Chapter 797
It is unrealistic for the king of Chu to declare that he will not interfere with the state of Song. The situation is not yet stable, and all countries are still waiting to see Wei Han's attitude. The king of Chu must also face tremendous pressure from the nobles internally.

But those who were sent out for surveying and mapping had agreed at the beginning that they were in order to inherit Dayu's legacy and that nothing had to do with war, which was recognized by all countries.

The king of Chu can still order to prohibit the harm in this matter, but he has not issued an order now, I am afraid it is the meaning of the Mohists to appease the nobles: whether to fight or not, it is unknown, please stay calm and don't be impatient.

The meaning of self-suffering to the extreme is also simple and clear, to control violence with violence, to fight terror with terror, and to fight killing with killing.

Violence is sometimes the best way to control violence, just like robbery and murder. It is useful to be reasonable, but it is more effective to impose the death penalty after being caught.

The important thing is that the Mo family does have the ability to rely on assassins to kill nobles, so I thought about it and said: "This is indeed a way."

"On the one hand, we are negotiating with the King of Chu, and on the other hand, we are threatening with terror. If he dares to kill our people, we will kill them. The nobles may not be united."

"As long as they are not aligned, then this matter will have a lot to do."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and it was true, as long as the nobles were not in harmony, there would be room for manipulation.

If the king of Chu ordered that no harm be done, if all the nobles unite to force Chu Mo to go to war, it would be useless no matter what.

But as long as someone backs down because of this death threat, the meaning of this matter is different. If a few nobles choose to do it, the King of Chu can use the reason of disobeying the king's order to clean up the nobles, which happens to centralize power.

This matter needs to be done quickly, since the emperor's father Yueling is covered with blood, then this is also a chicken to make an example of others.

At that time, Tian Wu slaughtered Wucheng in order to slow down Sishang's pursuit. The warning of Tian Wu's shooting was for the world's princes and doctors to consider the consequences and not to do the thing of massacring the city lightly.

Execution of the emperor's father Yueling today was more of a deterrent than it was an overkill to make the high-ranking nobles trampled under their feet by the bottom.

If the nobles are not united, they may not necessarily dare to be martyred. As long as they have not completely turned their faces, they will not dare to kill the Mo family.

After discussing the internal affairs of Sishang, he mentioned the aftermath of the Song Dynasty this time, that is, the hundred schools of thought entered the Song Dynasty, and the separation of powers and self-government.


Since the big debate four or five years ago, people from the peasant family have been resident in Sishang. Some of the peasant children have joined the Mohist family, while others have inherited and developed the morality of the peasant family.

In the chaos of the Song Dynasty this time, the peasants were also considered to be trendy people.

The developed farm morality and Mohist morality gradually began to diverge, and this gap existed from the very beginning and could not be bridged.

Taking the village community in Sishang as an example, the popularization of the cooperative system has made farmers see another possibility.

But the Mohists believe that Sishang is not enough to serve as an example for the whole world, because Sishang has enough military strength and holds political power, so it can be so.

Most of the farmers in other parts of the world are trapped on the land, and their understanding of the will of righteousness is not enough to support them to directly cross this hurdle.

In other words, Sishang believes that the annexation of land in the Song Dynasty, the people who lost their land and fled to work, and the number of migrant workers and hired workers are increasing. This is a thing that is beneficial to the world and supports it.

But in Sishang, in order to ensure the number of soldiers, and when conditions permit, the form of the village community can be gradually changed through cooperation: that is, the centralized use of land is correct, but in whose hands the land is concentrated is a problem.

The model that the peasant family expected at the beginning is that the sages and the people work side by side, and there is no price difference between the market and the merchant. The amount of labor is used as an equivalent to carry out non-profit exchanges. In this way, no one will suffer, and it will be truly fair.

This is also due to the differences in the interests of the classes represented by the two parties.

Since the Mohist took over, it has represented the interests of handicraftsmen, small urban citizens, and businessmen. The main force of the soldiers is handicraftsmen and self-cultivating farmers, and their vision for the future is to expand abroad, through land acquisition and market development, to overcome the difficult " Cotton eats people" and "silkworms eat people".

The peasant family initially represented the interests of the landless peasants. These peasants suffered triple exploitation, especially in places other than Sishang, where they were exploited by nobles, princes, and land lords, and by merchants who manipulated prices. Suffering from the dumping of Sishang handicraft products.

It is not unreasonable for them to oppose and hate merchants: merchants earn high profits like salt by colluding with nobles. On the verge of a bankruptcy escape.

Song State is too close to Sishang, and the suffering of the new era will be staged in Song State sooner. For example, a large number of lands near Sishang are merged and used for business operations to provide agricultural products and raw materials needed by Sishang; The matter is also an attitude of acquiescence and even support, because Sishang lacks cheap labor force population, Song State annexed land, Sishang developed industry and commerce while stabilizing the cornerstone of soldiers in Sishang, killing two birds with one stone.

This is the difference between the peasant family and the Mohists, and it is also the interest represented by the peasant family after development: farmers who have no land and lost land due to various reasons.

I feel that the idea of ​​an equal amount of labor being exchanged so that there is no price difference between buyers and sellers is a standard fantasy, but they are not wrong for their self-proclaimed true egalitarians, but this is not feasible, and it does not conform to the current situation of unlimited markets and unlimited land. .

After that great debate, the farmers saw a new road, that is, the road of the village cooperative system on Sishang. The process to go.

Because there was a public land system before.

