Meow Ba

Chapter 424

Chapter 424 Second Wife

Tell me, little guy, did your dad fall from here just now?
Standing in front of the lion cub who was trying to eat the gazelle, the cheeks and the fur on the top of the head were dyed red, Ron meowed and asked.

Beside him, Timon the Mongoose was drooling.

Although mongooses eat insects most of the time, that's because mongooses are too small to catch large animals.

At this moment, there was ready-made food in front of him, and the rich meaty aroma wafted away, making Ding Man sniff his nose and swallow his saliva.


Without answering Ron's question, the lion cub tried hard to swallow a large piece of gazelle meat, then bit the gazelle's hind legs hard, and tried to tear it, while tearing it, while watching the little mongoose Timon vigilantly.


Are you afraid that the mongoose next to you will come to snatch it?

Why are you not afraid of me?
Speechlessly watching the little lion's behavior, Ron popped out his claws to help him cut the gazelle meat - the little lion is still small, a bit smaller than Ron, and has just lost its deciduous teeth, and the new teeth have only grown half. Eating meat is a bit unfavorable.


The wind in the dry season is dry and hot, even as it approaches evening.

Ron asked again when the lion cub ate his belly full in front of him.

This time, the little lion should understand.

He stared blankly at Ron for a while, then yelled, with a baby voice, and Ron clearly heard the call in the milk voice.

"Mom, mom~"


The lion cub's roar drifted away with the wind, flying deeper into the Serengeti grasslands, until Ron's ears trembled twice with the lion cub's roar—because of practicing the crouching tiger post, Ron was a little bit worse than ordinary cats. His sharper hearing picks up a muffled roar in the distance.

The roar is low and long, and it is obvious that the roaring animal is strong and confident.

At the same time, in the roar, Ron clearly heard something else.


Who dares to touch my son, I will make you unable to get along in the Serengeti~


It seems that your mother is also a ruthless character~
The lion cub continued to call, and the low growl in the distance slowly approached. Ron stretched out his paw and patted the lion cub on the head.

It seems that because Ron just offered a delicious meal, the little lion did not resist, and Ron savored the soft fluff of the kitten.

Then, the sound of fur rubbing dry grass stalks sounded, and a lion head half the size of Ron poked out from the grass.

It is [-]% similar to the little lion, and also somewhat similar to the second senior brother Hong Shao, but this new lion is physically smaller than the second senior brother Hong Shao, because it does not have a brown mane and is a lioness.

But compared with the average adult male lion on the Serengeti grassland, this lioness is not only not inferior in size, but even bigger.


This lioness is obviously the object of the cub's call. Seeing the appearance of the lioness, the cub happily threw himself into the arms of the lioness, yelling again and again.

The lioness is much calmer.

She lowered her head and licked the lion cub's forehead a few times as a comfort, then looked up at Ron—compared to the meerkat staring at the half-eaten gazelle carcass next to her, she looked calm and not afraid The orange cat Ron is even more eye-catching.


Hello, I am Shalabi, thank you for taking care of my son~
The world of animals is pure and simple, even for intelligent animals.

Just by looking at Ron's eyes, Shalabi, the lion cub's mother, was able to confirm that the other party was an intelligent animal—even if she guessed wrong, the other party was not an intelligent animal, but she was able to stand firmly in front of her five times. The fighting power of cats should not be underestimated.

At least, he has the confidence to fight against himself.


Sarah Bi?
Are you the queen of Swahili?Braised daughter-in-law?

Hearing the name spoken by the lioness in front of him sounded familiar, Ron turned his mind slightly, and recalled the Swahili ruling class that Pumbaa mentioned before.

And the strong figure of the lioness in front of him is also perfectly shown - the concept of courtship of animals is also very simple, the buttocks are good for giving birth, and the body is strong and durable. Braised aesthetic concept.



Are you Mufasa's brother?Why haven't I heard him talk about you?
Also, where is Mufasa?
Apparently, the second senior brother also told his daughter-in-law about apprenticeship. Shalabi knew that her husband had another name when he was apprenticeship, but none of the senior brothers mentioned by her husband seemed to be as small as before. ?
"Second sister-in-law is good~"

"I am Ron the orange cat, the seventh senior brother. When the second senior brother left his teacher, I hadn't yet apprenticed to a teacher."

"This time I was entrusted by my elder brother to come to Swahili to discuss important matters."

"Second senior brother was seriously injured, I let a companion watch over, please follow me."

Just now, the second senior brother Hong Shao was seriously injured, and it was difficult for Ron to tell him the purpose of coming to Swahili. Now facing Shalabi, Ron has no worries in this regard.

At least, one of the two beasts at the apex of the Swahili ruling class is in front of him, and it doesn't matter if Sarabi knows it.

After explaining a little bit about the reason for his visit, Ron immediately took steps and led Shalabi to the bottom of the canyon—since the second sister-in-law is here, at least the two of them should meet before the second senior brother died.

However, as soon as Ron moved, the mongoose, who had been staring at the gazelle that the lion cub hadn't finished eating, suddenly let out a loud swallowing sound.

"Ro~ Boss Ron, can I eat?"


"What a big lion!!!"

The black line on the forehead hangs down, it is obvious that the mongoose Timon's attention has just been fully focused on the gazelle that the lion cub has not finished eating, and he has not noticed the dead Swahili queen at all.

"You can eat here."

"Second sister-in-law and I will go down first."

It's okay for the little mongoose to find someone to guide the way, but the others are useless.

With Ron's consent, the little mongoose Timon immediately pounced on the gazelle and began to eat, but his mouth was too small, so he could only gnaw a little bit of meat at a time, squeaking anxiously.

And Ron led his second wife, and Shalabi walked down the canyon with the cub in his mouth.

However, within two steps, a warthog with a head full of bristles and a towering shoulder parted the grass, and ran to Ron panting.

"Say, talk, talk~"

The one who came was full of warthogs, but Ron couldn't understand what he said, but the second sister-in-law who followed behind understood.

She ran quickly, looking anxious.

There was no rest along the way. The warthog ran at the front, Sarabi ran in the middle with the lion cub in its mouth, and Ron ran at the end.

However, when the three beasts came to the gap in the middle of the canyon, the second senior brother Hong Shao was no longer there.

(End of this chapter)

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