warring states careerist

Chapter 716 Telling the child to argue

Chapter 716
By the time the sun is high, the debate has already begun.

Gao Zi said: "Life is called nature."

Confucian scholars said: "What is born is called nature, just as what is called white is white?"

Said: "Yes."

"White feathers are as white as white snow; white snow is as white as white jade?"

Said: "Yes."

"So the nature of a dog is like that of an ox, and the nature of an ox is like that of a human?"

Gao laughed and said, "That's right. A dog's inborn nature determines that it is a dog; a cow's innate nature determines it to be a cow; a man's innate nature determines that he is a human being. Your words are very It makes sense, isn't this just a proof of my statement, that life is called sex?"

The Confucian scholar also laughed and said, "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. The Mohists have no fathers and beasts, so they think that all people in the world are beasts. Dogs are the same as cows? Cows are the same as people? Isn't this ridiculous?"

Gao Zi, who had studied hard for ten years, was stunned.

He wasn't left speechless by the other party's question, but was overwhelmed by the other party's weird logic.

The sex of a dog and the sex of a cow have the same meaning. How can one come to the conclusion that a dog and a human have the same meaning?

Sex means the same thing, but dogs and cows don't mean the same thing. Didn't we just discuss whether "sex" is what we call it at birth?
Not only Gao Zi, but also the audience watching the fun were stunned, thinking, how the hell did you come to this conclusion?
Seeing Gao Zi startled slightly, the Confucian scholar was overjoyed, and thought to himself that I had heard the Mohists were eloquent, so I didn't expect to be so vulnerable.

Looking around, the people who watched the excitement seemed to be at a loss. The Confucian scholar thought to himself, the way of the Mohist school was broken by me alone!The people of Sishang, only know enlightenment today!
Gao Zi was stunned for a moment, thinking that this debate must not be dealt with as difficult and obscure as he imagined before.

So he immediately asked: "White color and black color, in terms of the word color, do they have the same meaning?"

The Confucian scholar said: "Yes."

"Then the color of white and the color of black have the same meaning. According to you, white is black? White is black? The meaning of sex is the same in human nature and dog nature. It can be concluded that human Is it a dog?"

The Confucian scholar scolded: "Humans are human beings, how can they be put together with animals and use the same word? The Mohists have no fathers. They are for animals. It is not for nothing. How can humans and animals share the same nature?"

Gao Zi said: "Sex is inherently endowed with sex. Not only humans have human nature, dogs have dog nature, but even circles have roundness, and rectangles have rectangularity. Is there any problem with this?"

"For example, a circle, a circle must conform to the nature of a circle. Then what is a circle? Do you know what a circle is?"

The Confucian scholar said disdainfully: "What is drawn with compasses is a circle."

Gao Zi laughed and said, "A circle is drawn with a compass? Now I draw a semicircle with the compass, then move the position and draw another semicircle. So this is a circle?"

The Confucian scholar muttered: "Round...round...a circle is a circle, you can know if it is round, and you can know it is not if it is not round, and a circle is a circle."

The people below immediately booed, the people in the outermost circle who couldn't squeeze in had already left, thinking what the hell is this debate?It's not interesting, why not go to the teahouse and listen to the story of Wu Zixu whipping the corpse, where did it come from yesterday?

Gao laughed and said: "Roundness means that the sides without thickness have the same length. Any circle conforms to this roundness, and if it is summed up, this is roundness. Zimozi was unwilling to argue with you back then, and asked you Why do you want to learn music, you said it is for music; now I ask you what is circle, you are circle if you are circle. Then human nature is human nature, so there is no need to argue, why are you still standing here?"

The Confucian scholar's face was shy, and he had to step down under the boos of the public. Immediately, another Confucian scholar made up for it, mockingly said: "A circle has the same length? Then I will draw a semicircle, determine a point, and think it is the same. same length, so a semicircle is a circle?"

Gaozi sneered and said, "The same length of the surface without thickness means roundness. All circles fit, but not necessarily the circle. A circle is all points of the same length in the surface without thickness. Like Dogs eat shit, and dung beetles eat shit, can you think that all people who eat shit are dung beetles?"

"Humans have to have sex, and dogs have to have sex. Sex is a manifestation of human nature, and it is also a manifestation of dog nature, but it cannot be said that this is all dog and human nature."

"That's why I said, sex and sex. I don't say that all human nature is sex."

The Confucian scholar said angrily: "You are putting human beings and beasts together. Do you think human beings are also beasts? This is the reason why the Mohists have no fathers. You Mohists don't even know what a human being is! You see human beings as beasts...human beings How can it be the same as a beast?"

Gao Zi waited for the other party to finish cursing, and then asked: "A rectangle and a rhombus are different. Is the difference between the two the whole of a rectangle and a rhombus? Then, both have four sides, all four sides are straight lines, and the sum of the inner angles is a circle." If all these are the same, doesn’t it belong to their sex?”

"Humans and animals have similarities and differences. Humans have eyes, and animals also have eyes. Humans have to eat, and they have to eat after birth. So according to you, people and animals must be different? Animals must People can't eat food? Animals want to have sex, but people can't have sex? Otherwise, people are animals?"

The Confucian scholar was speechless.

Gao Zi immediately asked again, "You said that humans are different from animals?"

"of course."

"Are you born to your parents?"

"of course!"

"According to what you said, people and animals are not the same. Your parents have sex, and animals have sex, so your parents are animals? And you are not a human, but also an animal?"

There was constant laughter all around, the Confucian scholar was humiliated, and his parents were humiliated, and he said angrily: "I will avenge such a great enmity!"

