Meow Ba

Chapter 453

Chapter 453

It's still a familiar recipe, and it's still a familiar taste~
Xueshan cat food, you are worth buying~

To be honest, Xueshan cat food is pretty good, at least it is very attractive to real cats, as evidenced by the twitching nose of the Somali cat next to it.

But for Ron, who is used to eating hot dog sandwiches and grilled chicken, the taste is too fishy and he is not used to it.

However, in order to prevent Grandma Jenny from seeing his flaws, Ron still lowered his head and began to swallow.

"What a good boy~"

"This cat food is still the brand from last time, so I knew you would come again."

Grandma Jenny smiled and sat down on the recliner beside the cat food bowl.

"I have lived here for many years, many years, so long that the outside world has changed..."

"But there is one habit I have retained."

“Whenever a cat comes to my place, I tell it my story.”

"This is a story about cats, it happened a long time ago..."

While the recliner was shaking slightly, there was a soft and peaceful voice coming from above Ron's head. Looking up, Grandma Jenny had closed her eyes, speaking slowly in the swaying sunlight.

"Back then, I was a delicate and sensitive girl, fresh out of school, working as an art designer for a cosmetics company in Salt Lake City."

"The owner of the company is Rambo, and his wife is Sharon. They are very kind to people, and the company's business is also very good. I am very happy working there."

"until one day……"


Catherine and Molly were out before Ron left.

They went to their first and last warehouse sale since returning from Africa.

It has been less than a week since the start of school, and by that time, Catherine will enter high school, and Molly will also enter the first grade of Bernal No. [-] Middle School.

Although not accompanied by Ron, the two sisters brought the little hamster Tingmeng and the little mouse Jimmy.

Ting Meng can discover treasures, Jimmy can help translate, even without Ron, you can still gain a lot.

Just coming to the storage auction location, Catherine and Molly unexpectedly ran into old acquaintances.

"Hi Catherine, Molly."

"Nice to meet you~"

After getting off Papa Tom's truck, not far away, two fancy-dressed balls ran over to say hello warmly.

It's Bull, who liked Catherine last semester, and his buddy Roddy.

"Why are you here?"

Catherine and Molly were surprised to see them at the warehouse sale.

Unlike Catherine, Bull and Roddy didn't get good grades and didn't get into good schools.

However, their family has money, and they have already arranged a way out.

Of course, there are also some side effects.

The old parents who were arranging a way out for them were upset, and waved the big stick of money directly.

"Hey hey, this..."

Bull was still a little embarrassed, but Rodit was honest.

"Bull's pocket money stopped."

"Although mine didn't stop, it was pitifully small."

"Last time I heard from Terry that holding a storage auction seems to be very profitable."

"Bull and I just gritted our teeth and took out the little pocket money we saved before, ready to make a fortune."

"By the way, why didn't Terry come today?"

"He's still in Africa."

He's a classmate, so there's nothing to hide.

After listening to Catherine's answer, the two of Bull also fell silent-Catherine is now Terry's girlfriend, and the whole school knows this.

And the two of them were not stupid. When they heard that Terry hadn't come back from Africa, they naturally thought of the rumors about Terry in school, which were probably true.

"Hey guys, the Newport Bay storage auction is now open."

"A total of six warehouses are up for auction this time."

"Everyone has 1 minute to stand outside the warehouse gate to observe, and then I will call out the starting price. Those who need it can bid, and the one with the highest price will win."

"I hope you will hurry up. Once I call three times, it means a deal."

The job of storage auctioneer is relatively rare. This time, the auctioneer Catherine met was an acquaintance, the same storage auctioneer who found the beach car last time.

The same opening remarks, only the name of the warehouse and the starting price have changed.

After all, compared to the last time, the tourists in Newport Bay were relatively richer this time, and naturally the things they left in the warehouse would be more valuable.

"Everyone comes in order, one by one."

"The No. 1 warehouse we are starting to auction now, everyone can watch for a minute at the warehouse door."

"Okay, it's time."

"The starting bid for Warehouse No. [-] is US$[-], plus US$[-]. Newport Bay is a famous bird-watching sanctuary. You can see that there is a bracket for a pair of telescopes inside. Obviously there is a telescope. "


"It's a good start. It's $630. Is there a higher one? After all, a pair of high-quality binoculars, even if they are second-hand, is worth no less than $[-]..."


The auctioneer's eloquence improved a lot, and someone immediately answered, and the atmosphere gradually became warmer.

Catherine and Molly stood at the back of the auction crowd, with their backs against the warehouse, without raising a sign.

Just now they released Jimmy and Tingmeng, and let the two little mice wander around in the warehouse. After returning, Jimmy said that Tingmeng was not particularly excited.

This also means that there are no precious metals and jewelry in this warehouse.

Of course, this does not mean that this warehouse is worthless.

After all, high-grade electronic products and the telescopes mentioned by auctioneers are not precious metal products, but only have high use value and high added value.

But this does not mean that sister Catherine needs to make an offer.

Since Tangerine rescued the blond Catherine with the same name, the return of the Hazlitt family has allowed the Diesel family to officially enter the upper middle class of capitalist society. and Roddy less.

They enjoyed it more, but Roddy and Bull were excited to participate.


"Okay, $730 once, twice, three times~"


"Congratulations, lovely boy, I hope you can get what you want~"

Quickly knocking down the hammer, the auctioneer handed the key into Bull's fat palm, and the auctioneer started the next storage auction.

"It's really exciting!"

"Roddy, we will definitely double the pocket money!"

Bull's face was flushed.

Same goes for Roddy.

They have even forgotten that the school belle of the same school is behind them.

The conversation between the two caught the attention of the professional warehouseman.

Could it be that if you came here half a year ago, the sisters who made a lot of money are not counted, and the two brothers, Yuanrun, are also added?
Are storage auctions so easy to mess with now?If it goes on like this, it's too young and will be eliminated!
(End of this chapter)

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