Army killed at least 1 people, but they continued to march forward and did not intend to stop at all. Our casualties were too large, and the defensive formation became thinner and thinner. At dusk, the left wing They broke through. I think that if we continue to fight like this, we will not have enough troops to resist the attack of Youzhou Army tomorrow, so I ordered the army to withdraw and set up a horse and a deer village (zhai) in Sanligang and Majupo. block attack."

"You ordered the retreat?" Yang Feng asked in surprise, "Zijun, you ordered the army to retreat without authorization, and you want to behead it?"

"We will suffer too many casualties by defending the embankment." Wen Chou said a little excitedly, "Gongsun Zan can treat the soldiers as human beings, but I can't. I can't let the soldiers die in such a vague way. The Youzhou army is all yellow scarves. Pawns, they have a lot of people, this is their advantage. To defend the river embankment is to use our disadvantages to compete with the advantages of the Youzhou Army. It is courting death. If we want to reduce casualties and block Gongsun Zan's attack, we should use our strengths Attack the weaknesses of the Youzhou army."

Yang Feng asked dissatisfiedly: "You mean that Mr. Qu and I have no way to command?"

Wen Chou retorted: "Xiaguan didn't mean that. But if we fight like this, our people will die sooner or later. Even if Gongsun Zan paid the price of 10 people, as long as he defeats us, he will win. He can take us with us." Ten thousand cavalry swept across Jizhou swaggeringly." Then he looked at Yang Feng, who looked unfriendly, and said in a low voice, "I have fought with the general for many years, but I have never fought such a battle that is sure to die. If the general is in , he won't lead us to fight Gongsun Zan like this."

Yang Feng frowned and remained silent.After a while, he suddenly asked, "How much did we lose?"

"About 2000 to [-] people." Wen Chou replied, "The Youzhou army is very cruel. Every time they kill a person, they have to chop off their heads. The soldiers on both sides went crazy."

At this time, He Feng, Xu Huang, Fan Li, and Ding Bo came riding one after another.Xu Huang said bluntly: "The withdrawal of the Majia River was jointly decided by five people. If the Lord wants to punish, let the five of us be punished."

Yang Feng smiled, "Gongming, are you threatening me? Don't talk about the punishment, you are ready to counterattack immediately." Then he patted Wen Chou on the shoulder, "What you just said makes sense, I'll go back to the camp Discuss with Master Qu. Gongsun Zan used the superior force to attack from three directions, which caused our troops to be scattered. Not only were we unable to support each other, but the losses were also staggering. Now it seems that this battle really cannot be fought like this."


Yang Feng hurried back to Daying and explained Wen Chou and the generals' thoughts in detail.

"After today's battle, we lost about 5000 to [-] people on the three battlefields. It is estimated that the loss of the Youzhou Army should be around [-] to [-]." Yang Feng said, "If we continue to fight like this tomorrow, after three days, we It was dragged down by Gongsun Zan."

"Gongsun Zan's purpose is already obvious. He wants to consume our troops at all costs." Qu Yi put down the battle report in his hand and said firmly, "Qi Zhi, this battle cannot be fought, we have to withdraw."

Yang Feng looked up at him, "You made this decision so quickly, I was going to spend a lot of time..."

"Gongsun Zan is crazy, I haven't yet." Qu Yi said bitterly, "He killed four to five thousand people a day, how could I let him go? Order Wang Dang, Sun Qin, and Wen Chou to lead the army to retreat to Songjiahe overnight Order Lin Xun to lead the battalion troops to Tobu City to evacuate the people immediately, and prepare for another battle."

The messengers got Qu Yi's warrant and galloped away one by one.

"It's more than 300 miles to Wei Jun and Zhao Guo. If we block the attack in Yicheng of Ganling, it will definitely not be a problem until the heavy snow comes." Gongsun Zan is a Ganling country."

"Now Yuan Shao is going to be in a hurry." Qu Yi smiled, "After Gongsun Zan occupies Ganling, he will immediately cut off the connection between Weijun and Anping. Gongsun Zan snatched all the prefectures."

"Gongsun Zan snatched all the prefectures and counties in the northeast of Jizhou." Yang Feng mused, "Then, how much food and salary can he provide us?"

"This is indeed a problem." Qu Yi looked at the map and said, "If Gongsun Zan and the Yellow Turban Army of Heishan attacked back and forth and forced Yuan Shao to withdraw from Jizhou, then the situation in the Kanto will change. Once the situation in the Kanto changes, the general will come from the southern counties The strategy of buying grain and returning to northern Xinjiang is in danger of failure. It seems that Anping Kingdom cannot be taken away by Gongsun Zan. As long as Anping Kingdom is in hand, Yuan Shao will not give up Jizhou for the time being."

