san francisco landowner

Chapter 433 Convergence

Chapter 433 Convergence
Rockefeller-Gauwen, one of the ten oldest families in the United States, is a direct descendant of Rockefeller. He was originally the third heir of the family, but on the day Gawain came of age, he voluntarily gave up his right to inherit.

The reason, of course, is that he has become an ability user. After being exposed to the third world, how can he care about a family consortium in the secular world?

As long as one's own strength is strong enough, not to mention a Rockefeller, even if the ten ancient families are all together, he will take it as he says, and destroy it as he says.

Lei Di is his role model!
It's just a pity that when Rockefeller-Gowan entered the Third Security Bureau, by accident, he became the subordinate of Representative Hill-Biggins.

However, this congressman's political views were completely different from those of Lei Di. Over time, under the influence of Hill Biggins, Gao Wen also began to dislike Lei Di.

The former idol has become a powerful barbarian who is brave but not scheming, uses public tools for private use, and is selfish!
I have to say that Hill-Biggins really has a way of leading people. He can change a person's three views without a sound, which can be said to moisten things silently.

This time in the Abyss of Darkness, Rockefeller-Gao Wen did his part to be the leader, because his ability to awaken is an extremely rare shadow ability!

The so-called shadow is the place where the sun does not shine, or the shadow cast by the sun

In this abyss of darkness, he is really like a fish in water. An extremely simple and rough sneak is like melting into the darkness, and outsiders can't notice it at all.

And with the help of the shadow ability, although he can't see clearly, he can truly perceive the situation in the distance. This distance is 70 meters!He believed that under his leadership, he would be able to achieve something in the Abyss of Darkness.

"Captain Gao Wen, this laser lighting device is not as good as your shadow perception. I don't think this thing is useful at all."

Gao Wen had a natural smile on his face, but he shook his head and said, "Of course, to me, this is just a useless decoration, but it is very important to you. The Abyss of Darkness has a heavy responsibility, if there is an accident, I may not be able to take care of you."

The team led by Gao Wen was a large team, with a total of 17 people. Among these people, besides Gao Wen, there were a few people whose abilities were biased towards the dark, but their combat power was relatively low, and there were also a few whose combat power was directly chasing the flames. Queen Nanas is far superior to Gao Wen, but Gao Wen is still the captain who speaks for himself. Who made his abilities so suitable for this ghostly place?

A few high-strength white comrades snorted softly, their faces full of displeasure, if it wasn't for the sake of the crystal skull, they went to beat them up in the morning, and let him pretend to be aggressive here?
"The Flame Queen Nanas' team and the Holy See's team have already set off two hours ahead of us. Let's discuss, should we hurry up and catch up with them, or let them take the lead and eliminate the danger for us?"

After all, Gao Wen came from a big family, and he did things in a logical manner. When many capable people heard this, they subconsciously considered these two situations.

Under the premise of safety first and Crystal Skull second, everyone quickly seconded the second choice.

"Then let's walk slowly." Gawain took the lead and walked forward with a confident face, "With my shadow perception, even if we catch up to them, we can stop before they find us!"

A group of people walked along the cliff, except for Gao Wen, they all stumbled, and from time to time, they would guess the fine and sharp stones, which made them feel awkward.

"My shadow perception tells us that there is no danger nearby." Gao Wen felt very sour in his heart. Several capable users behind him didn't give him a good face before. Now, aren't they just following behind him?

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

Gao Wen had a smile on his face, but his shadow perception was non-stop.

what is that?
Gao Wen's shadow perception suddenly felt hot, as if a sun had suddenly entered his shadow perception.

"This temperature, could it be the Flame Queen?" Gawain was a little surprised, and was about to discuss it with the people behind, when he saw the hazy fire light on the left, which seemed to shine through the darkness.

"Huh? Is it Nanas, the flame queen?"

"Have we caught up with them?"

"Hmph, didn't you say you would stop before catching up with them? Why didn't you stop?"

Gao Wen was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Nanas and the people from the Holy See went down the Abyss of Darkness two hours earlier than them. Logically speaking, no matter how slow they walked, they shouldn't have met them so early. what.

Gao Wen was about to explain a few words, when he heard the thunder explosion from the left, his heart skipped a beat, and he shouted: "No, there is a battle!"

Several comrades with high combat power rushed over.

Huge wind blades, dazzling flames, and rough ground thorns rushed over there one after another, but in the next moment, the darkness seemed to be dominated by people, turning into giant arrows, battle axes, blunt knives, and iron guns, and the mountains and mountains rushed to the side. Come over and crush all the wind blades, fireballs, and ground thorns to pieces.

But at this moment, Gao Wen spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

His shadow perception ability is relying on the darkness. At this moment, the darkness is dominated by others. His shadow perception, no matter how difficult it is to attach, was directly kicked out by a rough kick. He immediately felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and his brain was dizzy. He didn't faint directly. It can be regarded as his determination is relatively firm.

"It's Hill Biggins' team!"

Nanas also quickly saw Gao Wen and the others, who had been detected by Lawrs one step ahead, and finally had hope in her eyes.

"Join!" Nanas yelled, and the terrifying black world-destroying flame exploded to the side like fireworks.

The world-destroying flames with a high temperature of more than 2000 degrees can't be swallowed even by the dark space, and it dissolves like snow in spring.

Bond rushed over immediately.

Sid Ben in the back, at this moment, his face is extremely dark, and his back is even more torn, and he can even see the white spine and the internal organs behind the spine!

And Lei Di's lightning has been stimulating his body's activity, otherwise this kind of injury, even Jing Qi, is probably more ominous.

"Hehe, there are too many people here, but it's useless, hahaha..." Lawers was not worried. He manipulated the darkness, and countless huge black weapons shot out from the darkness.

"Giant blade!"

"Iron Fist!!"

"Earth Wall!"

"Hand of the Hurricane!"

Boom! !
The high-strength fighters of Gao Wen's team brazenly confronted the black blade, and the battle started violently.

Captain Gao Wen was dragged into hiding by several ability users. At this time, he was completely a burden.

"Flame Queen, what's going on, who is he?!" Gawain asked with a headache.

"It's the black mist old devil, Rauls! Somehow, this guy can control the darkness here. Be careful, everyone, we fight while retreating. Here, we can't defeat him!" Nanas gasped. Rough, long wine-red hair was disheveled behind him, his face was dripping with sweat, half tired, half heart palpitations.

"Laurus, the old demon of the black mist? I know. He took advantage of the lax defense to sneak in here, but unexpectedly... Wait, did he get the Crystal Skull?" Burning desire.

Hearing this sentence, Nanas secretly thought that something was wrong.

Sure enough, in the next moment, several high-strength fighters went mad.

"Laurs? Hahahaha, hand over the crystal skull, or you will be ashamed!"

"Sangou Fubite! Lawrs, hand over the crystal skull, this is not the power you should have!"

"What nonsense, just kill him!"

Nanas at the back was so angry that she wanted to pour the flame of destroying the world on Gao Wen's head. This is really a pig's brain. Isn't it courting death to say such provocative words at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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