Paper Maker

Chapter 58 Soul Locking Array

Chapter 58 Soul Locking Array

There is a horizontal line on the cement pillar, which I drew with stones before!Doesn't this mean we've been going in big circles?In order to confirm our idea, we went to check other concrete columns, which frightened us even more.

When we checked the cement pillars all around, we saw a phenomenon that shocked us very much.Originally, Mr. Zhu and I would draw a horizontal line with stones every time we passed a stump, and we walked all the way.However, after checking the dozens of cement pillars around him, he found that there were no horizontal lines on the surrounding cement pillars at all!

There are no horizontal lines on the surrounding concrete columns, but only the middle one has a horizontal line. What does this mean?
Didn't I plan before?Impossible, we must cross.

Haven't we been moving all this time?Staying here all the time, all the strokes after that are illusions?But this is impossible, we still feel sore in our legs from walking.

Or is it that we crossed, but those cement pillars are alive and can automatically change their positions?

I can't draw conclusions from all this, and I don't know which reason is true and which reason is false.All I know is that we're really trapped, and it's not as simple as a ghost hitting a wall.

Mr. Zhu panicked a long time ago, and hurriedly told me to quickly cast a spell to beat this ghost and break the wall.I told him, this is not a ghost hitting the wall, but more like a formation.

Mr. Zhu was very surprised and asked me what kind of formation, I ignored him, but concentrated on opening the "eye of the sky".

As soon as the eyes of the sky opened, he gasped.

I saw that the concrete pillar here is a yin and a yang.There is one yin in the front, one yang in the back, the one on the left is yin, and the one on the right is yang. The yin and yang are intertwined and layered.Not only that simple, I also found that this yin stump is slowly becoming Shaoyang, and that yang stump is slowly becoming Shaoyin.This yin and yang transform each other, endlessly.

I always feel very familiar when I see this kind of formation, but I just can't remember where I have seen this kind of formation.Oh, by the way, I saw it in the "Yin-Yang Secret Art" that my grandfather gave me. This kind of formation seems to be called "Bagua Yinyang Locking Soul Formation"!
No wonder so many cement pillars are intricately distributed, the original purpose is to set up the gossip yin and yang soul lock array.When I didn't understand the reason before, I just thought that these columns were arranged according to the law of one front, one back, one left and one right. Only now can I see that these columns are arranged according to the pattern of the Eight Diagrams, which is actually an Eight Diagrams formation. picture.

The eight trigrams yin and yang lock soul array mentioned in "Yin Yang Secret Art" is composed of eight array eyes: Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui. The Yang Gate and the Gate of Death were changed to the Yin Gate, so it was called the Eight Diagrams Yin-Yang Formation.

And the Yin-Yang Formation of the Eight Diagrams utilizes the principle of the Taiji Formation of the Formation of the Eight Diagrams, which produces the two instruments, the two instruments produce the four images, and the four images produce the eight trigrams.Coupled with the mutual attraction between the yin gate and the yang gate, the entire array of yin and yang is transformed into each other, and the life is endless.

If it's just a gossip formation, it can only make people lose their sense of direction. It was often used in infantry formations in ancient wars.However, because the gossip yin and yang array has replaced the eyes of the array with yin and yang, this array has the effect of locking the soul.

As long as the ghost enters the gossip yin and yang formation, it will never come out, so it has to keep turning around in the formation.That's why there is another formation named Bagua Yinyang Soul Locking Formation in this formation. This formation is very wicked. The purpose is obviously to lock the ghosts who died in the building and prevent them from going out.

No wonder I saw so many ghosts who died in the building, wandering around the forest of pillars as if they had lost their souls. It turned out that they were locked up and couldn't get out.It's just that I don't understand, why did the Feng Shui master do this?Why did he set up such a soul-locking array, why did he prevent the ghosts from getting out? Could it be that he has some deep hatred with Mr. Zhu?
The ghosts are locked in the building, and if they can't get out, they can't be reincarnated. As time goes on, the resentment accumulates, and they become fierce ghosts.

