agent stupid

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

When the fishermen returned home happily, Leng Jie looked at the fish in the yard and began to worry.There is no refrigerator or freezer here, so she thinks she can only release the fish she bought.At this time, Xiao Shiyu, who had never spoken before, reminded her.She can dry the fish into dried fish, so that she can sell the dried fish to places like Jianzhou that lack water and fish.When she heard it, she felt that this method was indeed feasible. It was winter, and the weather was dry, which was just right for drying cured fish.She found Aunt Zhang and asked them why they didn't dry the fish into dried fish?Aunt Zhang and the others replied in astonishment, "How much sun does it take to dry the fish for a day? The fish will stink before it is dried."

At this time, Leng Jie realized that people in this era still don't know how to use salt to drown meat.Although she has never actually operated it, she is as smart as she is, as long as she has seen it and eaten it, she can do it.So, she mobilized all the fishermen to learn the techniques of drowning and drying fish.First remove the scales from the fish, and then remove the intestines inside the belly of the fish.Then rub the inside and outside of the fish with salt, and then hang the fish with a rope to dry, instead of directly placing the fish on the ground to dry like they do.And promised that they would buy dried fish at a price several times higher than that of fresh fish.The kind-hearted fishermen who were originally worried that the two sons would suffer a loss when they bought their fish, even though they were cold and clean and did not raise the price, they were quite willing to come to learn the techniques of drowning and drying fish.

In this way, Leng Jie and Xiao Shiyu became fishmongers who came to Beijing from Jianzhou to sell dried fish.In half a month, they have become the most powerful gods of wealth in the hearts of all the fish people inside and outside the capital.Because these two brothers not only helped them solve their immediate livelihood problems, but also found a long-term way for them to be talented.The fish they caught in the past, dead or unsold fish, they eat for themselves, and they have to throw away the unfinished fish.But now they don't have to worry about this problem.They can dry them and don't worry about no one buying them.

And those people taught by Tsing Yi couldn't think of it even if they sharpened their heads.The pair of brothers and sisters they were looking for were ten taels of gold and looked like angels.It is the fishmonger who is popular in Nancheng at the moment.

——This book is published by Xiaoxiang Academy alone, please do not reprint it!
Leng Jie's dishes were ready, Xiao Shiyu began to skillfully arrange the bowls and chopsticks without her ordering.

Soon a plate of braised fish and a fried vegetable was served.After washing her hands, Leng Jie sat down at the table and took the chopsticks from Xiao Shiyu.He put a fish head in his bowl and said, "Eat it quickly! You are growing up now, so you should eat more. You can't buy meat now, so it's good to have fish."

Xiao Shiyu glanced at her with his eyes.He snorted coldly and said, "Hmph! Say that again next time, and deal with the salted fish you collected by yourself."

"Don't! Didn't we agree that I will be in charge of the purchase and you will be in charge of the sales! Besides, it's a money-making business. You don't think money is cheap, do you?" Leng Jie hurriedly advised.She may not make this money, but those fishermen can count on him.

"I just think what's wrong with the money monkey? You don't really think you are a fishmonger, do you? I really don't understand what you are trying to do? You follow a group of fishermen all day. You teach them how to make dried fish and help them spend these 49 days That's enough. This way they can already live well. Ganma has to promise to help them sell for a long time. And sell as much as you can. Do you know how troublesome it is!" After holding back for half a month, Shi Yu finally I vented out the depression in my heart.The little face was flushed with anger, and the big eyes stared at Leng Jie who was eating with hatred.

Leng Jie raised her head while eating, looked at him and said with a smile: "You finally said it, isn't it uncomfortable after holding it back for half a month?" I am not a fishmonger, and I am not short of money. However, with a little effort from us, these fishermen can live a life that is several times better than before. Don’t you think it is worth it? It is very valuable? You are also a prince after all. You should have some awareness!"

Shi Yu stared at her blankly, not knowing what to say for a long time?She didn't expect her to think so deeply.He suddenly felt ashamed.She was right, he did not have such awareness.The reason why he agreed to help those fishermen is entirely because he needs to be invisible in the fishing village at present.He never thought of helping them simply to live a better life.

Seeing that Xiao Shiyu was silent, Leng Jie said, "Oh! What kind of enlightenment do you want to tell you? A high-ranking prince like you can stay in this dirty and messy place for half a month. And can you promise to help these people? Fishermen have been pretty good."

"Who are you? You are like a village girl when you are earthy, like a queen when you are noble, like a fairy when you are free and easy, and like a witch when you are wholesome." Shi Yu murmured.

"I'm a standard fishmonger now." Leng Jie continued, "Okay, let's not talk about this issue, you just need to be responsible for writing a letter to ask your subordinates to build a salted fish sales outlet in Jianzhou. Just come here and find the fishermen to collect the goods. Let’s talk about business now!”

"I sent the letter a long time ago. What did you find out when you went out today?" When it came to business, Shi Yu immediately became serious.

