warring states careerist

Chapter 707 Rebirth and Death

Chapter 707 Rebirth and Death
She hates the Mo family.

Everything in Gaoliu City made her sick.

She didn't understand why many people in Gaoliu City were smiling every day.

The Gaoliu City she saw was a dirty, disgusting and shameless city.

Like this gigantic 900-person wool spinning mill, it's disgusting everywhere.

What she saw was the faces of those villains who only knew how to seek profit: when the wool was delivered, these villains who only knew how to seek profit and those who sold wool demanded a lot of money and paid back the money on the spot.

The person who sent the wool always wanted to sell it at a high price, and had to spend a long time breaking it for a penny.

People who buy wool always want to get a low price for wool. For a penny, they can reach out and flip through the oily wool to find defects.

The soot that exudes a disgusting smell floats in the workshop every day. When you wake up in the morning, it will be covered with a layer of black soot. There are no pavilions or emerald greens. People here don’t know how to appreciate those The beauty of the courtyard is just laughing at the oil-soaked banknotes.

Every day at dawn, a group of businessmen who don't understand poetry and books will wait at the door of the workshop, buying wool in bags that have been cleaned and groomed, and temporarily unusable by the workshop.

Then it is broken into small packages and lent to retail families in the city to be spun into yarn, or they can directly buy spinning wheels at their own homes.

Men and women gathered together, said those jokes that made her sick, and shamelessly engaged in those menial labors for a few dollars.

Those woolen yarns that are spun are taken back by the merchants who buy them and pay a certain amount of money to the spinning families, and the cycle is endless again.

The beautiful countryside of sheep herding has become a large-scale cooperative breeding society.

In the eyes of these people, Shaolao, which is used as a sacrifice to heaven, is money, and the money for selling meat and hair is not sacred at all.

She believes that people always have to be afraid of something, otherwise they will lose their morality, but people here don't have the slightest fear of noble blood.

There are different etiquettes for high and low, and it has become more money and less comments. She has never heard anyone talk about whose bloodlines in the workshop, but only heard those female workers enviously talking about where they opened a private workshop and how much their daily income is. money.

The deer used for the nobles to hunt in the field became the deerskin that the young man in Gaoliu City could exchange for money to marry a wife. Without any aesthetic feeling, he used traps and muskets to slaughter those beasts that the nobles used to hunt in the field to sacrifice to heaven and practice art.

The weaving and embroidery, which contains women's skills and art, has become the same labor of a group of people.The wool scourers, the yarn spinners, and the woolen weavers have distinct layers, and each piece of woolen cloth looks exactly the same. Even the highest women's craftsmanship is just dirty goods for money.

There is no longer trust between people. Words such as contracts, deposits, and share laws are circulated in my ears every day. cheap paperwork.

The culinary skills that women use to show their skills have been transformed into neatly sized potato cubes, identically shaped steamed buns, and identically flavored pickles in the workshop.

Elegant and interesting reading has become a tool for the female workers here to seek profit: as many characters as they know, they can increase their wages in this workshop. If you spend a copper coin to read a book, the words are full of the stench of copper.

The respect of people and people is gone, and the noble woman who came together with a much lower rank than her can point her nose and scold her in the most vulgar local dialect for a trivial matter.

The friendship between people is gone, and those merchants who buy the combed wool unite with each other to form a joint-stock chamber of commerce, book in advance, exclude those who buy wool from retail investors, and intrigue with each other to swallow the small with the big.

The goodness of human nature does not exist here, only the naked "human nature is neither good nor evil" to the extreme, food and sex are all human nature, for money and desire, it is extremely chaotic.

The former nobles like her who are busy here, in order to get rid of this kind of life, degrade their status, and remarry Gaoliu's once lowly fugitive slave and now a self-cultivating farmer.

The world is upside down, high and low are out of order, everyone seeks profit...

But under such circumstances, the Mohists actually hypocritically and disgustingly asked her to "rebirth", and asked her to use her own labor to support her own life, saying that they used to be moths.

Relying on labor to support one's own life, is this a new life?

The noble woman wants to laugh, this is not a new student, this is low.

From noble to humble, how can you be called a new student?

There is a difference between the noble and the humble, the honor and order are orderly, serfs work, feudal lords are benevolent and righteous, there is wine during sacrifices, and rice during harvests, everyone observes propriety, rules everywhere, no one seeks profit, courteousness and restraint...

She couldn't figure out why the Mo family insisted on destroying such a good world?
In the mandatory class of the lecture notes, she once asked the Mo family in a mocking tone.

Why do you want to take away our land?
The Mohist asked, where did your land come from?

She said it was given to them by the king.

The people of the Mo family laughed, saying that Zhou Tianzi also took the land from the Yin Shang, and when the Yin Shang was ancient and the way was natural, those kings took the land from the peasants.If you agree that whoever has the biggest fist is justified, then now that the peasants have snatched it back, you can snatch it back if you have the ability.

She asked back: You are not in line with the etiquette and law, because under the etiquette and law, there is no king in the world, and you have violated the law.

The Mohists said that the law of Tao is based on nature and the will of heaven, and under the law of nature, the land belongs to all people.Could it be that the kings of the world have violated the natural law, so there is no legal reason, and we don't recognize it.The law must be in line with nature and the will of heaven before it can be ruled by the people. If the law itself is not in line with nature and the will of heaven, then it is not law.

When it comes to debate, how can she compare to the people of the Mo family? What makes him even more disgusted is that the Mo family is simply cheating.