Thinking of this, I told Mr. Zhu about the Soul Locking Formation, and asked him if that Feng Shui master had any grudges against you?
When I finished talking about the Soul Locking Formation, Mr. Zhu was really frightened. He understood that the reason why those ghosts kept making trouble in the building was because they couldn’t get out and vented their grievances. Mr. Zhu hated it too. bite.However, when I asked him if he had a problem with that Feng Shui master, Mr. Zhu seemed to have something to hide, and he was stuck for a while, and he didn't want to say anything.

I told him, it is clear that the feng shui master you hired set up the formation, the purpose is to keep the ghosts in the building unable to get out, so that they will be trapped in the building and make trouble in the building, making the building a murderous building. Obviously, he and Your holiday is very deep.If you don't say anything, I won't meddle in this business after I leave here.

As soon as Mr. Zhu heard that I didn't want to take care of this matter anymore, he immediately pulled me away, saying that he would tell me about the Feng Shui master, and begged me to help him.

After finishing speaking, Mr. Zhu told about his relationship with the Feng Shui master.

It turned out that the reason why Mr. Zhu was a little hesitant and didn't want to say more was because he was also very wicked when expropriating this land.I feel ashamed, so I don't want to let me know.

The thing is, Mr. Zhu is the kind of guy who is rich and powerful here.In recent years, the real estate industry has been very popular. Anyone who can get the land with connections can make money by building a house.Therefore, a few years ago, Mr. Zhu also used his connections and money to get a piece of land here.

At that time, dozens of Pingnong households lived here. For the sake of profit, Mr. Zhu used a very low demolition fee to do this.

In other words, ordinary people, although they are poorer, are not fools. Now that housing prices are skyrocketing, you want them to sell the land at a very low price. Do you think they will be willing to do it?
If we don't talk about it, these unscrupulous people will naturally become stones in Mr. Zhu's eyes, and they will become villains blocking his way of making money.In Mr. Zhu's view, these poor people's broken houses are worth nothing. I'm not satisfied after giving you 10,000+. Residents here migrate.

It is said that at that time, there was a woman from a family here who hanged herself in the house because she forcibly resisted the demolition.For this matter, the government had no choice but to double the demolition funds.Of course, the money ultimately went to Mr. Zhu.When Mr. Zhu mentioned this, he couldn't help scolding the local officials for being too dark, and he had to pay for the demolition.

Because the demolition fee was doubled by the government, and if you don’t want to demolish, even if you hang yourself, it’s useless, and there are underworld thugs to beat people, so the demolition work went smoothly.At this time, there was a person in the relocated household, who was a well-known Feng Shui master here.At the beginning, Mr. Zhu's friends also asked him to see Fengshui, so this time Mr. Zhu also asked him, but at first the Fengshui master was unwilling to show Mr. Zhu Fengshui, maybe he didn't want to move out of here Bar.

But later, when the demolition work was on the right track, the feng shui master took the initiative to find Mr. Zhu, threatening that the feng shui here was exceptionally good, and it could be said to be the best feng shui treasure in the surrounding counties. In order to prevent the feng shui treasure from being splashed, he I hope to help Mr. Zhu design the orientation of the building and other things.

Some of Mr. Zhu’s friends who are engaged in real estate also hired this Feng Shui master. Naturally, Mr. Zhu would not suspect that he is a liar. In addition, this Feng Shui master originally lived here before, so he believed the Feng Shui master’s words. It was really good, so I gladly accepted the Feng Shui master's suggestion.

Speaking of this, Mr. Zhu said, that's the way it is. I don't have any big hatred with the Feng Shui master, it's just a dispute over interests during the demolition.But later, the demolition fee was doubled, and they accepted the demolition gladly. Logically speaking, there would be no complaints, but why did he still harm me like this?

I rolled my eyes and muttered to myself, it's no wonder that the residents here don't blame you.They live in a good place, so why do they have to move out?What's more, you will not have a fair deal with them. They have no choice but to force them with black and white, and they have to accept it when they see it.

(End of this chapter)

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