Chapter 766
Regarding the debate about profit and righteousness in war, later Mencius once had a saying.

Mencius believed that the Mohists' rhetoric to stop the war was too utilitarian, especially when Mozi stopped the Qilu War. In addition to talking about righteousness, he also carefully discussed the pros and cons from the perspective of Qi State. It will benefit, but it may be subject to diplomatic pressure and isolation from Wei Chu, Han Yue.

But Mencius thinks it is wrong to say this, and you can’t talk about benefits, because if you talk about benefits, the war will never end: if there is no benefit today, there will be no war, and what should we do if it is beneficial tomorrow?Therefore, we must talk about righteousness and benevolence. Only in this way can we end the war.

Although Sishang Mohism has undergone appropriate revisions, in the matter of justice and benefit, especially under the premise that the war is about to break out, in addition to talking about righteousness, it is more about benefit.

Sishang doesn't care about whether Qin is in an alliance or not, and he doesn't want to form an alliance with Qin at all.

It is impossible for the words in the newspaper to offend Qin State. From the policies of Qin State, it can be seen that Qin Jun, Wu Qi and others understand that the truth becomes clearer and clearer when they debate it. They will not choose to debate, or even fight back in words. To the west of the Wei River, the spread of the theories of Mohism, Strategists, Confucianism, and Yang Zhu was prohibited.

Since it is about interests, Qin State is very clear about its position in the possible outbreak of the Second Central Plains War.

The Qin State is not qualified to participate in the matter of the Central Plains at this time. The geographical location determines that the Qin State will always be trapped in the western frontier and far away from the Central Plains before it can get Xihe.

The Qin envoy already knew what Sishang meant, and also understood the purpose of Sishang's general mobilization: to defeat others without fighting.

If you want not to fight, you must be prepared to fight and win. This is something the Qin envoy admired very much.

After observing Sishang's armament situation, he was even more sure that if the war only revolved around Song State, Wei and Han would be dragged down, which would undoubtedly be the most beneficial situation for Qin State.

He will return to Qin soon, and there is still a lot of time. If Wei Chuhan really decides to go to war in Song State, he will have to prepare for at least one year, which is enough time for Qin State to adjust its strategic direction.

But whether it is fought or not, it is good news for Qin, and it is nothing more than the difference between big profits and small profits.

No need to talk about it.

If they don't fight, Wei and Han will need to deploy a large number of troops on the eastern front after the incident of the Song Dynasty, which will involve a lot of energy.


After talking with the envoys of Chu State and Qin State, Sishang's long-sleeved and skillful foreign policy continued to focus on another country.

A few days later, when Song Gong and the people of Song State requested the Mohists to send troops to quell the rebellion, the written document arrived at Sishang.

On the same day, Sishang met with South Korea's long-term envoys here, and talked about Sishang's attitude towards the affairs of Song Dynasty - the affairs of Song Dynasty are decided by the people of Song Dynasty, just like the people who are in charge of millet choose to belong to South Korea. free from the pain of war.

After the meeting, Sishang's diplomacy continued to work towards disintegrating the possible alliance between Wei, Chu and Han.

Bypassing the state of Wei, Sishang directly sent envoys to the state of Zheng, that is, to the state of Zheng, which South Korea considered to be his sphere of influence, to stimulate South Korea with the biggest battle.

Since Siziyang was killed in the coup more than ten years ago, Zheng Gong was killed by the remaining party of Siziyang, Chu was defeated in Wei Chu's hegemony, and Zheng was divided into three, Zheng Guo has been stuck in the relationship between Wei and Han and cannot be taken out. of fishbone.

During the war against Chu, the war between Qi and Mo, and the succession war of Zhao State, Wei State acquiesced in South Korea's encroachment on Zheng State in order to gain the support of South Korea and continue to maintain the Jin Dynasty alliance.

Zheng Guo, which was divided into three, Wei Guo ate part of it and penetrated the corridor between Daliang and Hedong.

South Korea ate most of the rest, and the remaining land of Zheng State still existed between Wei, Han and Chu. Wei State did not want to annex Zheng State directly because the relationship between Wei and South Korea would be extremely tense, and of course it did not want South Korea to annex Zheng State. .

Zheng Guo and South Korea had a deadly feud, Zheng Gong died under the sword of Han Hou, Si Ziyang stood out from the Seven Mu, because he was a staunch main fighter, he stirred up the emotions of the domestic people, gained support, and thus has been controlling state affairs.

The death of Si Ziyang was precisely because he wanted to seek the independent status of Zheng State, and finally he died without a whole body under the joint strangulation of domestic opponents and foreign forces.

Zheng Gong was killed by the remaining party of Ziyang, and after the division of Zheng State and most of the land was divided by Wei and Han, the remaining land of Zheng State still insisted on fighting South Korea.

For more than ten years, several wars broke out between Zheng and Han, and they changed hands several times. Relying on the foundation left by Si Ziyang's reform, Zheng State won and lost. The tense external situation caused by the advance and westward advance of Sishang shared great pressure for Zheng Guo.

Not long ago, under the instigation of South Korea, the local people rebelled against Zheng collectively. Because of the continuous war for more than ten years, the people there did not want to fight any more.

Zheng Guo has declined to the point where it cannot be further increased, and it is meaningless to continue to fight. South Korea is powerful, and too many people have died around the negative millet in the past few years. South Korea gained an important bridgehead on the north bank of the Yingshui River.

Wei Guo is very dissatisfied with South Korea's actions, and does not want South Korea to encroach on Zheng Guo step by step, because if South Korea is strong, the Three Jin Alliance will no longer be possible. The foundation of the Three Jin Alliance must and can only be that Wei is strong and Han is weak. Overwhelmed Zhao to form the Three-Jin Alliance.

