warring states careerist

Chapter 754 Merit and Crime

Chapter 754 Merit and Crime

When it is broken, it will be chaotic.

The emperor's father, Yueling, was also a person who did great things. After weighing it up, he immediately ordered to flee Shangqiu and rush to the fief to make peace with his private soldiers.

If Shangqiu City can be controlled, his private soldiers can suppress Shangqiu.If it is not in your own hands, it will be extremely difficult to attack.

Maybe there are still many bottles and cans in the city, but they can all be given up at this time.


Inside the palace.

Several servants around Dai Cong wiped off the blood on the sword, and piled up the corpses of soldiers loyal to the emperor's family in one place.

Several Mohists were silent behind, Dai Cong coughed lightly, and immediately a servant brought clothes.

He changed to the blood-stained armor, put on the costumes of the nobles of the Xia Dynasty, straightened his clothes and jade, and walked to the closed palace door by himself without any entourage.

With the help of the Mo family, he had already controlled the situation near the palace. At this time, there was no need to bring the blood-stained soldiers and attendants to meet Song Gong.

The door was quickly opened.

The moment he opened it, Dai Cong immediately filled his cheeks with tears. After entering the palace, he knelt down and cried bitterly: "Your Majesty! The imperial father's family has the desire to usurp the government, and I have no choice but to chase it away. The flames of war in the city are all my fault!"

Song Gongzi Tian, ​​who had just watched the tiptoe dance, also immediately got up to greet him, and said after a moment of emotion: "What is the crime? What is the crime?"

"The imperial father's family has always had the heart of chaos, wolf ambition, and insatiable greed. You can expel him. This is your merit. How can it be called a crime?"

"You have made great contributions to the Song Dynasty. You can tell your ancestors about today's affairs when you sacrifice in the mulberry forest. The descendants of Duke Dai saved Song from danger. This is what the ancestors liked. How can you blame you?"

After so many times, Dai Cong stood up and said: "The government of the country cannot be ruled for a day. The emperor's family has been stealing the position of the Great Yin of the Advisory Council for a long time, and the people of the country are complaining. Today he has fled. I implore the king to put the state affairs first. Tell the common people, when the new election consults the Great Yin of the Political Yuan."

"In the past, Mr. Ye, Gao Ping, Duke Chu and Baigong rebelled. He took the credit and did not award it. He avoided suspicion and returned to the government and hid it in Ye. Mr. Ye is also a gentleman. I have always envied him. After today's work is over, please allow me to return to my hometown."

Zitian hurriedly supported each other and said, "That's not right!"

"After Bai Gong defeated the chaos in the past, Ye Gong gathered the great Sima and Ling Yin in one person, but only Chu has talents, and there are Gongsun Ning and Gongsun Kuan, all of whom can be appointed."

"Besides, Baigong was killed at that time, and the state of Chu was established, so he could live in seclusion and let the virtuous."

"Now the imperial father's clan is still here. Although Shangqiu is temporarily safe, there are still disasters. At this time, people's hearts are uneasy. If you step aside, you are not imitating the ancient sages, but you are disregarding the society of Song Dynasty!"

Dai Cong seemed to have suddenly realized, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "It's not the king's words, I'm wronging the country!"

Zitian said again: "Besides, since the people of the country participated in politics 20 years ago, the post of Great Yin in the Advisory Council has been chosen by a gentleman, and it cannot be determined by a widow."

"The sacrifice is in the widow, and the government comes out of the Advisory Council. How can the widow break the oath of blood?"

Zitian is telling Dai Cong, please rest assured, I have absolutely no intention of seizing power.

You leave the sacrificial matter to me; you are in charge of the political affairs.

There is only one thing. In the past, the public land tax was used for sacrifices. You have to give me the money for the sacrifices from the taxes, and my expenses cannot be reduced.

Dai Cong did not understand the meaning of this, and sighed: "Since Duke Xiang, the mulberry forest dance has not been danced for a long time, and the tripod handed down by Cheng Tang is rarely sacrificed. It is really the crime of the descendants of Yin and Shang."

What Dai Cong meant was to tell Zitian, don't worry, as long as you don't care about political affairs, I will find a way to allocate more money to you.

The reason for using the mulberry forest dance and offering sacrifices to the tripod is that this is also achievable.

The blood oath back then was mainly because Zitian had no strength to violate it. If he really wanted to monopolize power, these nobles would kill themselves first, and then they would definitely mention the blood oath back then.

Whether it is the Dai family, the imperial father's family, or the Ling, Le, and Xiaodu clans, in Zitian's view, they are all the same, without any difference.

Today's event is nothing more than Dai's victory.

If the imperial father's family wins, they will definitely bring Dai's head to meet today. Zitian feels that what he will say at that time may be similar to what he said today.

Seeing what Zitian said, Dai Cong said, "Now the emperor's family is rebellious and fleeing, I implore your majesty to give orders to punish them for the crime of treason."

Zitian hesitated for a moment, then said: "The imperial father's family is also a branch of the public family, the responsibility for the crime needs to be clarified."

He doesn't want to take the responsibility.

In the future, if the imperial father's family comes back, I will be responsible for what I said today.

Dai Shi won in Shangqiu today, but what about the future?

If he wanted to make a decision, Dai Shi had to give him some more confidence.

It's not that Dai didn't understand what Zitian was thinking. Zitian also avoided the topic, and asked again: "Are there many casualties in today's incident? They are all citizens of the Song Dynasty, and I can't bear to suffer more casualties."

