Chapter 244 I... I'm not nervous!

"Lin Chuan, you have no heart."

"We've all asked that, but you still look calm."

"Can you give me a word?"

Lin Chuan: "Tomorrow's physics competition, do you want to lose?"

"No no no!"

"We don't ask anymore, don't ask anymore, you have to take the exam well, well, Ye Dashen, you have to take the exam too, we will rely on you two!"

Lin Chuan added a sentence to their words: "There is also Zuo Xi."

"Yes, yes, yes, there is also our sister Xi, and our sister Xi's physics is not bad!"

Zuo Xi was finally persuaded by Liu Beibei to come back. After all, he had only done a little homework, so he had to do it. He had to go to the competition tomorrow, so it was impossible to do homework in the morning.

When they went back, the class was already very quiet, and both of them tiptoed around.

However, when Zuo Xi sat on his seat and breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Liang Heng and Shao Ziyi staring again.

Zuo Xi: "..."

These two bastards, do homework, ok?

Coincidentally meeting Shi Yuanyuan's gaze, Zuo Xi said to her, "Do you have a question to ask?"

Shi Yuanyuan struggled with it for a long time just now, and she didn't start writing. It is true that there is a topic and she can't.

Then she came to Zuo Xi with the topic and pen.

Zuo Xi gave Shi Yuanyuan a topic, Liang Heng and Shao Ziyi stopped staring at Zuo Xi, and Zuo Xi eased the embarrassment.

When he came back from school at night, Zuo Xi faced another scene where his face was blushing and his heart was beating.

Because, she wants to walk home alone with Lin Chuan!
This section of the road is unusually long.

Lin Chuan carried two schoolbags on his back and walked very slowly.

Even if Zuo Xi moved forward at his slowest speed, he was still a little bit ahead of Lin Chuan.

About one step away.

When she first crossed over, she obviously couldn't even keep up with a trot.

Surprisingly quiet, Zuo Xi kept thinking about what he wanted to say to Lin Chuan, even if it was to ease the atmosphere a little.

Thinking about it, he suddenly tripped under his feet, Zuo Xi was frightened to death, closed his eyes tightly, and resigned himself to falling to the ground.

But in the next second, he felt his waist tighten, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already crashed into Lin Chuan's arms.

Lin Chuan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and saved her.

There was a blush on Zuo Xi's face, and she felt a hot hand on her waist very sensitively, and she stammered: "Thank you...thank you."

"Thank you, don't be nervous, I won't eat you again."

Zuo Xi raised his head and hurriedly said, "I... I'm not nervous!"

Lin Chuan gave a low laugh, he wasn't nervous, it was really duplicity.

He let go of her waist, then ran a hand through her hair.

A few goose-feather-like snowflakes suddenly floated down in the air.

Lin Chuan took one piece with his hand, and said, "Let's go, it's snowing, we have to get up early tomorrow."

Zuo Xi raised his head, looked at the snowflakes all over the sky, and couldn't help sighing: "It's so beautiful."

Lin Chuan listened and suggested, "Why don't we go back after seeing the snow?"

"No need, no need." Zuo Xi waved his hand.

"Don't you think it looks good?"

Zuo Xi: "That's not watching it now, let's go home."

Lin Chuan's cold hadn't recovered for many days, and it was the same if he went home and looked through the window if it was snowing outside.

As he spoke, Zuo Xi pushed Lin Chuan forward with both hands.


It snowed all night, and on the second day, the whole Ancheng was covered.

In the early morning, someone was already driving a small truck to sprinkle salt on the road.

Today's sanitation workers also get up very early, and they have to clear the road before going to work.

(End of this chapter)

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