Chapter 752
Nothing today.

Many people are relieved, because the cloud has been dense for too long, and nothing happened today is the best news.

When the tin pot craftsman welcomed his second customer of the day, his sigh of having nothing to do today was finally interrupted.

There were people coming and going in the lively market, when suddenly there was a heavy copper bell.

The craftsman who was picking up the second tin pot, like the craftsmen nearby, listened to the distant copper bell, and hurriedly put down the tin pot.

"I'm sorry, the artisan has something to do, I'm going. If I don't go, it won't work."

The copper bell is a signal from the craftsmen's association. They think that the craftsmen's association is not a charitable organization, but an organization similar to a guild. Everyone's interests are involved in it. If you don't go, you will be expelled from the craftsman's association. Nor can he gain a foothold in Shangqiu City with his own craftsmanship.

Not far away is a place where members of the craftsman union gather every year to listen to stories. These craftsmen were obliged to serve in the military when they were young, and they all received certain military training. This has existed since the coup d’état 20 years ago. Rules and habits are themselves traditions of Chinese people.

After the copper bell rang, the tin pot maker packed up his pole, apologized to the person who was waiting to go back to boil the water, and hurried to the room not far away.

When we arrived, there were already many people.

"problem occurs……"

As soon as the craftsman came in, he felt the tense atmosphere. More than a dozen strong men with flint guns stood at the door, with the red headbands that warriors like to wear on their heads wrapped around their arms.

The dagger made of iron bars gave off a fierce black luster at the muzzle of the flint gun. The more than ten strong men were all wearing the very common short brown, and they were all the normal clothes of handicraftsmen. Regular soldiers.

It seems that the courtyard is a bit chaotic, but it is actually in good order. According to the division of labor of each craftsman industry, there are special people in charge.

"The tinsmiths come here..."

Someone shouted in the distance, and someone was in charge of registration at the door. The tin pot maker was very familiar with this set of actions, proficiently reported his name, took a piece of paper with his name written on it, and pasted it on his pole. There is a special person to take care of it.

Putting down the pole, I squeezed towards the place where the tinsmiths' association was, where names were already being counted.

While counting the names, there was a violent explosion outside.


In the southwest of Shangqiu, after defending the city 20 years ago, Mohism survived in Shangqiu where it manufactured shooting machines and bed crossbows; now it is transformed into a courtyard wall of a large woodworking workshop.

Hundreds of carpenter craftsmen are solemnly receiving weapons that they have just laid down for less than two years. Most of these carpenter craftsmen are escaped serfs who fled to Sishang from other places. After retiring, many people were assigned to these woodworking workshops.

Most of them are people who fled from the Song Dynasty to Sishang, and many of them are from the vicinity of Shangqiu. They also like to return to Shangqiu to live in such an identity.

This large woodworking workshop is a typical Mohist government-run workshop, because there is a democratic centralization system in the workshop, there are representatives of the Mohists, and there are weapons by the way.

Such scenes were being staged in the courtyards of the nearby woodworking workshops, mills, blacksmith workshops and other workshops, and soon four fully equipped infantry companies were formed.

Company commanders and company representatives existed; members of the workers’ committee spontaneously became members of the soldiers’ committee, and the two cannons were dragged out of the warehouse of the woodworking workshop. The putter and protractor needed for the cannon.

I have talked too much about the righteousness of the weekdays, and the hatred of fleeing back then has not dissipated, and the affection of the local people in Shangqiu has always been hidden in their hearts.

This time there was no need to preach anything, but an "urgent order from the Shangqiu Special Committee" was read out, ordering them to return to service immediately.

"Companies check for gunpowder and buckshot!"

The person in charge of the original workshop and the former company commander issued an order, and the soldiers who were re-armed hadn't touched their guns for a year or two, but now they don't feel strange when they touch them again.

After fleeing to Sishang that year, they were weaved together in an organic way. After retiring from the army, they went to the workshop to do carpentry work in an organic way. The institutional system has always been there.

Soon, four fully equipped infantry companies set off from the southwest corner of Shangqiu City, and the sound of explosions was heard in the distance.

After a short period of chaos, many people rushed to the streets, either to receive weapons, or to build barricades under the leadership of some invisible grassroots organization leaders, and many people followed these soldiers spontaneously.

This team of more than 600 people is the least passionate and least passionate team among the military organizations organized in the entire Shangqiu city at this time.

However, they are the most powerful.

The person who led the way led the procession through road after road and house after house.

People in many places have been organized, and people wearing red armbands are maintaining order in the city, just like when they were defending the city 20 years ago. Various prohibitions such as fire prevention orders have begun to be implemented in an orderly manner.

Gunshots were heard in the distance, and the person in charge of the Shangqiu area soon appeared in front of the team with some high-level Mohists in Shangqiu, along with several noble carriages.

A pre-emptive riot has begun.

The people in several blocks have been mobilized, built barricades, distributed weapons, and under the organization of the Mohists who were mixed with them, they fought against the imperial father's family and the noble private soldiers in the city.

They blocked several streets in order to allow this established armed force to reach the palace area quickly without being affected.

The barricades near the palace area have also been prepared. The Mo family demolished a lot of houses and directly stated that they will give money in the future. With the consistent reputation of the Mo family, the people don't care about house demolition.

