san francisco landowner

Chapter 378 Changbai Mountain

Chapter 378 Changbai Mountain

After Allen left, the battle turned sharply on the side of the black mist.

With the addition of the Flame Queen, who is so aggrieved, the other capable users will be miserable. They are really burnt to the ground by her, leaving behind a large pile of charred corpses, and a few of them flee into the dark. Fog fled.

As for the new black mist old devil Rauls, good guy, he was beaten by Jing Qi for a full hour before he found a chance to escape underground, and then he got into the sewer before he escaped smoothly. He didn't know the heart of this battle How many square meters has the shadow area accumulated.

After Lawrs left, the black mist around the building did not disappear.

These black mist are a star array developed by the Black Mist Office. As long as the formation is not broken, these black mist will always exist.

The astral formation is not the same as the oriental five-element formation, so even Jing Qi, who was inherited by the ancient Qing Emperor, can't figure it out. Fortunately, Nanas, the flame queen, has a bad temper and drives the flames to scramble at any disagreement. Walking through the black mist, directly burned the six base points of the star array into charcoal, and violently cracked the star array!

Although many people died on the other side, the Third Security Bureau is not optimistic. Not one of the American ace special forces is left, and the Matrix Technology Building is also destroyed like a hundred thousand dogs running past. , This destruction... It seems that more than half of it is the work of Flame Queen Nanas.

Fortunately, the Crystal Skull was successfully protected, which is a blessing in misfortune!
This battle also made Jing Qi, who has always kept a low profile, famous in the Third Security Bureau!

Although Rauls, the old devil of the black mist, is not as strong as the old old devil of the black mist, he is still the "old devil of the black mist".

When the black mist dissipated and the Matrix Technology Building reappeared in the eyes of outsiders, it was riddled with holes, scorched and ugly, just like a disaster caused by the combination of a magnitude-less earthquake and a magnitude-[-] fire.

"Oh, God, the foundations of that building are cracked. Was there an earthquake last night? But why don't I feel anything?"

"It should be a fire! Look at the roof...Huh? Why do you feel that this building is missing two floors?"

"How is it possible! You must have read it wrong!"

"No, I counted the floors before, and now I counted them again, and there are indeed two floors missing!"

"Haha, I guess the project failed and was directly 'amputated'!"

"Isn't it burnt clean by the fire? You can see how black the top layer is, it's like a volcano has erupted! That's right, I went to an extinct volcano in Japan last vacation, and the scene there is just like here Same!"

Facing the public's suspicion, Washington City Hall responded immediately. All this was caused by the failure of an experiment of Matrix Technology, which not only caused huge economic losses, but also caused many staff members to die in this experiment disaster. In the middle, the government expressed its heartache and sadness, and will pursue the legal responsibility of Matrix Technology Company according to law!
Of course, these are common means to confuse the public. What about pursuing the legal responsibility of Matrix Technology, bah, behind Matrix Technology is the Third Security Bureau, you try to pursue one?
That's all to deceive the kind, ignorant and simple American people!

Jing Qi won a large American honorary citizen pennant, and then flew to Jilin Province of Yan Kingdom without stopping to meet Ji Xuanyi.

Three days later, the two finally met in a small ticket shop at the foot of Changbai Mountain!

The moment Ji Xuan saw Jing Qi, his whole body went bad.

"You...don't you? This is too fast!!!"

Ji Xuanyi can naturally see that Jing Qi at this time has gone further and further on the path of innateness, and he is no worse than himself.

Back then, well, last year, the gap between Jing Qi and himself was like sky and earth, cloud and mud, but now...

The past is unbearable!

What have I been doing for half a year?

This thought suddenly flashed across Ji Xuanyi's mind.

On the way here, Jing Qi has been condensing his spiritual consciousness all the time. At this moment, his spiritual consciousness is already solid and complete, and he has vaguely sensed that Ji Xuanyi's strength is only slightly stronger than his own, but the gap is infinitely close.

Jing Qi smiled and said, "Luck, luck."

Ji Xuan smiled wryly, and asked, "Could it be a crystal skull?"

Jing Qi nodded: "That's right, I accidentally let the Crystal Skull practice for a while, you have to keep it a secret from me."

There is nothing to shy away from Ji Xuanyi, he is such a smart person, even though he is asking Jing Qi, but he has already confirmed in his heart that it must be the help of the crystal skull.

Of course, this can't be said to those guys in the United States, otherwise those scientists, researchers, and capable people would have to bother him every day?
Ji Xuan sighed: "Jing Qi, I am more and more sure now that you must be the legendary Son of Heaven, the Son of the Century, um, or the son of Lady Luck."

Jing Qi rolled his eyes, I'm still Lady Luck's old friend!

"By the way, how's the situation up there? Have you gone up?" Jing Qi asked.

Ji Xuan shook his head: "Not yet, after all, it's about the spirit beasts of the water clan, even if it's me, I wouldn't dare to go down to Tianchi alone!"

Changbai Mountain Tianchi is known as the lake with the highest altitude in Yanguo, and it is also the deepest lake!

No one knows how deep this is.

Tianchi is more than 2000 meters above sea level, but who can guarantee that the depth of Tianchi is only 2000 meters?

Maybe 3000 meters, maybe 4000 meters!
Such a deep lake cannot be compared with ordinary oceans.

Jing Qi looked around, there were a lot of sincere people, tourists and reporters everywhere, gathered in twos and threes and pointed at the top, as if they were plotting how to sneak up by bypassing the cordon.

But they are destined to be disappointed, because at the foot of Changbai Mountain, there is indeed a cordon and simple security guards, but 500 meters further up, there are armed police soldiers, and 500 meters further up, there are capable people guarding the Ninth Office of Yan Kingdom up.

Let alone a human, even a fly...the fly can't fly more than 1000 meters, right? ……perhaps.

"When are we going up?" Jing Qi asked.

"The sooner the better, the Changbai Mountain incident has attracted the attention of the whole country. The longer it takes, the worse it will be. It will be good for us to resolve it as soon as possible." Ji Xuanyi looked at Jing Qi's dusty appearance and said with a smile, "Do you want to rest? one night?"

"Go away, I'm in good spirits."

"Then let's go now!"

Jing Qi was chatting with Ji Xuanyi when suddenly there were a few sarcastic voices from the side.

"Fools, who do you think you are? You can go up if you want? Even the son of our elder brother who is the deputy minister of defense can't go up! You? Hehe..."

"Hey, I guess they are fishing for girls, second brother, don't destroy them."

These few people are a powerful second-generation tourist group, composed of the second-generation officials, the second-generation rich, and the second-generation stars, but here, no matter how big their father is, how much money they have, or how many fans they have, they all hit a wall , desperately waiting here unwillingly.

Jing Qi and Ji Xuan glanced back at them, then turned their heads and stared for a while, shaking their heads and smiling wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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