Kuai Chuan Zhi becomes a boss in the collapsed world

Chapter 168 May I be like a star and a king like the moon

Chapter 168 May I be like a star and a king like the moon

Earn, earn, earn!

I can't make so much money in this life, it's all gold...

The bustard's eyes on Xue Fanyin are no longer in awe and fear of the master, but the panic of worrying about things being revealed has been replaced by great ecstasy.

The old bustard fell into the infinite longing for gold and silver treasures, she had forgotten that the person above was the master who originally controlled her life and death.

The old bustard is greedy for profit, and his mind is full of: What kind of master, that's a cash cow!
In the small courtyard, Tantai became more and more restless, Mu Xuan went out for a day and hadn't come back yet.

Does she even know who she is?

Going to the brothel to rescue some girl from the Fu family, I don't know who thought she was Fu Yao's most loyal guard.

Tantai Yue held back his anger, and ordered to gather people to wait outside Wangchun Pavilion.

He went to fetch her home himself.

In the sheriff's mansion, the sheriff, who was over forty years old with a gloomy face, suddenly got up from the desk and turned over a pile of pens, ink, paper and inkstones and official documents.

"It's unreasonable! That woman is actually a spy from Southern Border. Fortunately, she also swore that the regent's life will not be long, and as long as he is captured here, he can claim credit from His Majesty..."


"The old man has been tricked! That old man Xu Feng may be staring at this opportunity and trying to pull me off the horse." The sheriff paced back and forth, talking to himself.

The counselor who was waiting on the side suddenly said: "My lord, why don't you... you submit the paper now and accuse Commandant Xu of collaborating with the enemy and treason? Compared with reporting the news about the regent, this is safer."

The sheriff stared at the counselor, sometimes suspicious, sometimes hesitant.

The counselor suppressed the hatred in his eyes, and said flatteringly: "Think about it, the regent has been in Weizhou City for several days, and he just reported it now. Even if there is a delay in the urgent news of eight hundred miles, His Majesty will rule you alone. The accusation of cover-up... It's better not to release it first, let's wait and see what happens, and get Xu Feng done first."

"You're right, the regent and the present, maybe which one will be the final winner." The sheriff thought about it, stroking his beard and smiling treacherously.

"You can't let that old man seize the opportunity. You can arrange it now and spread the news to the Beirong army stationed outside the city. What is his Xu family? Isn't it because His Majesty gave him the military power here, hehehe..."

"Xu Feng, Xu Feng, just wait for the whole family to be executed. Collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, colluding with spies, do you like this crime?" The county guard was full of ambition, and seemed to have thought of the scene of his deadly enemy lying dead in the wilderness, which was so satisfying.

Seeing the sheriff's slightly crazy look, the counselor's eyes flashed darkly, and he sneered in his heart: As the head of a county, I have already colluded with Beirong, kneeling and licking those barbarians who murdered and set fire, how could I have the face to say that others Collaboration?

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The Beirong iron cavalry, ready to go, drew out their long knives, and they were about to dye their knives with fresh blood. The tyrannical belligerence factor boiled and burned in their blood, and the plunder and cruelty in their blood stimulated them to continue fighting. Siege and massacre the city.

As long as Weizhou City is conquered, there will be women, treasures, and fertile supplies.

The Khan of the Beirong tribe is in Yating, north of Yandang Mountain. There are large and small oases scattered there, with lush water and grass, but they are not good at planting.

They need to conquer and kill to maintain the continuation of the race.

When the gate of Wangchun Pavilion was knocked open by soldiers in fine armor holding spears, Xue Fanyin had already been photographed.

She was pressed on the Ya acupoint by Mu Xuan, and she could not speak, nor could she see.

The indifference of being pampered for many years and going smoothly has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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