Meow Ba

Chapter 418 Mission Failed?

Chapter 418 Mission Failed?

“Chinese gongfu?”

In the wine fountain spouted by the captain, a thin figure shot out from the cabin, and the right foot gently touched the rapids of the Amazon River, and then floated further away.


Sensing the presence of prey, the huge crocodile rushed out of the water, opened its huge jaws, and wanted to bite the prey passing above.

But in the next second, faster than rushing out of the water, the crocodile landed on the water, making a louder bang—the old man stepped out for the second time, and instead of landing on the water, he stepped on the crocodile's foot on the nose.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As if he had found some fun, every time the old man landed on the head of a huge crocodile, the water splashed continuously and flew all over the sky.

When the captain's fountain of wine fell, the figure of the old man had disappeared, leaving only the rippling aftermath and a dozen huge crocodiles rippling on the water surface with their white bellies...


Of course, Ron couldn't see the appearance of the old man stepping on the crocodile and flying into the jungle while the captain was stunned and spouting vodka on the Amazon River. At this time, he was following the warthog Pumbaa and the little mongoose Timon.

After avoiding the three spotted hyenas under Shakara who love to bully herbivorous intelligent animals, the three beasts got into the canyon.


This is the only way for wildebeest herds.

According to experience, after running past a group of wildebeest, there will be no wildebeest passing by for the time being.

Riding on Pumbaa, the mongoose Timon translated to Ron.

Ron nodded, understanding.

Although it is the dry season, it is time for wildebeest, zebra and gazelle to gather in herds, but it takes time to gather in groups of a certain size.

Moreover, the large herds of millions are gathered outside the canyon, and it is impossible for wildebeest herds to pass through the canyon every moment.

However, as he walked and walked to the middle of the canyon, when it was slightly bent, Ron's ears suddenly stood up.

When turning the corner of the canyon, there was a thunderous roar, which seemed to shake the ground.




The three suspicious calls did not affect their judgment. The sound heard by Ron was obviously heard by the warthog Pumbaa and the mongoose Timon. Before Timon could translate, Pumbaa ran quickly with Timon on his back To the side of the canyon.

One step faster than the warthog and mongoose, Ron ran into the crevice of the stone next to him while yelling in doubt, with only one head sticking out.


let me in!let me in!

Without Timon's translation, Ron could understand what Pumbaa the warthog meant, but it was a pity that the crack in the stone was so big that Pumbaa could only squeeze half of his body in, leaving half of his butt exposed.

"Pit~, vomit~"

Countless snorting noses and the sound of hooves hitting the ground merged into thunder, making the dust of the dry season fly into a haze—hiding in the crevices of the stones, Ron covered his nose with his front paws to block the intrusion of dust, and at the same time, every short period of time in his ears He heard the big warthog in front of him let out a cry of pain.

It was a running horned horse that kicked him in the ass.

"Boom boom boom~~"

I don't know if the passage of time has slowed down, or this time the herd of wildebeests is extraordinarily long, Ron counted in his heart, and the warthog Pumbaa screamed 33 times.

Finally, the noise of the wildebeest running was dispersed along with the dust, and the warthog Pumbaa backed out of the stone crevice, followed by Ron and the mongoose Timon.


What's going on here?
Never before have wildebeests run so frequently!


Whoops, butt hurts!
Listening to Timon's translation, Ron remained motionless, and walked behind without the Warthog noticing - a thick big buttocks, full of wildebeest hoof marks.


Can you still go?

It's time for us to hurry up, I don't want to wait for a while and hide in the crevices of rocks for a long time~
The corners of his mouth twitched, and Ron didn't smile.

He yelled and ran forward, asking Timon to translate half-truths and half-false words.

Ron was really afraid of encountering a herd of wildebeests. Perhaps only elephants and rhinos would not be affected by the roaring running.

As for worrying about Pumbaa the warthog, of course it is false.

However, even so, after listening to Ding Man's translation, the naive warthog Pumbaa was still very happy. He felt that the big yellow cat in front of him really cared about him.


Thank you for your concern~
It still hurts a bit, but it doesn't affect walking~
Let's go~
After resting for a while, the recovered warthog Pumbaa continued to run forward, followed by Ron, wanting to leave the canyon before the next wildebeest herd canyon run.

But when turning left and right in the canyons, when he was about to see the exit, a huge and angry roar came from above the canyon, causing Ron to look up - under the fierce sunlight, a strong body came from It rolled down from the top of the mountain, smashed down countless rocks, and landed behind the corner of the covered canyon.


What happened?

tell me quickly!

Pumbaa's body structure determined that it couldn't look up at the sky at all, and Timon, who was riding on his back, squeaked and told his good friend what happened just now without Ron's answer.


I feel that roar is somewhat familiar!

Go fast, just fall ahead!

Ron was very thick-skinned, and Ron couldn't tell if Pumbaa was nervous, but his eyes and cry showed its mood at the moment—a little nervous, a little worried.

With the emotions of Pumbaa warthog, Ron began to think

The figure that fell just now should be a carnivore. As a herbivore, the warthog Pumbaa shouldn't be so nervous.

From the perspective of intelligent animals, there are only a few carnivorous intelligent animals that warthog Pumbaa will care about-the ruler of Swahili, the lion king Mufasa, the queen of Swahili Sarabi, Swahili Prince, Underground of Mufasa the Lion King, Shakara the Lion Prince.

Using the method of elimination, Ron suddenly had a bad guess about the carnivore that made Peng Peng so worried!
Just... the one who fell just now, couldn't be Swahili, the ruler of the Land of Glory, Mufasa the Lion King, right? !

Do not!
I don't want my hope of completing the mission to be dashed immediately after seeing it!

This pig cry has no meaning, it's just a modal particle.

Warthog Pumbaa ran forward quickly with Timon, followed by Ron—turning the stone bend, Ron immediately saw the tan figure lying in the middle of the canyon in front of him, and a large bushy And a mane full of charisma.

This huge brown-yellow figure lay down in the dust that had not yet dissipated as the wildebeest ran past, motionless.


are you OK?

Calling loudly, Ron wanted to get closer, but within a few steps, the thunderous roar sounded again.

The herd of wildebeests is here again!

(End of this chapter)

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