Chapter 1061 Extra Story (Another World 6)

Qin Junyi's footsteps only paused a little, but he didn't look back.

Seeing this, the person behind stomped his feet unwillingly, and then stepped forward in three or two steps, trying to grab Qin Junyi's arm, but Qin Junyi dodged it deftly.

"May I ask what you want?" Qin Junyi finally turned his head and saw a very fashionable girl behind him.

"Didn't you hear me calling you just now?" The girl looked at Qin Junyi impatiently, as if she was very dissatisfied with his neglect just now.

"I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to leave just now, so I didn't notice." Qin Junyi still had a faint but alienated smile on his face.

"Forget it, Miss Ben is magnanimous, so I won't argue with you." The girl looked Qin Junyi up and down for a long time, and then asked arrogantly,

"You are Qin Junyi, right?"


"My name is Dong Qi," the girl raised her head, her eyes full of arrogance, "You should have heard of the Dong family, right? I am the eldest lady of the Dong family."

Contrary to Dong Qi's imagination, Qin Junyi did not show the surprise and flattery that other people felt after hearing the news, but still had an indifferent expression:

"If Miss Dong doesn't have anything particularly important, I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute," although Dong Qi was a little dissatisfied with Qin Junyi's attitude, but found it more interesting, "I said, Miss Ben has taken a fancy to you."

"It's an honor, you have the opportunity to be this lady's man."

Dong Qi looked smug, as if she had given Qin Junyi such a great gift that she almost made Qin Junyi kneel down to thank the Lord for his kindness.

Although this Qin Junyi is a man of the hour in this school, not only because of his excellent grades, but also because it is said that he is a very difficult man to deal with.

Almost every girl who confessed to him was rejected, so this piqued Dong Qi's interest.She still doesn't believe that Qin Junyi can refuse her?

"I'm sorry, Miss Dong." Unexpectedly, Qin Junyi rejected Dong Qi's refusal very indifferently, "I don't plan to fall in love, please ask Miss Dong to find someone else."

One sentence made Dong Qi's face down instantly, with disbelief in his eyes,

"Why? actually rejected me? Do you have a girlfriend?"

How could anyone refuse her?Not to mention that her appearance is enough to arouse the impulse of a bunch of men, just talking about her family background is enough for a bunch of men to rush forward one after another.

She has always been the only one who rejects others, but now this Qin Junyi actually rejected her?How dare he?

Dong Qi was trembling with anger, but Qin Junyi acted as if he couldn't see, nodded politely towards Dong Qi, then turned and left mercilessly.

Dong Qi looked at Qin Junyi's back very unwillingly, stomped her feet vigorously, and a flash of inevitability flashed in her eyes:
The person she Dong Qi wants will never miss.It's just a little man, and she will definitely make him kneel at her feet in the future, repenting for what she did today.

Thinking of this, Dong Qi's expression eased, and she took the phone next to her and dialed a number:
"Hey, that's right, it's me. Tell you, I want you to help me investigate a person..."

(End of this chapter)

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