Kuai Chuan Zhi becomes a boss in the collapsed world

Chapter 185 May I be like a star and a king like the moon

Chapter 185 May I be like a star and a king like the moon

In the autumn of the 13th year of the Liang State, the Regent Tantaiyue and the Weishui Prefecture Commandant jointly went north to attack the Hulu people. In the winter of the same year, the Chu State sent troops to support the Liang State's army.

The Hu people were defeated at the foot of Yandang Mountain, the glorious era of Beirong cavalry has come to an end, and the history of Dongjun being enslaved by Beirong for 20 years has finally come to an end.

When someone recalls that protracted battle, it is inevitable to think of the female general who outnumbered ten.

Dressed in black and silver armor, the tall girl is holding a long sword, graceful as a frightened bird, graceful as a dragon swimming.

When she rushed into the densely packed Bei Rong army, it was as if a god of killing quickly broke through the opponent's siege, and drove straight in, almost immediately setting a very good vanguard example for Liang Guo's soldiers.

This female God of War is majestic and murderous. Some people say that this girl is actually the secret weapon of His Excellency the Regent. Only the soldiers who came to the battlefield knew that this girl is the fiancee of their commander Tantai Yue.

Tantaiyue originally refused to let her go to the front line, how could he have the heart to let the person he put on top of his heart shed his blood, but she said that she didn't want to be that bird in a cage, a dodder flower.

"Huaiyue, don't worry, I will come back safely."

He planned and I was the only one who planned the layout under the tent, and his girl went to the battlefield without hesitation to win thousands of miles for him.

Tantai Yue may not agree with every choice Mu Xuan makes, but he respects it.

He knew that his sweetheart was eager to conquer all directions for him, and Tantai thought more and more about ending the war sooner, so that they could meet his deceased relatives in the hometown of Dongjun.

Mu Xuan will still resonate with the souls of the dead because of the ruthless war. When the smoke of the war is everywhere, and the flying sand and rocks are flying, Mu Xuan can see strands of the souls of the dead drifting away along the smoke and dust. They are more or less at a loss. It didn't take long to realize.

They are dead.

Another chance, but also to fight to regain the homeland.

A large part of these soldiers came from Dongjun, and some were slaves. In fact, the soldiers had the same idea as the common people, that is, they hoped that the government would be stable and the country would be unified, so that they could disarm and return to the fields.

But such a beautiful picture requires sacrifice, and they are the pioneers.

The soldiers looked around in a daze, looking back at the past, they were invincible for the regent they were loyal to.

Also for making meritorious deeds, and some became soldiers for military pay, when they died on the battlefield.

Soldiers, become heroes.

Well deserved.

As winter comes, Yandang Mountain is covered with ice and snow, and the snow peaks next to Cangzhou stand tall, and let the white snow cover them with silver, plain and cold.

When the Weishui River broke through the ice, Fu Yao suddenly didn't want to go home. She waited in the city of Weizhou, staring at the celebration of the solemn city from martial law to relaxation, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the coming summer, Huaiyang City's Huachao Festival will definitely be crowded with people, and she very much hopes to guess lantern riddles with Sister Xuan.

Fu Yao kowtowed in front of the Buddha again and again, begging the Buddha to bless her elder sister Xuan to be safe and well, not to lose arms or legs, and pray that those vicious barbarians would return to the other side of Yandang Mountain in desperation.

Muxuan had just arrived in the county town of East County, and the formerly prosperous county town had become sparsely populated. When she brought the army into the city, the Liang people who had been enslaved by the Bei Rong for a long time knelt down on the ground, and some of them even burst into tears.

They thought that they would not be able to wait for the Central Plains Kingdom to send troops to save them from the fire and water, but unexpectedly, they did.

When Muxuan arrived at the place where Tantai's family used to be, it was dark and rainy, and the rain was mixed with hail. Even though Dongjun had the word "East", it was located in the northwest of Liangguo.

The winter here is long and cold, and the summer is like spring. Unlike other places in the Northwest, Dongjun is backed by Yushan Mountain, which is rich in products, water and soil support people, and business is also prosperous.

Many literati and poets have walked out of here. They chanted the scenery outside the Great Wall and described and imagined the beautiful scenery of the Central Plains.

In Liang Guo's imperial examinations, half of the Jinshi came from Dongjun, which is such a land of outstanding writers. It was trampled by barbaric civilization and turned into mud and dust in the wheel of history.

The people inside have endured 20 years of hard life as slaves, but the emperor of the Central Plains was at ease, thinking that the Beirong people had sucked up the flesh and blood of Dongjun, and the city of Bianjing would not be in danger of turmoil.

They are just some disorderly people, so said the first emperor. At that time, he asked the immortals, obsessed with the pursuit of immortality.

The alchemist suggested that build a huge altar and offer sacrifices in it so that you can reach the heavens and express your pious wishes.

The heavens were moved, and the holy light would naturally come down. At that time, His Majesty can become an immortal and enjoy the blessing of equaling heaven forever.

The prototype of the dark field is actually the altar suggested by the alchemist. After the death of the first emperor, the altar no longer flowed with blood, and no innocent virgins were sacrificed with their throats cut like chickens and ducks.

But the good times didn't last long, Tantai Yue's health became worse and worse, and the places he neglected were gradually controlled by the elites in the capital. The dark field was born amid blood and greed, to make fun of the elites and earn benefits for them.

The round altar began to swallow blood again, and the rich and powerful children found that when they watched the slaves fight on the field, they felt an indescribable pleasure from their hearts, as if every pore had been opened, as if the soul had obtained the nectar and jade dew .

The dark field is getting more and more prosperous.

The slaves used as playthings to kill each other have begun to surpass the death row, and the powerful have extended their claws to innocent civilians.

Just at this time, Qi Guo was defeated.

A large number of captives and refugees were forced to migrate thousands of miles to strange countries. They should have been resettled or asked to reclaim land somewhere and choose trees to live in.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the aristocratic families in Bianjing City tacitly knew that these refugees were sold into the dark field by means of their means.

Originally, even a defeated country shouldn't humiliate the common people like this, but the political struggle in the Liang country is fierce. Many aristocratic families seem to support the royal family on the surface, but they don't know how many nasty things they have done in this high-sounding name behind their backs.

In the original plot, the secret of the dark field was placed on the bright side of the six countries. The other four countries had a legitimate reason, and they were almost connected into a thread and twisted into a rope. , but the reason why this seed didn't germinate was because a regent was trying his best to deal with the bad government.

When Tantai died in Cangzhou, the city of Bianjing had already been captured by the heroine, and the aristocratic family still wanted to reprimand Xue Fanyin, the bustard, Sichen. In this fertile soil, you can talk to you noble children with a bright smile.

When you get it, you naturally don't hold back.

Those who oppose it will be killed, and those who do not object will also be killed. Anyway, they are just a group of ants.

In the plot, when Xue Fanyin said this, disdain was mixed with malice.

(End of this chapter)

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