"I heard that the Tsing Yi Sect is still looking for us, and has expanded the scope of its search outside the city. There is also news related to you. On the first day of December, a martial arts conference to attack the Tsing Yi Sect will be held in your fief Jianzhou .You don't sit at home, is it okay?"

Shi Yu's face suddenly changed color, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.Even breathing became short, and he eagerly confirmed: "Is this news reliable?"

"It's spread all over the city, so it shouldn't be fake! What's wrong? They shouldn't dare to mess with your palace?" Leng Jie didn't understand why he was so flustered.

"No, I have to see the emperor immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Shi Yu seemed to be talking to himself.

"What is the martial arts conference about the emperor? What do you know?" Leng Jie asked.

"There are some things you can't know. Knowing about it will do you harm but not any benefit. You are so smart, think about it for me, how can you sneak into the palace?" Shi Yu asked anxiously.

Hmph, if you don't tell me, you'll just wait to be a child for the rest of your life!Leng Jie pulled the corners of her eyes to both sides, and said with a fake smile: "It's easy, I will send you to be a little eunuch. Then you can have a chance to meet the emperor."

Shi Yu's small face immediately turned from white to green, and he cursed at Leng Jie: "You woman is really vicious! You actually came up with such a way."

"The way I think varies from person to person. For a villain like you who doesn't tell the truth, of course you have to use this extraordinary method. If a modest gentleman asks me for a way to enter the palace, I will definitely have a way." A method that suits him." Leng Jie still smiled.

"I don't know anything except that your name is Leng Jie. But I told you a secret that even my family members don't know, and you said that I am a villain who doesn't tell the truth? Then you Who is it?" Shi Yu retorted sharply.

"Aren't you a villain now? Of course I'm an adult!" Leng Jie pointed at his small stature and smiled, "It's you who want to depend on me, not me who wants to follow you. Why should I tell you my What’s more, you’re the one asking me for a solution now, so don’t talk about it as if you’re taking advantage of it.”

In the small courtyard full of fishy smell, in the low mud-tiled house, the night wind pierced through the thin window paper, blowing the faint candlelight indistinctly, drifting left and right.

Leng Jie carried Xiao Shiyu, who had been hypnotized by her, onto the wooden bed, and pulled the quilt over him.He whispered softly in his mouth: "Sleep well, you will forget everything when you wake up."

"Ha!" Speaking of sleeping, Leng Jie unconsciously opened her mouth and let out a big yawn.Go out during the day to inquire about news, and teach those fishermen who came from other places to learn how to drown fish.In the evening, Xiao Shiyu was hypnotized after dinner.She also felt very tired and wanted to sleep.

But now she can't sleep.Because there are more troublesome things waiting for her to think about.

Ever since she knew that Xiao Shiyu was the Queen of England, Leng Jie paid special attention and tried her best to behave vulgar and savage in front of him.I don't want him to associate her with the daughters of those noble families.Let alone associate her with the imperial palace.She had no intention of helping him meet the emperor, because she didn't want to reveal her painstakingly hidden identity, let alone get involved in court affairs.She has just escaped from the sea of ​​misery, so she has no reason to go back and throw herself into the net for a little kid she picked up on the road!
She also has no intention of inquiring into Shi Yu's privacy, although she knows that what Shi Yu said cannot be trusted, but she believes that he has his own reasons for not telling the truth.After all, his IQ is not that of a six-year-old child, and she cannot ask an adult to be [-]% honest with her who is a stranger.As long as his lies don't affect her.

In the past half month, she not only mingle with the common people, but also learned a lot of Jinghe's folk customs.I also often go to teahouses and restaurants frequented by martial arts people to inquire about Tsing Yi Sect.She knew that Tsing Yi Sect was the boss of the underworld, and she also understood why people's faces changed when they talked about Tsing Yi Sect.

An organization like them that wantonly plundered martial arts figures and court officials would never just loot money and goods just to show his status as a black state, right?She thought that the emperor had Longmen as his eyes and ears, and Xuanyuan should have known about these things a long time ago.The government has not sent troops to encircle and suppress the Tsing Yi Sect so far, so Xuanyuan must have his considerations.When she learned that Wulin Baidao sent out Jianghu stickers to call for youth conferences.It seems to understand Xuanyuan's intention of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

However, Shi Yu expressed concern about the martial arts conference being held in Jianzhou.Let Leng Jie realize that things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.She was so clear that she couldn't find out why, so she had no choice but to give him a hand and use hypnosis to understand the truth.

However, it doesn't matter whether she listens to the truth or not, she will face the choice of whether to fall into the political quagmire again.

It turned out that the Shi family was one of the leaders of the Anbu that Xuanyuan had been looking for.In addition to managing all things in their fiefdom Jianzhou, the Shi family is also responsible for secretly monitoring the officials of all the state capitals north of Jianzhou, martial arts, agriculture, business and other things for the emperor.They are like the emperor's clairvoyant eyes and ears, keeping an eye on every event happening in every inch of land north of Jianzhou.This is also one of the reasons why Jinghe has never had civil strife in the 100 years since the founding of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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