warring states careerist

Chapter 785 Dangshan Siege Battle

Chapter 785 Dangshan Siege Battle ([-])

This story of Sishang's poisonous plan before death by means of "unknown land" and "too illusory realm", if there were no changes in the world caused by Sishang these years, it should have happened in Chu State in these few years Inside the palace.

The names of the people in the story have changed, and the country has changed, but the essence of the story has not changed.

In history, when Wu Qi knew that he was going to die, he didn't choose Zhang Gong to fight back and kill one of them. Instead, he threw himself on the corpse of the king of Chu, forcing the red-eyed nobles to shoot arrows at the corpse of the king of Chu, resulting in the extinction of more than 70 noble families. The whole family was killed.

This is the choice that a person who is good at revenge should make when it is impossible to reverse the situation.

Song Kingdom is too close to Sishang, those people have heard of the stories that should have happened but didn't happen, and happened in unknown places.

Since Emperor Yueling knew that he would die if he did not surrender, and he refused to surrender, he was already prepared to die in his heart.

Hearing what this confidant said, my eyes lit up, and I laughed loudly: "If it wasn't for your words, I wouldn't have been able to see through it, and I was still thinking about how to delay my death a few days later."

"I don't know what trick you have?"

The trusted counselor said: "The dead cannot take revenge. But the person who sees his own shadow from the dead will fear that he will end up in the same way and kill your enemy. Although his intention is not to avenge you, his deeds But to avenge you."

"What kind of person do you think will be an enemy of the Mohist? What kind of person can possibly destroy the Mohist?"

This is naturally the princes of the world.

The emperor's father Yueling smiled wryly: "I have issued an anti-Mohist proclamation, enumerating the sins of the Mohist school and shaking the foundation of the feudal system."

"But what's the use? Chu, Wei and Han have been reluctant to send troops for a long time, dare not send troops, and are unwilling to send troops. Among the princes, each has his own ambitions, for fear that he will be injured by the friendly army."

"The world will be chaotic, but they are short-sighted. They cannot let go of their hatred and unite against the Mohists. Sooner or later, when they also riot in their own country, who will help them?"

The confidant laughed loudly when he heard the words: "From the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to Yu, Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, looking at thousands of years, the only thing I can see is that people never learn from history."

"Thousands of years of national subjugation can be found in history, but how many countries have survived for a long time?"

"What you said makes sense. But unless the flames of the Mohist riots are on their heads, they will feel that no one is helping them now; unless future generations learn from history, they will express more emotion, but they will not It prevents someone from making the same mistake in the future."

"You think I'm saying that the princes of the world can avenge you?"

The emperor's father Yueling was startled, and asked back: "Except for the princes, who can avenge me? Who can forcibly challenge Sishang's edge?"

The trusted counselor smiled and said: "People. Water can carry a boat or overturn it. The Mohists rose with the power of the people, and only the people can kill them."

The emperor's father Yueling's face changed slightly, thinking that this counselor is insane?
The Mohist School rose through the power of the common people. The emperor Yueling knew very well that he was a "worm" in the moral system of the Mohist School, and he was someone who got something for nothing. He also knew that his policies could not win the support of the gradually awakened people. .

Expecting the people to avenge him one day?Isn't this idiot's dream?

But looking at the counselor again, he didn't seem to be talking crazy, so he couldn't help asking for advice.

The counselor made another analogy and asked, "Have you ever played in the water and almost drowned?"

The emperor's father Yueling shook his head and said, "There never was."

The counselor said: "I have. When I was young, I was playing in the water and almost drowned. Since then, I have never entered the water, and even bathed in fear."

"However, those who have never experienced the pain of being drowned will never be able to imagine the pain of drowning after listening to me. On the contrary, they will laugh at me and say that I have given up eating because of choking, and it is too late."

"The same goes for the world that the Mohists want to change."

"If one day in the future, there is no distinction between high and low in the world, there will be no distinction between the king and the common people, and there will be no system of difference in order and rank, how many people in the world will be able to experience the anger of the people at this time. and pain?"

"You said it yourself, if you were a commoner or a farmer in a fiefdom, would you oppose all of this now?"

The imperial father Yueling nodded and said: "If I am a farmer in the fief at this time, I will naturally oppose myself and support the Mohists."

The counselor said: "That's right, you are objecting now because you assume that you are a fief farmer, and you are under this orderly and hierarchical rule."

"One day in the future, as the Mohist said, everyone will be equal, so can you feel the pain and anger of the farmers now?"

Emperor Yueling thought for a while, and seemed to understand, and said: "Impossible. At that time, I only heard about it, but I thought it was an exaggeration, and I couldn't understand it. It's like you dare not take a bath after drowning, and others can't understand it."

The confidant counselor said with a smile: "Then, when the world is really settled, when there is no difference in rank and order, what do you think the people will think of you then?"

The imperial father Yueling shook his head and said, "It's impossible to know."

The confidant counselor asked again: "Then let me ask you this way, if you died now, how would the people of Song State evaluate it?"

The imperial father Yueling laughed at himself and said: "The imperial father Yueling who supported the hierarchy system and the orderly reaction is dead. A good death!"