Within the scope of etiquette, the Mohists must be wrong, but the Mohists are so shameless that they don't recognize the etiquette.

From her point of view, it was like the people of the Mohist school insisting that water flows to high places, and then pointing to low-lying places and saying that this is called high and the mountain is called low.

So she didn't want to hear the so-called new life of the Mohists. If the new life is labor from noble to humble, then it's better to die.

It was only because of her two children that she struggled to support her.

The younger children were sent to the foster home, where they were raised, but the poor teacher resources in Gaoliu City were not allocated to them. They also learned to write, but more often they had to be trained to work from an early age.

The older children were even more pitiful. They were sent to masons as apprentices, and they only had to take care of food and shelter, and had to work every day.

But at least, they are still alive, and they can see each other every ten days.

Everything here made her sick, but her love for children kept her going, but today, she couldn't hold on anymore.

Just a few days ago, she suffered the greatest humiliation in her life.

The people from the Xuanyi Department of the Mohist School called them together and gave a speech in front of those bitches.

The people from the Propaganda Department pointed to these women of noble origin, and told those bitches with insulting words:

"Don't listen to those deceitful people who think that the noble blood of their ancestors will make the nobles nobler than us, so the difference between high and low is reasonable. Only horses and cattle are blood."

"Everyone in Zhuxia and Kyushu comes from the ancestor Fuxi and Nuwa. When it comes to bloodlines, each of us is noble."

"They don't have enough crops, they rely on the fiefdom to let you work, they eat and drink enough to practice martial arts and archery, learn writing and poetry, wear gorgeous clothes, and then tell you that all of these are destined by blood, so you are humble Disrespectful, and they are dignified and elegant."

"Look at these nobles now. When they leave their silverfish fiefdom, are they still noble? Aren't they eating, shitting, and sleeping like everyone else in the world?"

When it came to this, many lowly people laughed. Looking at the noble women who wore the same clothes as them, it was like watching a group of strange beasts that made people laugh.

People from the Mohist family scolded them for their ancestry as a pair of cows and horses, and even insulted them and shit.

After that, the woman couldn't listen anymore, the laughter around her made her understand why the Mo family didn't let them die, and why they took them from Zhao Hou.

The people of the Mo family want to use them to let the people of Gaoliu find out that nobility and lowliness are all lies.

The people of the Mohists regard them as a tool, a tool that makes people dare to seek profit, dare to turn the world upside down.

Under such insults, the woman could no longer bear it. She didn't know if there would be such a thing in the future, and she didn't know if people would laugh at them and look at them like they were animals.

At the end of that speech, people from the Xuanyi Department of the Mohist School were tempting them again.

"Since bloodlines do not distinguish between high and low, bloodlines naturally do not distinguish between good and bad people. Stripping off the land they depend on as moths, they are also human beings, just like you."

"With hands and feet, they can support themselves. When they realize that self-reliance is not cheap, when they realize that they were once silverfish, they can increase their salary just like you, and they can do other things after learning characters. Leaving in three to five years..."

What made her even more disdainful was that the next day there were people like her who took the initiative to stand up and say that they were moths, that self-employment was not cheap, that they were wrong in the past, and that they talked about the dirty things in the aristocratic circle.

Just for a small profit, all dignity was ruined.

Women are disdainful and disdainful, and it is even more difficult to bear this kind of insult from being criticized, especially being ridiculed by a group of low-status people... Laughing at her for being slow in doing things, laughing at her for being a silverfish who can't even lift a wool, laughing at her What does it feel like to work like a bitch now...

In a few days, her spirit had completely collapsed. Those bitches who had been insulted and damaged by bad nobles vented their resentment on her.

But that was a bad thing done by a bad nobleman. What does she think has anything to do with her?

There is no problem in this world, as long as everyone is a benevolent nobleman, why can't you hope that everyone from the emperor to the princes to the emperor is a good person, but you insist on bringing chaos to the world?
At this moment, by the light of the fire, touching the white bone hairpin, the woman thought of Xiangzi's sister killing herself with the hairpin.

That is a story that is sung by the nobles of the Zhao Kingdom. The daughter of Zhao is Duolie, and she doesn't want to be insulted like this again.

Touching the hairpin, he walked outside where it was snowing heavily, and there seemed to be firecrackers in the distance, and he didn't know where there was anything that could make the bastards like Gao Liu happy.

On a cold night, the woman took off her clothes and scrubbed her dusty body with white snow.

She thought that when she died, the Mo family would not wash her body.

The noble come, and the noble go.

The snow is very white and clean, and can wash away all the humiliation she has endured these days, the dirty soot, and the smell of wool.

"The dead world does not need any new life."

After washing her body, she put on the cotton shirt she didn't want to wear but had to wear again, and tidied up the wrinkles on her body.

Straightening his nearly frozen body, he knelt down on the snow, raised the hairpin and pointed it at his throat.

Looking at the sleeping sky for the last time, he silently said the last farewell to his two sons.

She originally wanted to say, keep this hatred in mind, kill all Mo Zhe, and slaughter all the filthy pariah who followed Mo Zhe.

But in the end, he still prayed to Haotian with the simplest words that a mother should say.

"Live well."

Then he did what aristocrats should do in this chaotic era—created a tragic beauty that can only be created by the whole class in the end—martyrdom.

Blood spilled on the snow like plum blossoms in the south.

(End of this chapter)

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