Meow Ba

Chapter 463 Going Alone

Chapter 463 Going Alone
"The effect is not bad~"

Ron thought about it and determined that the first generation of Bitcoin mining machines should be on the market in 2012.

Prior to this, Bitcoin mining has gone through PC CPU mining, to graphics card GPU mining, and then to area programmable gate array [FPGA] mining.

The mining machine in front of us is obviously in the stage between GPU and FPGA.

"The appearance is a little bit worse~"

“It’s better to have a little industrial aesthetic~”

For the mining machine industry, Ron is a layman, so he can provide advice on appearance.

"Okay, I'll let Guo improve it~"

Zhang Xiaolin on the other side of the network immediately replied.

Then, his face darkened.


After the matter was settled, Ron came out of the apartment room and wandered along the road around the Santa Monica Police Station.

Although Lorraine has been in the Santa Monica Police Department for a long time, there are many things about Ron.

Most of the time is outside, and has not yet established its own territory in the surrounding area.

However, unlike the comfortable Fox Hill community, the Santa Monica Police Station is surrounded by a large number of high-rise buildings, and there are no cats and dogs wandering around.

Even if Ron passed by meowing, it was just meowing and woofing from behind the window.

This disappointed Ron for a while.

He originally wanted to stretch his skills like he did in the Fox Hill community, conquer all the cats and dogs around the police station, and organize a cat and dog parade.

Ron had completely forgotten what weight he was in now.

Not to mention the great success of Crouching Tiger, he has already begun to temper his bones. With the circulation of Qi and blood, his body has swelled enough to be the size of a tiger, and his strength is even more than that of ordinary tigers.

Just because of his current weight, he slapped it out, not to mention all kinds of short-haired cats and puppet cats of small stature, even the golden retriever has to kneel.

It's not an ordinary kneeling, it's the kind of crazy kneeling that hits the ground with blood on the forehead.


boring boring~
Let's go to Paradise Restaurant~
After wandering around, Ron didn't even see a dog peeing next to the electric pole in the corner, and finally decided to go play with Robert.

To be precise, he went to play with Jinjila.

So far, only Catherine and Molly know about Ron's ability to communicate with people. Even Lorraine only has a general feeling.

Although Robert knew Ron a long time ago, he felt a little worse than Lorraine in this regard.

Chinchilla is different, though.

At the very least, Jinjila can communicate with Ron normally through her special function.

Instead of being like other cats, you can only meow.


It should be in this direction~
Thinking about the direction Lorraine drove every time, Ron embarked on the road to the Paradise Restaurant.

Every time I go to Paradise Restaurant, Lorraine drives.

The journey is not far, about 10 minutes.

It also includes time waiting for traffic lights and finding a parking space.

If only the actual distance is counted, it should be about 5 minutes by car.

In addition, you can't drive too fast in the city. Ron saw Lorraine's speedometer at that time, but it looked like thirty.

It's just that the speedometer of an American car is not engraved with KM, but miles. In conversion, one mile is 48 kilometers, and thirty miles is equal to [-] kilometers.

Then convert it into time, 48 kilometers per hour, divide by sixty and multiply by five.

Just passing by a small garden, which is not a common lawn, but a small sandpit, with a dangling swing frame next to it. ,
After looking left and right for no one, Ron drilled through the isolation bushes, gently smoothed the sand in the bunker with his paws, and then calculated on it.

Well, four kilometers is not too far, so it's just exercise~
In a good mood, Ron got out of the bushes, found the right direction, and ran leisurely, his whole body was rippling.


"Damn stupid cat!"

The owner of the small garden saw a fat orange cat waving its paws in the sandpit in his garden through the window on the second floor, and immediately ran down the stairs cursing, and took a broom and shovel from behind the door.

The broom is for Ron, the shovel is for clearing the bunker.

She thought Ron had shit in his sandpit.

She has also raised cats before, and knows what such a big sandpit means in the eyes of cats.

Even, she moved to her current residence because of this reason - there is no greenery here, and there is no empty and leisurely living space. The only advantage is that there will be no cats and dogs in the sandpit at home. .

However, when she ran to the sandpit, she found that there was no trace of the cat's convenience.

On the contrary, after the bunker was deliberately smoothed, an arithmetic was written.

A piece of arithmetic that Bald Eagle Country only learns after the third grade.

She couldn't help but looked up at the direction where the fat orange cat left, then looked down at the sandpit, threw away the broom and shovel, took out her phone from her pocket, took a few snaps, and posted a question on the tubing.

"Question: Is it possible for a cat to write down the following arithmetic and calculate the answer?"

After a while, there was a series of replies.

"Hahahaha, is the supervisor stupid? How could the cat figure it out!"

"I agree with the upstairs, I can't even figure out this topic!"

"Upstairs is mentally retarded, can't figure out such a simple problem, not even a cat!"

"Upstairs on the top floor, this is a question for the third grade. There are really many people who can't figure it out!"



Ron didn't know the arithmetic he wrote down casually, which caused another discussion on YouTube.

He just ran briskly.

Four kilometers is not much.

But this is not the countryside, and there is no fork in the road after driving for more than ten minutes.

In the city, there are more than a dozen traffic lights on a four-kilometer road.

Even with the sensitivity of a cat, it was able to dodge before being hit by a car.

But there are too many cars, and Ron doesn't want to test the car himself.

If after the collision, I didn't fly, but hit my car and dropped the bumper, it would be troublesome.

With a choice between the two, Ron decided to be a good cat who obeyed the traffic rules.

Whenever he encountered a red light, Ron would stop, squat down, wag his tail and wait.

Wait until the light turns green before crossing the street.

Naturally, a group of pedestrians raised their mobile phones and clicked.

There were even idlers chasing Ron all the way and live broadcasting directly.

And this kind of behavior has attracted pedestrians on the road to look around and raise their mobile phones to participate.

In the end, there were dozens of people following Ron's tail - there were locals in Los Angeles, but more were tourists who came to Los Angeles.

Until Ron ran across the beach, across the pier, and into a restaurant.

The tourists who followed Ron suddenly felt hungry from the smell of food coming from the restaurant.

They looked up and saw the restaurant's signboard, and the mobile phone in their hand also took a picture of the restaurant's signboard.

They then walked into the restaurant, sat down, and asked the waiter for menus.

(End of this chapter)

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