The counselor nodded with a smile and asked, "So do you have any personal enmity with the Mo family?"

The imperial father Yueling shook his head.

"Then why did the Mo family beat you?"

The emperor's father Yueling said: "Because I support the hierarchical system, the order of superiority and inferiority, and the feudal system."

The counselor laughed and said: "One day in the future, there will be no more hierarchy in the world, no more orderly respect and inferiority, and the Mohist's so-called equality of everyone will be realized. How many people can experience it personally?"

"Take away the hierarchical system, the order of superiority and inferiority, which are present and will not be in the future, and what are you left with?"

The emperor's father Yueling suddenly said with some uncertainty: "I... I will be a hero for the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, but I was born at an untimely time? I was dedicated to the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, and finally ended up like this Is it the end of an unrewarded hero? Is it a nobleman who still has aristocratic temperament at the last moment of the rest of his life?"

The counselor laughed and said: "Exactly. Take away those things that you have now and will not have in the future, and those short-sighted people will see you as a hero with unfulfilled ambitions, a hero who is not afraid of danger and still insists on morality before dying." .”

"Because these things exist now, people pay attention to moral disputes. When these things no longer exist in the future, the cruelty of moral disputes will be downplayed, and what the public can see are only personal qualities and heroes gas."

"As for the moral dispute... Just as I know the pain of drowning but others don't, the younger generations will not know what people are going through now. At that time, what they will see is a group of people fighting to the death for the moral dispute. Yingjie at the last moment."

"Of course, in fact, you and I both know that the Mohists are right. Righteousness is profit, and moral disputes are nothing more than interests. The feudal literati refused to give up their land and power. The people want land and freedom, but they can wait until the future." , the moral dispute fades away, and what the public sees are only countless scholars who 'died for morality'."

"When the time comes, I will feel sorry for you, and I will always feel that these are heroes, and it is a pity that they died at the cruel hands of the Mohist."

"So, to die is tragic, and to die will make future generations lament that this is a hero. At the same time, the reason for death cannot be added for the sake of hierarchy and order, which will make people disgusted in the future."

"Then, it will be recorded in history, recorded in the eyes of envoys from various countries, and circulated in the world."

"One day, you will become a hero, and those who complained about you will avenge you."

"We must dilute today's events and downplay moral disputes, turning them into winners and losers."


On the open space in the city, more than 70 warriors wearing leather hats stood together with dignified expressions.

In front of them was a row of porcelain bowls, which were expensive and now much cheaper, filled with spirits.

There are many soldiers standing behind, and beside them are several baskets full of square foot cloth money.

These more than 70 warriors wearing leather hats are all real gentlemen who can die for the rules of the world.

In later generations, they might be the scholars who threw themselves into the sea, or the scholars who died in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty after the founding of the Ming Dynasty;

What they are loyal to is the rules of the world, because the rules of the world are like this, so the rules must be right.

It is a loyalty which, regardless of morality, always seems to be admired.

Beside them, there are historians holding pens and papers in their hands. The pens in their hands want to record all this and keep it in the world forever.

The emperor's father Yueling had tears in his eyes, as if he was about to be martyred. With a sad tone, he loudly made pre-war propaganda.

The historian's pen didn't stop for a moment, recording the words of the emperor's father Yueling one by one.

Looking at these real gentlemen, scholars, and warriors who are poor in material but still noble in spirit, the emperor's father Yueling sighed deeply.

"We are all people from the Xia Dynasty, and our ancestors are all ancient sages with three emperors and five emperors."

"God, ghosts and gods did not divide us into those who hate each other. The whole world is one family, regardless of high or low, we are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor, Suiren, Fuxi, and Shaodian."

"However, the Mohists incited the hatred within Zhu Xia, talked about universal love, but incited mutual hatred, and divided the people of the world into two different colors, black or white."

"They want to make people in the world fight each other, hate each other, divide into black and white, make the people of Xia Xia flow into rivers of blood; make the Yellow Emperor, Suiren, Fuxi, and Shaodian later kill each other."

"Everyone in the world is Huangdi Suiren Fuxi Shaodian, and they may be brothers to each other. How can there be endless hatred between Zhuxia brothers? It's a pity that the Mohists want to incite such hatred and incite such killings."

"Today we are standing here against the tyrannical Mohists and against the tyrannical Sishang, not for ourselves, but for the true love of all Xia and the dearest relatives in the world."

"For their own benefit, they incite the hatred among the people of the world and the fighting between the brothers of Zhuxia. Such a theory will cause chaos in the world and will eventually perish!"

"Today, Sishang, like Jie and Zhou, seems to be powerful, bewitching the world that they have mastered the will of heaven and the word of God, but back then Xia Jie also said that he is the sun, what will happen to him?"

"Today we may die, under Jie Mo's guns and swords, but we are doing it for righteousness, for Zhu Xia, for the world to stop bleeding, for the world to stop hating each other, and for the world to stop artificially dividing For black and white."

"Life is what we want; righteousness is what we want. You can't have both, we sacrifice our lives for righteousness!"

"Those who dare to fight! Drink this wine together!"

(End of this chapter)

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