Chapter 484
In May, in the clouds.

After Tuobawei led his troops to escape Baiqushui, the Hu soldiers in Chengle and Wujin lost their support and were immediately surrounded by the Han army.Yan Liang commanded the army to capture Wujin City in only half a day, and then the army directly killed Cheng Le.Cheng Le's thousand Hu soldiers were completely vulnerable to a force several times their own.The four cities south of Baiqushui were quickly recovered by the Han army.

Li Hong commanded the army to go north and stationed in Sayuyuan.In two days, he assembled more than 7 people from Yushi, Yan Liang, Yan Rou, Lou Lu, Pang De, Zhang He and other ministries to launch a strong attack on the Huns rebels on the other side of the Baiqu River.

In order to prevent the Han army from crossing the river, Baimatong deployed 10 troops on the north bank of Baiqushui.At this time, Xu Bu Qiyang, who came to support from Wuyuan County, had already rushed to Yunzhong City with [-] cavalry, and the Hu nationality coalition forces near Yunzhong had reached about [-] troops.Baimatong was very excited after receiving the reinforcements. He told the leaders of the various ministries that now we have [-] cavalry, and with the favorable terrain of two rivers and one city, it is absolutely not a problem to hold on for a month. We can completely block the army of leopards in the clouds .


On the south bank of Baiqu Water, Sayuyuan.

In the early morning, Li Hong Zhuma stood on a small hill, looking at the battlefield in front of him in silence.

The Han army has been crossing the river and attacking for three days, but they have not succeeded in occupying the opposite bank.Now there are three armies crossing the river at the same time in the direction of Sayuyuan. Yushi's army is on the left, Zhang He's army is in the center, and Yan Liang's army is on the right. The three armies are separated by five miles.Yan Liang's army undertook the main attack due to its relatively small damage.Two days ago, Yan Liang commanded the soldiers to rush to the opposite bank several times, but each time they were driven back by the Huns' iron cavalry without a firm foothold.

Insufficient troops are the main reason why the current attack is blocked. However, Li Hong has no way. In order to allow Xu Rong's army to successfully capture Jiuyuan and the Yinshan pass and cut off the retreat of the Hu allied forces, he can only attack continuously at any cost to maintain The huge pressure on the Hu coalition forces forced the Hun rebels in Wuyuan County to support Yunzhong, but if the fight continues like this, the casualties of the Han army will increase, which will seriously affect the subsequent battles.

Have the Xiongnu rebels in Wuyuan County rushed to Yunzhong?Was Zhao Yun's raid successful?Did Xu Rong cross the river smoothly?Li Hong raised his head to look at the blue sky with a heavy heart, feeling anxious.

"Zhongyuan, Gongding, do you think Zilong's iron cavalry has captured Jiuyuan?"

Li Wei said worriedly: "It's hard to say. According to the time calculation, he should have captured Jiuyuan City. However, if the main force of the Xiongnu in Jiuyuan City hadn't supported Yunzhong, Zilong would not have carried out a surprise attack."

"I think Zilong has captured Jiuyuan, and Lord Xu and Lord Qu's army is crossing the north." Zhu Mu said confidently, "Now we have reached the cloud, and the Hu people only need to survive until the rainy season." There is about a month left, so they can only try their best to keep us here, otherwise, once Yunzhong falls, Xubuguduhou will be finished. To achieve this goal, he will definitely send the main force of the Xiongnu in Jiuyuan City to support White horse copper."

Zhu Mu pointed forward with the horsewhip in his hand, looked at Li Hong and said with a smile: "The reinforcements from Jiuyuan have probably arrived in Yunzhong City. Would you like to bet with me?"

Li Hong smiled, waved his hand and said, "I'm penniless, I don't want to gamble anymore, you can gamble with Zhong Yuan."

"I don't gamble." Li Wei said, "If Gongding guesses correctly, we can stop the army from attacking."

"The attack can be suspended now." Zhu Mu hesitated for a moment, and said to Li Hong, "If Zilong has captured Jiuyuan, Baimatong will soon receive news from Xubuguduhou, and he will know immediately. We don't have an army of 10,000+ at all. At that time, he may put all his eggs in one basket and counterattack us with superior forces. For him, as long as he defeats us and drives us back to the south of the Great Wall, he can still achieve his goal. If we lose If this happens, the plan to encircle the Hu allied forces will fail, and Master Xu's northward army will also be isolated and helpless, and he can only withdraw his troops at that time."