Because Wei and Han need to face the threat of Chu State and Sishang together, Zhao State hides behind, does not work hard, and every time it distributes benefits, it crowds out Zhao State in the Central Plains, which makes the essence of the Three Jin Alliance. Wei Han alliance.

South Korea has also started reforms in recent years, and because of the existence of Zheng Guo, South Korea has enough room for development.

Wei Guo regarded Zheng Guo as a buffer and some bait to maintain the alliance between Wei and Han.

If Wei Guo directly annexed Zheng Guo's remaining land, or carve up with South Korea, then Wei and Han would lack enough buffer space, the conflict between the two sides would intensify, and a Han-Zhao alliance would likely emerge.

In fact, the disintegration of the Wei-Han alliance in the original history happened just after Zheng Guo was annexed by South Korea. In the original history, ten years later, the princes of Wei Guo fought for the throne, the succession war broke out, Han Zhao sent troops to interfere, and even planned to abolish it directly. Abandon the State of Wei, divide the State of Wei into the two countries of the East and the West, and divide it into the Eastern Wei and the Western Wei, so that each of the two princes will have a country, completely destroying the State of Wei.

Wei Guo has always been very vigilant about Zheng Guo's direction, not only fishing for South Korea's appetite, but also using Zheng Guo's power to suppress South Korea, which created an extremely interesting situation.

On the one hand, in terms of the overall situation of Sishang, Chu and Zhao Qin, Wei and Han are allied.On the other hand, regarding the matter of Zheng Guo, Wei Guo tempted South Korea to say that if you put in a little more effort, I would give you Zheng Guo to you, and at the same time quietly supported Zheng Guo against South Korea.

South Korea has made a lot of efforts for this big pie, but Zheng Guo still exists and has not been completely annexed by South Korea.

It’s not that South Korea can’t beat Zheng Guo. If they really want to destroy the country, South Korea can destroy Zheng Guo in just a few days, but because of Wei Guo’s existence, Zheng Guo’s affairs are the same as Song Guo’s affairs, and it is not up to the country to decide , but can only be determined externally.

The Mo family has never been involved in the matter of Zheng Guo, or it has not been involved in the face. Regarding the three points of Zheng Guo, Si Ziyang's murder, and Zheng Gong's murder, Sishang's official attitude has always been "dog eats dog".

But secretly sold a lot of weapons, and kept in touch with Xin Zhenggong.

Zheng Guo is South Korea's weakness, and it is also a breaking point that can disintegrate the Wei-Han alliance through diplomatic mediation.

Wei Guo was very dissatisfied with this, thinking that this incident was instigated by South Korea, especially when Zheng Guo had surrendered to Wei, the relationship between Wei and Han became a little tense when the Negative Millet incident occurred. .

Sishang has not stated his position on this matter, but took the opportunity to sigh with emotion that the people of the world have been fighting hard for a long time, and by the way, he launched a call for all countries to eliminate soldiers.

At that time, the call to eliminate soldiers said this: the people of all countries elect sages from all over the country, and they have the same meaning and the same law in the Kyushu, depriving the nobles of their military power.

This is obviously impossible for all countries to accept, but the Mo family shouted the most joyously. Although the Mo family did not want to do this at all because it would leave a huge remnant of nobility, but because they knew that the countries would not agree, they could shout slogans again. high and far.

The Mo family has used this disgusting method more than once. South Korea doesn't care about the attitude of the Mo family, but it cares about the attitude of Wei Guo.

The negative millet incident is not self-determination, because most of the negative millet are Zheng people.The essence of the negative millet incident is that the people of the negative millet were tired of fighting and did not want to fight anymore, so they chose the enemy country to surrender.

Zheng Guo's national power is weak, reforms are interrupted, and the people suffer from three problems. South Korea is not a good bird. Since they are all the same, it is better to choose a big country to stand there, at least they can avoid fighting.

Because Zichan did not destroy the township school and Deng Xi made the law among the people, the people of Zheng State participated in politics at a high level, which is why more than ten years ago when Zheng Chu started the war, the people of Zheng State defected collectively and did not resist to protest against the opposition. Chu started the war.

Negative millet is not the place where Sishang Mohists really want to disgust South Korea, but the whole country of Zheng is the place where Mohism wants to use this to disgust South Korea.

Sending envoys to Zheng Guo with great fanfare is actually for South Korea to see.

Regarding the Han-Zheng War, the Mohists have not expressed their position yet, but it is not impossible to express their position.

If South Korea joins the Wei Han Chu Alliance and starts a war around Song State, then Sishang can support Zheng State against South Korea.

Conversely, if South Korea does not join the Wei-Chu-Han Alliance, then Zheng Guo’s negative millet incident is the self-determination of the people, which has legal principles and Mohist support.

The strategy of the Mohists is to go from the south to the north, and it is doomed that the state of Song is the limit of the sphere of influence in the north. The position of the state of Zheng is more prone to accidents than that of the state of Song: Zhou Tianzi is in the west, Wei is in the north, Han is in the southwest, and Chu is in the south. It is a place where the Mohists cannot and have no interest in interfering for the time being.

Abandoning Zheng Guo, who has little relationship with him, and using Zheng Guo as a victim to induce tension between Wei and Han, this is the purpose at this time.Inducing South Korea to take the opportunity to swallow Zheng for personal gain, thus completely disintegrating the Sanjin Alliance.

The State of Song is the side of Sishang’s couch, and the State of Zheng is also the backyard of South Korea. If South Korea intends to send troops, even if Sishang cannot send troops to support it, it can send some people to help defend the city, and support some loans and weapons. The ability is still there.

(End of this chapter)

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