Before Gao Zi could answer, the people below shouted: "Come on, you Confucians call us beasts all day long. According to what you say, we have to slaughter Confucian scholars all over the world because of this sentence? Because you also scolded us. My parents even scolded Fuxi and Nuwa, we are all their descendants..."

Gao Zi glanced at the other party, thinking that my swordsmanship is not very good, but I should be able to hit three or five people like you, so he said with a smile: "You are the one who insulted you, how can you say it is me? According to your statement, people and animals are not the same, if animals have sex, your mother also has sex, so am I insulting your parents? Or are you insulting yourself?"

"You Confucian scholars talk about filial piety, but you insult your parents as beasts. I have never seen such a shameless person. What kind of face do you have in this world? In the future, when you see your master Zhongni under the nine springs, what face will you have to call yourself? Is it a Confucian scholar?"

The Confucian was so angry that he didn't come up in one breath, and fainted on the ground. Someone immediately carried him away, causing bursts of laughter.

Another Confucian scholar went up and asked: "You said that eating, sex and sex are also. That is to say, eating and having sex are part of human nature."

"You Mohists also said that you must obey human nature. If you follow human nature, wouldn't everyone be a generation of prostitutes? Aren't your Mohists messing up the world? Isn't this instigating everyone in the world to be an annihilator? ?”

Gao Zi wondered: "You have the thing below, so you are an adulterer? Isn't it okay for you to sleep with your wife? Isn't it obeying human nature to sleep with your wife?"

The Confucian scholar snorted, "What you said is an animal!"

"Those who have sex for the sake of sex are animals!"

"I marry a wife to have children and carry on the family line. Not to obey the nature of animals. The reason why people are human is to be different from animals. Being animals is the root of chaos in the world!"

"If people have sex for the desire to have sex, what's the difference between them and animals?"

The people below cursed: "You Confucian scholars want all the men in Kyushu to be geldings! I was born with that thing, why do I have to have children to use it? You are willing to be geldings, don't let everyone in the world follow you. gelding!"

In previous debates, the people watching were rarely so chaotic.

After 20 years of indoctrination and the liberation of nature, the people in Sishang hate this kind of words that restrain their normal desires.If you want to eat well, stealing is wrong, but what's wrong with me relying on farming and working to eat what a doctor can eat?Those doctors and princes are silverfish, they snatched the fruit of labor from us, they didn't feel embarrassed, but let us restrain our desires?

Regarding the matter between men and women, Sishang itself retains more folk openness, and the Mo family often insults the nobles in the market, using methods that the audience likes to see: such as Tian's green hat hobby, Chen Gong's three kings and one After the game, the widow of Jin Hou was robbed and killed, Jiang Qi's daughter and brother played with her dead husband, Chu State climbed ashes, etc., in order to make the people feel that there is no bullshit aristocratic spirit?

After a long time, he finally calmed down. Gao Zi said, "Human nature is neither good nor evil. Eating is also one of the manifestations of human nature. Why don't you not eat?"

The Confucian scholar said: "I won't disturb the world by eating! But sex will make people want to rape women in the world, which will cause chaos."

Gao Zi asked again: "If a person has been hungry for many days and has not eaten, so he chooses to steal food and eat it, does this count as what you call a disaster in the world? If everyone does not eat, there will be no food. There is the matter of stealing food, is it evil to steal other people’s food? If you think that it can cause chaos in the world, you should restrain it, then eating should also be restrained.”

The Confucian scholar couldn't answer, so he had to say: "People should obey human nature, but you Mohists think that animal nature is also a part of human nature, which is a disaster for the world. Human nature is good, only benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trust are human nature." , the rest is not human nature. Even if people want to obey human nature, they should obey the real human nature, this is the difference between human beings and animals.”

"You are advocating that food and sex are also human nature, and seeking profit is also human nature. That is to cause chaos in the world. We must let people know that benevolence and righteousness are human nature, and they are the only human nature. Only in this way can the world be healthy."

"Do animals have benevolence? Do animals have righteousness? People who have benevolence and righteousness must be humans. So I said that human nature is good, and the difference between humans and animals lies in benevolence and righteousness, isn't it right?"

Gao Zi laughed and said: "You haven't answered my question yet. Eating may cause chaos in the world, so do people have to restrain their desire to eat? Kong Zhongni even said that you can't get tired of eating, and you can't get tired of fine meat, so you can tell me." Do you want to restrain the desire to eat?"

The Confucian scholar said: "Eating is fine, but it must be in accordance with the etiquette. Put your identity, what identity, and what kind of food you eat. This is self-denial and etiquette. The untouchables should not think about eating what a doctor should eat..."

"Fuck you!"

Before he could finish his words, the people in the audience were already cursing, and those people who were close to him were about to rush to the stage in a panic. Several retired soldiers who were originally fugitive slaves and joined the South China Sea Chamber of Commerce He scolded: "Say it again? I'll fuck you! I'm tying Lou, dragging those nobles out like dead dogs and shooting them. I just spent money to listen to a piece of chime and drum music at the People's Theater, and I became more polite. How about it?"

The garrison brigade in charge of the guard hurriedly stood up and joined hands to separate the crowd. The officer on duty shouted: "Don't make a mess! Don't make a mess! Persevere in persuading others with the truth! Don't do anything!"

Someone shouted: "The giant said that the truth is easier to spread within the range of muskets! Don't argue with them, use muskets and copper cannons to reason with them."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The propaganda and street debates in Sishang have been going on for 20 years. What should be said, what should not be said, what is said may be beaten, and what is said is likely to be beaten to death. It is the experience accumulated by countless blood of.

(End of this chapter)

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