"My lord, brother Gongding's worries are very reasonable." Li Wei continued Zhu Mu's words, "We have been fighting continuously for nearly a month, the army has lost a lot, the soldiers are exhausted, and the superiority in strength has long since disappeared. If Baimatong concentrates all its forces to counterattack us, it will be difficult for us to resist. Therefore, I think the army should withdraw from the battle and stick to the south bank of Baiqushui. First, it can reduce casualties and preserve strength. Second, it can also allow the soldiers to take a proper rest. , and at the same time maintain the threat and deterrence of the Hu coalition forces."

Li Wei looked at the thoughtful Li Hong, and continued: "The effect of sticking to the south bank of the Baiqu water is actually the same as crossing the river to attack. Both can put huge pressure on the Hu coalition forces. If we don't attack suddenly, the effect may be better. .”

"Your Excellency must consider that our continuous attack may not be able to lure out the Hun cavalry in Jiuyuan, and Xubu Gudu may give up resistance and lead his army to retreat to the south of Yinshan Mountain." Zhu Mu said, "If the battle situation evolves in this direction If Zilong's surprise attack cannot be realized, and Lord Xu and Lord Qu's army can't cross the north, then our crazy attack regardless of the cost will be meaningless."

Li Hong looked at the two of them, shook his head and said, "The army must not stop attacking until we get the news that Mr. Xu has crossed Hebei. That is to say, we haven't reached the goal of attacking so far."

"What if Baima Tong got the news of Jiuyuan City before us, knew that we were short of troops, and led the army to counterattack, and we were defeated?" Zhu Mu asked, "How will my lord respond?"

"Fight to the point of death." Li Hong said resolutely, "Bai Ma Tong will have to pay an astonishing price if he wants to defeat us. After the decisive battle, his army will be depleted and dying. By then Xu Rong's tens of thousands of troops We can still catch them all and wipe them out.”

Li Wei and Zhu Mu looked at each other silently.

"Chen Hao has crossed the river." Li Hong suddenly shouted in surprise, "Beat the drum, beat the drum to cheer..."


The long arrows on the river were like rain, the piercing screams were thrilling, and the roar of the ballista firing was even more deafening.

Two hundred huge black leather bags carried the assault soldiers and quickly approached the opposite bank.

Holding the shield in one hand and the battle ax upside down in the other, Chen Hao jumped from the huge skin into the half-deep river, "Get into the water, get into the water..."

This is the third time that Chen Hao rushed to the opposite bank today. He was naked from the upper body, and there were two shocking wounds on his sturdy body. There was still half a broken arrow stuck in his back. Blood mixed with river water and sweat kept flowing from his body. Flow down.Hundreds of soldiers jumped into the river after him and rushed towards the river beach.

The remains of Han soldiers who died in battle were everywhere on the beach in the river, and the river was stained red with blood.Chen Hao yelled loudly, while stepping on the corpse of his comrade-in-arms, he rushed to the embankment like flying.

The Huns flocked.

"Kill..." Chen Hao opened his eyes angrily, threw out a shield, and immediately killed the shield. Then he swung his tomahawk, killed one with one axe, and kicked another flying with one leg, "Brothers, kill in, kill in!" Enemy..."

All of a sudden, there were killing sounds everywhere.

Like a mad buffalo, Chen Hao rushed into the battle formation of the Huns with the momentum of a million men, and the soldiers followed behind, fighting bravely.

Captain Wu Xiong rushed to the embankment with the second group of assault soldiers.This group of Han troops began to advance from the left and right wings.Wu Xiong took the lead and charged forward, with the spear flying up and down in his hand, invincible to those who stood in his way.He charged thirty steps in one breath, beheaded sixteen steps, and killed the Huns so badly that they fled in all directions.

A Hun Qianlong shot a cold arrow from thirty steps away, and the long arrow screamed fiercely, nailing Wu Xiong's iron helmet about an inch, and the sharp arrow clusters pierced Wu Xiong's cheek in an instant, and blood overflowed .Wu Xiong howled in pain, and the anger in his heart suddenly exploded, "I killed you..." He rushed towards the Qianchang, and all those who stood in his way were stabbed to death with his spear.Seeing that he not only survived but was even more brave, the Qianchang was furious, greeted him cursing and killed him.Wu Xiong advanced another 11 steps, killed [-] people, then rose into the air, and stabbed the Hun Qianchang with a spear, "Go to hell...".The Qianlong Hun did not show any weakness and stabbed straight with his spear, threatening to die together.Wu Xiong was in the air, and with his left hand, he punched the spear tip of the Hun Chief with all his might, "Kill..." At the same time, a mournful howl rose into the sky, and the Qian Chief of the Hun was nailed to the ground by Wu Xiong's spear.