"Then the choice of our retreat route is very important." Yang Feng said, "We must delay Gongsun Zan's advance, prevent him from taking the opportunity to occupy Anping Kingdom, and ensure that he can continue to exert great pressure on Yuan Shao. "

Qu Yi drew a line on the map, "After Dongwu City, we will cross the Qinghe River from the direction of Jieqiao to Guangzong City. In this way, we can rely on the Qinghe River to prevent Gongsun Zan from going north to occupy Anping Kingdom."

Yang Feng took a closer look, nodded and said, "Yes, it's a good idea to withdraw to Guangzong. After Gongsun Zan entered Ganling Kingdom, if he wanted to attack Wei County, we could attack him from the flank, and if he wanted to attack us, Yuan Shao He can also threaten him from the flank." Then he pointed to Ganling City on the map, "When Gongsun Zan came here, he must have been hesitant and had no choice but to stop for the winter."


When Jushou and Fengji heard that the Northern Xinjiang Army was about to retreat, they rushed to Daying to dissuade them.

Jushou's reason is simple. Yu Du and Suigu's Heishan Yellow Turban Army is attacking Wei County with all its strength. The [-] troops of Jizhou and the [-] troops of Hanoi are trapped on the battlefield around Heishan. If the Northern Army cannot stop Gongsun Zan, Weijun will be lost, and Jizhou will also be lost.The implication is to threaten Qu Yi. If Yuan Shao loses Jizhou and is forced to go south to Yan, Xu, and Yang, then you will never get food in northern Xinjiang.

Feng Ji said that Chunyu Qiong is now in Luoyang with the Jizhou Army, and is defending Luoyang with Longxiang General Xu Rong, and this time to block Gongsun Zan, Han Qiong also took part in the army, and the relationship between Jizhou and Northern Xinjiang has always been very good , Your Excellency, is it too much to do this?The Hussar General is in charge of the military affairs of the six states, and countering rebellion and conquest is a matter of duty. If your lord decides to retreat without authorization, does it count as disobeying the Hussar General's military order?
Qu Yi slammed the battle reports of various ministries on the table, "Our northern army killed more than 4000 soldiers in one day, and this battle can still be fought? I killed them all, are you happy?" Then he pointed out Zhuo Jushou said, "If you dare to cut off my army's food and grass, I will return to Handan immediately. At worst, Gongsun Zan and I will share Jizhou equally."

Ju Shou was helpless and asked, "Where does the general plan to retreat? Dongwu City or Ganling Kingdom?"

"Guangzong City." Qu Yi spread out the map and said, "To be honest, I don't trust Master Yuan. If he didn't prepare enough food and grass for me, I wouldn't fight this battle for him."

Jushou and Fengji's faces were ugly.


In December, Jizhou, Yecheng.

After Yuan Shao received the urgent letter from Ju Shou, he hurriedly called the mansion to discuss.

"Wen Ruo, you just came from Yingchuan, when do you think it is better for us to go south?" Yuan Shao told everyone about the possible changes in the situation in Jizhou after Qu Yi withdrew from Panhe, and then asked Xun Yu (yu) .

Xun Yu twisted his beard and meditated.After Xun Yu returned to his hometown from the capital, he immediately moved to Runan with his clan.In the spring and summer of this year, Yuzhou was in chaos, and the Yellow Turban Army attacked Runan. Xun Yu then moved to Chenliu County in Yanzhou again with his clan.At Zhang Miao's mansion, he met Han Fu.Han Fu said he was going back to his hometown Yingchuan, but Xun Yu stopped him.The area around Yingchuan is constantly fighting, it's too dangerous, it's better to stay in Chenliu for now.Yuan Shao heard that Xun Yu had arrived in Chenliu and hurriedly invited him to Jizhou.Xun Yu couldn't refuse, so he came in a hurry.

"General Polu General Sun Jian just died, General Longxiang Xu Rong and Wu Yi Zhonglang General Gao Lan both rushed to Yingchuan in Yuzhou. It can be seen that Northern Xinjiang is very concerned about Yuzhou, and Li Hong will not give up control of Yuzhou lightly. "Xun Yu said slowly, "If you want to occupy Luoyang, your lord must first control Yuzhou. If you can't live in Yuzhou, you can't go south for a day."

"But the current situation in Jizhou..." Yuan Shao frowned, "Beijiang controls Yuzhou, which means it has the strength to fight on two fronts. If this situation continues, we will not only lose Jizhou, but also lose Opportunity to occupy Luoyang."

"Whether Yuzhou can be controlled or not, the key is not in the northern border, but in Yuan Shu." Tian Feng said, "As long as Yuan Shu is driven out of Jing and Henan, the northern border is no longer a concern."


Episodes 11, 28, and [-] of Records of the Great Han Empire will be released on November [-] at the same time, and will be available in various places in early December.Thank you to all book friends for your love and support, thank you.

Advertisement: "Time Doctor", a book by a friend, please take the time to read it, thank you, I am very grateful.


(End of this chapter)

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