Dai Cong said: "There are not many. The imperial father's family is unpopular, and the people all help to eliminate the rebellion. The people of Shangqiu have suffered from the imperial father's family for a long time, and there are also many defectors among the imperial father's family's private soldiers."

This is to tell Zitian that the situation in the city is completely under control. At least Shangqiu city does not object to this matter, but has many supporters.

In fact, if Sishang was not on the side, it would be the same for everyone, but the people always hope that a different ruler can do better and live a better life. There are not many such expectations.

Zitian asked again: "Today's events are beneficial to the country, and those who make meritorious service will be rewarded. But I don't know whose family's children defeated the emperor's family's private soldiers?"

Dai Cong hurriedly said: "Most of them are craftsmen in Shangqiu workshops. Especially the workshops in the southwest of the city can make the first contribution, but most of them are for righteousness and not for profit. Those who guarded Shangqiu 20 years ago are saving Shangqiu today."

Zitian nodded, thinking that the Mo family was behind it.

Since Dai Cong said that, it is equivalent to telling Zitian that I have the backing of the Mo family, and you can safely declare that the imperial father's family is rebellious. How can the imperial father's family compare with Sishang Yishi?

The coup in Shangqiu back then was caused by various nobles looking for support from Chu and Wei. However, it seemed that the pro-Jin faction defeated the pro-Chu faction, but in fact it was divided by the Mohists who were neither pro-Jin nor pro-Chu. A part of the power was forced, and the pro-Jin faction did not get enough repressive power.

Now that there are disputes among the nations, Zitian is no longer the young monarch who changed his Yuan Dynasty as soon as his father died, thinking that he had great talents and could defeat Chu and retreat to Jin.

He now understands that the geographical location and national strength of the Song Kingdom doomed the Song Kingdom to survive only by relying on vassals.

The path taken by his father, who he despised, now seems to be extremely wise.

Jin Qiang was close to Jin, and Chu Da was facing Chu, so that the state of Song was able to preserve the country.

Ru Zheng, what does he look like now?
Now that the Dai family has taken refuge in Sishang, with the backing of the Sishang Mo family, their backs are much stiffer than those nobles without foreign support.

How could the local nobles of the Song Dynasty be in power if they had no foreign backing?
Zitian is quite satisfied with this answer, not just satisfied that Dai has a backing, he can safely and boldly call the imperial father's family traitors; more importantly, since the Mo family participated in this matter, but let Dai take power, it is clear It is to prepare to continue to maintain the existence of Song State, and not to engage in such things as equality and election of princes in Song State, so that his position as Duke of Song can be preserved.

If the Mo family didn't participate and it was Dai's doing, I'm afraid Song Gong would panic at this time.At that time, Dai's family may not only take Song and Mohist stories, but also directly swallow Song Xiaofei's stories.

But Zitian is not in a hurry to make a decision, he needs to wait for Sishang's official attitude.

Now that the matter has come out, with Sishang's ability to transmit news and being so close to Sishang, there must be a result within ten days.

As long as Sishang's official statement comes out, the Mohist's attitude can be confirmed.

Do you support Dai?
Or support Dai's ban on the emperor's father, and still maintain the existence of Song Gong?

At that time, the Mohists will definitely send people to see him. One will be the envoy of the Mohist giant to see Duke Song; the other will be the envoy of the head of the Sishang government to see Mrs. Dai.

Only then can Zitian make a final decision.

As for now, he doesn't know much about the situation outside, and it's not enough to just listen to Dai's one-sided words.

It doesn't matter whether Dai's reported his thigh, or has the backing of people behind him, this is just a facade, what Zitian needs is the official attitude of those behind Dai's, Dai's words are nothing to him.

Dai Cong himself didn't seem to have such an awareness, not because he didn't have it, but because this time the Mohist's impromptu rebellion didn't get Sishang's consent, or the time didn't allow it.

He hoped that this matter could be confirmed before Sishang reacted.

The fox pretends to be the tiger, and uses the power of Sishang to induce Zitian to admit himself and admit that the emperor's family is rebellious. Then the Mo family will be more inclined to the status quo in supporting himself to ascend the throne and maintaining the independence of the Song Dynasty.

Now that Sishang has not made a clear statement, Dai Cong wants to pretend that he has a clear statement backed by Sishang, inducing Zitian to admit himself and give the order to kill the emperor's father; at the same time, he wants to borrow Zitian's attitude, To induce Si Shang to really support and support himself, to achieve a fait accompli.

Zitian is not stupid, his heart is like a mirror.

There are many Mohists in Shangqiu, but unless there is a special envoy sent by Sishang, the level is not enough, and with Sishang's consistent organizational ability, Zitian understands that if Sishang has made a clear statement this time, then come now Dai Cong will definitely not be the only one who sees him, there must be Mohist who come together.

The rules of the Mohists doomed the Mohists in Shangqiu not to express their opinions alone, and had to wait for Sishang's decision.

Similarly, even if it is an unknown Mohist, even if it is a young boy, as long as there is a written document from Sishang or the public opinion of the Mohist directly, then Zitian can be sure that Sishang really supports this matter, because The rules of the Mohists are strict, public opinion and public statements are not something that can be said casually, even the highest-level Mohists in Shangqiu area are not qualified.

Since Dai Cong said that the Mohist family is behind it, but the Mohisthism has no official attitude, Zitian has roughly guessed what is going on, and said in his heart: "Today, you don't want to get what you want from me. The people behind you People haven't spoken yet, I still need to wait."

(End of this chapter)

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