The Huns were full of anger, roaring towards them, and immediately surrounded Wu Xiong, vowing to kill him to a pulp, and Wu Xiong was so red-eyed that he forgot about life and death, and just buried himself in the bloody battle.Seven spears were in front, five spears were behind, and twelve spears stabbed at Wu Xiong almost at the same time.Wu Xiong knew he was going to die, so he opened his mouth and yelled, "Brothers, kill me...kill..."

With the roar of crossbow arrows, seven Huns flew upside down; with the roar of spears, five heads soared into the sky, and five spears fell to the ground together with five headless corpses.

Gao Shun suddenly appeared in front of Wu Xiong like a god, "Go, go..."

Wu Xiong rushed behind Gao Shun in one stride, and the two retreated back to back, "Brother Ziping, you came so fast."

Gao Shun shot at the Huns who rushed up, and said loudly: "Master Yan has crossed the river to supervise the battle, today we must advance five miles."

"Okay, never die." Wu Xiong saw that his subordinates had already rushed up, and he turned around and shouted, "You left and right, kill..."

Gao Shun swung his spear and killed three more people, "Brothers, keep fighting, follow me to kill, kill up..."

Yan Liang stood on the embankment, looking at the advancing Han soldiers with a stern expression.Every time the Han army crossed the river, they could advance one mile, but every time they advanced one mile, the Huns' iron cavalry would come out and hack and kill wantonly until the Han army was repelled.This time Li Hong ordered him to stop the Huns' iron cavalry at all costs, and to stand firm on the north bank of Baiqushui.Yan Liang didn't say anything, he threw all the pawns up.Success or failure is another matter.

At this time, Wang Dang took the soldiers ashore.

"Heizi, set up an formation five hundred paces away from the embankment." Yan Liang pointed to the battlefield in front of him and said, "It's up to you whether you can stop the Huns' cavalry."

Wang Dang pointed to the densely packed soldiers crossing the river and said, "Don't worry, my lord, with so many brothers supporting us, we will definitely be able to stop them."


The sun is rising, and the rays of light are shining.

Pound took five thousand black panthers and dashed down along the north bank of Baiqushui.

Yesterday, following Li Hong's military order, he secretly left Sayuyuan with the black leopard Yicong. Under the leadership of a guide, he went east along the river for eighty miles, wading across the river at a place with shallow water in the upper reaches of the Baiqu River.After a night of rapid march, the army finally arrived at the battlefield within the time stipulated by Li Hong.

Black Panther Yicong rushed out of the glowing red sun like a ghost.

At this time, the cavalry of the Huns happened to be attacking the infantry of the Han army, and their left flank was completely exposed to the attack of the Black Panther Yicong.Pang De led the army to kill them with overwhelming momentum, and the Huns were caught off guard and killed, crying ghosts and howling wolves, and suffered heavy casualties.Yan Liang looked at the black panther battle flag fluttering in the distance and shook his head in disbelief. Without hesitation, he ordered the whole army to attack immediately, and cooperated with the iron cavalry to pinch the Huns and move forward quickly.

The Huns were quickly defeated by this heavy blow and fled the battlefield in a panic.The failure of the blocking army on the left made Baimatong's strategy of holding on to the Baiqushui a complete failure. In desperation, he had no choice but to order the other two armies to withdraw to Yunzhong City.

In the afternoon, Li Hong commanded the army to cross the river, and the Han army approached Yunzhong City.


Just when the Hu allied forces suffered consecutive defeats, Baimatong received the news from Xubu Guduhou that Jiuyuan City had fallen, and Xu Rong and Qu Yi's army had already begun to cross the north.

Baima Tong was stunned.

"Where is the Great Chanyu?" He asked in panic, pointing to the scout who came to deliver the news, "How did Jiuyuan City get lost? How did it get lost?"

"The Great Chanyu is at Gaoque in Yinshan Mountain." The scout replied, "How the Jiuyuan City was lost, the Great Chanyu doesn't know."

"I don't know?" Bai Matong said angrily with wide-eyed eyes, "He doesn't even know why Jiuyuan City was lost? Isn't he in Jiuyuan City?"

"That day a Han Chinese cavalry suddenly came outside Jiuyuan City..." The scout was terrified when he saw the murderous look of the white horse copper, and hurriedly explained the events of those two days in detail, and finally he said, "We It’s still not clear where the Han cavalry came from.”

Baimatong, Tuobayan and Xukui heard that all the troops staying in Jiuyuan City and the cities along the river were wiped out, and their faces turned pale with fright.Wuyuan County has now been completely lost except for the Yinshan Pass, and the army has been surrounded by the Han army in the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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