Now that he had decided to strike first, and knew the time when Emperor Yueling's attack, in Shangqiu, the place where the Mo family started, these Mohists hidden in Shangqiu City quickly let Emperor Yueling know what organization and planning are.

The first few loud explosions came from the mansion of the imperial father Yueling. Four heavy iron mines were thrown into the mansion of the imperial father's family. Two carriages filled with gunpowder drove the imperial father away. The chickens and dogs in the family's house are restless.

When the reaction of the imperial father's family was delayed, the established soldiers in each workshop were also fully armed and quickly moved towards the palace.

The private soldiers of the Dai family who were notified took the lead in fighting the private soldiers of the imperial father's family near the palace, and the organized people also began to build barricades in an organized way.


Inside the palace of Song Dynasty.

Song Gongzi Tian listened to the explosion outside, looked at the flustered servants, and poured himself a drink with a calm face.

He just succeeded to the throne after his father died more than 20 years ago. He is like a crab who is rampant. He only feels that he is in power. arrogant.

After more than 20 years, he has been a puppet for many years, like a shy tortoise, calm and steady, quite as indifferent as a mountain collapses in front of him, he doesn't care about state affairs, he just drinks and has fun.

Under the case at this time, there are still some wine marks that have not been wiped off, which is the evidence of his panic when the explosion sounded first.

But soon, the servants reported that the Dai family had heard that the imperial father's family wanted to kill the Dai family who had pleaded for the people, so they resisted, and the servants confirmed that they saw Dai's flag and family emblem on the outer wall of the palace. , Zitian's slight panic was gone.

In the initial panic, he thought it was the Mo family who wanted to take Song.

After hearing that it was the Dai family who started the incident, Zitian didn't panic at all, but heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as it wasn't the Mo family who wanted to take Song, it would be fine, as long as Dai Shi came forward, he, Song Gong, would still do it.

It is not the same to be a puppet under the imperial father's clan 20 years ago, but now it is not the same to be a puppet under another person, as long as you can guarantee your own interests, life and Song Gong's status.

As for the ambitions of 20 years ago, they have long since vanished.

He also understood.

After King Wu destroyed the Shang, the place that the Song State entrusted was without any danger, a plain, surrounded by concubines, obviously to guard against the descendants of the Yin and Shang Dynasties of the Song State.

Now that the world of great struggle has come, Song is sandwiched between Qi, Wei, Han, Chu, and Sishang, so what can they do?
Externally, there is no possibility of reviving Duke Xiang's aspirations. Internally, after the coup d'etat 20 years ago, the power has fallen, and there is no possibility of taking power at all.

After the Mohist got mixed up in the past, they came up with the Inquiry Yuan and the National Discussion System, which institutionalized the aristocratic republic of "three surnames co-governance" that existed in the Song Dynasty. The conditions for discussing politics, the aristocrats are happy with this system, and the power and influence of the people are also increasing day by day.

The so-called "sacrifices are in the widows, politics is in the Consulting Yuan", Song Gong has no other powers except for the duty of offering sacrifices to the country.

The 20 years of peace in the Song Dynasty caused all the public clans with the surname Zi to begin to degenerate, addicted to wine, sex and wealth, and had little interest in things like regaining the power of the public clan from side branches.

During the coup 20 years ago, there were still real gentlemen like Gongsun Ze, who ate the king's salary and died for the king.

Twenty years later, where there are still such gentlemen, there are only a group of low-ranking nobles who are either thinking about how to get rich, or how to get into politics, or how to benefit the world.

As a monarch, the only power and obligation left is to sacrifice, which also means that he, the monarch, no longer has real power.

He didn't bother to take care of the guards in the palace, how many people from the imperial father's family, how many secret Mohists, and how many people from the Dai family were there.

At this moment, looking at his wives and concubines who were trembling with fear, and his children who were secretly crying, Zitian looked calm.

After drinking another glass of wine, he said to several trusted servants beside him: "Close the inner door of the palace, stand on the inner wall and observe, and whoever wins will open the door."

After all, he picked up a pen and wrote a line on a piece of paper.

"The gate of the palace is closed, and the victor will enter. Anyone who trespasses will bear the name of killing the king. I have the will to die."

If the Mohists really want to engage in the big event of choosing a worthy man as the emperor on an equal footing, he will naturally not be able to be the Duke of Song.

But if not, it is still necessary for him to live, he has no power and no soldiers, but it is precisely this life that can deter others.

After writing these words, he took a heavy seal and printed the only trace of himself that could prove that he was Song Gong on the top of this piece of paper.

After the servant took the paper and left, he got up and said to his wife and children, "Why do you feel bored when you rest today?"

After that, he pointed to a Handan concubine who was silent there and said: "I'm here to hit the festival, and you can dance on tiptoe, and the sound of cannons and guns outside can be fun, isn't it magnificent?"

After all, he patted his palm on the table, shaking his head and beating the fast-paced beat, and several musicians beside him also hurriedly played.

Outside, there were bursts of gunfire, like the sound of popping beans when every household in Shangqiu has risen in the past few years during the Awakening of Insects solar term.

Inside, Zi Tianqi smiled and praised, and his eyes turned to Handan Ji's twirling figure, full of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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