The poem said: Hey, he became a king, and he showed the falsehood.Leading time farmers, sowing hundreds of grains.Jun Fa Er private, end thirty miles.Yifu Ergeng, ten thousand dimensional coupling.

This kind of collective labor under the well field system still has a strong remnant in the village community. If this is the case, can we directly jump to the Sishang model?
For example, propaganda and agitation in the village community, directly launching riots, taking advantage of the fact that a large number of landless farmers in the Song Dynasty gathered in the cities, directly rioting and seizing power, by assassinating nobles and arming farmers, all in one step.

In this regard, the Nongjia and Sishang had communicated, but Sishang's attitude was very clear and he made severe criticisms. The relationship between the Nongjia and the Mohists was very unhappy.

Shi Ye painstakingly talked with Xu Xi, the leader of the Peasant School, and said that Sishang's situation cannot be replicated.

First, at the beginning of the Mohist uprising, there were four or five hundred foundations that gathered the essence of the world.

Second, the struggle between Wei and Chu for hegemony and the struggle between Qi and Yue provided enough space for the development of Mohism in Sishang.

Third, the Mohists first liberated a large number of self-cultivating farmers, distributed their land, and then gradually used profits to induce them to choose the cooperative system.

Fourth, relying on a small number of people to conspire to assassinate and other methods cannot solve the problem.

Sishang's opinion is that since the construction of Sishang has already started, it is better for the peasants to cooperate with Sishang and rely on Sishang's military and material resources to develop gradually.

But the peasants disagreed. They believed that the time had come, and they could do great things in the Song Dynasty. They had great illusions about the peasants all over the world, and believed that they would gather to respond when they raised their arms and shouted.

Si Shang believes that farmers are trapped on the land, and under the system of hundreds of years, their insights are doomed to be impossible to respond to everyone. This is pure fantasy.It can only be transformed and developed little by little through the Sishang model, using regime building and military arms.

Moreover, the Mohists also completely disagree with the plan of the farmers after they seized power: emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce, standardizing commodity prices, and even opposing a large amount of commercial land near Sishang.

After years of development, the differences between the two sides can actually be summed up as a very simple but unresolvable difference.

That is to say, the so-called Nine Layers of Paradise of the Mohists is the first layer of the model near Song Guosi, can it be skipped directly?

Including land merger and management, industrial and commercial employment development for profit, is it necessary to experience it?Can we do it in one step, use the remnants of the village communal land system, and jump directly to the step where the land is collectively owned by the people?
There was suffering in the old age, and so is the new age.

Just like those farmers who were forced to flee to Sishang because of losing their land, ask them, do they like to be servants in the city?Of course they don't want to, they want to have their own land.

Many people even sighed: It would be better to go back to the era of etiquette and law. At least at that time, I could be a serf in peace, and while cultivating public land, I could still protect my land ownership, and the land was not allowed to be sold.

Up to now, the fields have been changed, and the land in the Song Dynasty can be bought and sold. The rich are connected with each other, and the poor have no land to stand on.

Seeing this kind of suffering, the farmers also learned lessons from previous sufferings, and loudly shouted the completely utopian "there is no second price, the amount of labor is exchanged for equivalents, and the land is owned by everyone in the world." slogan, but their slogan is doomed to fail.

And if you are a little careless, it will be used by the king instead, and it will become the source of ideas for emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business.

In the past, the peasant family developed rapidly in the Song Dynasty, and even put forward its own political slogan.

That is, to abolish the difference between the Gentleman's Court and the Common People's Court for the future civil strife in the Song Dynasty. Everyone can elect sages to enter the Consulting Court according to the population ratio; the land belongs to all the people of the Song Dynasty; the maximum price is limited; He adopted the slogan of "Song State with Common Land under True Equality".

In terms of the current Mohist thought and the farmer’s thought, they seem very similar, but in fact they have already parted ways. The Mohist now would rather follow the cruelest reality than the seemingly beautiful fantasy without material foundation, and has been arguing this important point. The inevitability of the development of the paradise.

Just listening to slogans seems to be very similar to Mohism, but paying attention to details is completely different.

The original farm family's plan was to take advantage of the conflict between the Dai family and the imperial father's family, and take advantage of the opportunity of re-election by the Advisory Council to seize power in one fell swoop and implement reforms.

However, things happened suddenly, and the farmer's plan fell by the wayside. Since the Mo family chose to fight and send troops, the farmer responded immediately.

Because the Mohists did not intend to directly govern the Song State, and the situation in the Song State created a large number of people who supported the peasant family, so this time the power of the peasant family in the Song State was stronger.

The idea of ​​the Mohists is that since the farmer's influence in the Song State has been established, the situation in the Song State must be viewed separately.

The area near Sishang has sprouted and developed rapidly. There is not much left of the old system, and Sishang is continuously provided with food, cheap labor and raw materials. The eastern part of Song State cannot be moved.

In the area far away from Sishang, the germination has not yet sprouted, and the oppression of the people by the nobles and the merchants attached to the nobles is too bitter, and the remnants of the old era are deepest there, which is suitable for such violent methods as the peasants to completely sweep away.

And what I want is to make the state of Song an autonomous union. Since the peasant family does not recognize the line of Sishang, it is better to be an ally and develop in the state of Song. A new era sprouts in the East.

Therefore, not long after the city of Dangshan was broken, Xu Xi, the leader of the Peasant School, was invited again to attend a dinner together with some people from other schools to discuss the future of the Song Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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