Meow Ba

Chapter 416 The Moving Land of Glory

Chapter 416 The Moving Land of Glory
"he knows?"

"Well, he knows."

He didn't expect to get the news from Swahili so easily, and Ron couldn't help being a little surprised.

He has already made preparations for a long-term war of resistance. After all, the time given by the big brother Persimmon is very ample, there are two full months, and now less than ten days have passed.


then let's go~
However, now that there is news, Ron will not delay any longer. It is always uncomfortable to eat and sleep in the open air, even if the weather is pleasant, food is easy to find.

Hearing Ron's words, the little mongoose Timon turned his head and called to the big warthog Pumbaa who was following behind him.

As a result, Pumbaa the warthog blew loudly back, and Ron even saw a look of embarrassment on the pig's face of the warthog.


"Before leaving, Peng Peng wants to eat some breadfruit~"

Timon turned around and translated for Ron.


"Okay~, after eating this breadfruit, we are about to set off~"

Gluttony is indeed the original sin of the pigs. Even if they are full just now, they want to continue eating.

With emotion, Ron jumped onto the baobab tree and patted a big breadfruit for the big warthog Pumbaa.

Without Ron's help, Pumbaa could rely on his fangs to tear open the breadfruit, and the flesh of the bread was scattered in all directions.


Ten minutes later, Ron followed the big warthog Pumbaa on the road.

"Swahili, in the lore of our intelligent animals, is a land of glory ruled by great kings and queens."

"However, the emergence of Swahili is not far away. It only appeared when my grandpa's grandpa's grandpa was around."

Grandpa's grandpa's grandpa, if you use the human conversion model, Swahili has been established for hundreds of years. After all, the intergenerational distribution of human beings is between 20 and 30 years, and the middle value can be taken.

However, now such a title was spit out from the mouth of a mongoose, and Ron was a little unclear.

As he walked, he began to analyze.

If you count meerkats, it only takes one year for a meerkat to grow from birth to adulthood, and a female meerkat can conceive and give birth twice a year. There are records of meerkats living for 14 years, but that is the record in the zoo , which is completely different from the wild.

The wild lifespan of a meerkat is only about one-third of the lifespan in the zoo. Calculated, the shortest period of six generations is six years, and the longest is 30 years.

If Timon is translating the words of Warthog Pumbaa—the warthog Pumbaa has been humming beside him all the time—then according to the calculation of the male warthog, the mature age of a male warthog is four years old, and the life expectancy in the wild is about ten years. By calculation, the shortest time is 24 years, and the longest is more than 60 years.

According to the description of the big brother Persimmon, Swahili has existed for at least 20 years, because when he was not the lord of Savaga, the legend of Swahili had been passed on to Daxing'an Mountains.

"Is it your grandpa's grandpa's grandpa, or Peng Peng's grandpa's grandpa's grandpa?"

To make sure, Ron interrupted Timon's narration and asked.

"Of course it's Peng Peng's. Haven't you noticed that I'm translating?"

Timon, who was riding on Peng Peng's back and clutching a warthog's flagpole-like tail, rolled his eyes and continued.

"A lot of intelligent animals in Africa try to get into Swahili, but can't find it."

"That's because, Swahili is not static, it is active and in motion every moment."

"If you want to enter Swahili, you have to follow in its footsteps."

With a shock in his head, Ron understood immediately.

African Animal Migration!
Twice a year, constantly moving, the population counts in tens of thousands...

But there is another problem with this.

In Ron's view, the great migration of animals in the Serengeti prairie is a feast for carnivores, but whether it is the London Zoo or Savaga, Ron has seen many herbivorous intelligent animals.

Could it be that in Swahili, intelligent herbivores, such as Pumbaa and Timon, will still be eaten by intelligent carnivores?

"We were lucky."

"Swahili's latest movement is still in the making of small moves, just pick up the pace and you can get in."

"Did you see the front?"

"As long as you pass that canyon, you are in Swahili."

After running for some time, a canyon appeared in front of Ron. This is an extremely rare landform on the Serengeti prairie, and depending on the terrain, this is an area that must be passed.

"Crossing the canyon ahead, you enter Swahili?"


Answering Ron with a hoot, Pumbaa, the warthog, rushed into the canyon at the head of the pig.

However, when Ron's footsteps entered the canyon, a sound like a sea tide suddenly came from the canyon, and then Peng Peng, who had just run in, lowered his head and turned his head immediately.


On the warthog's back, the mongoose Timon screamed loudly.

Ron chose to go with him without hesitation - the Serengeti prairie is far away from the sea, so the natural tide-like sound is definitely not the tide - if there is such a tide, the Serengeti prairie The wildebeest also do not need to migrate twice a year.

This sound like the tide is actually made by the wildebeest.

It's the season of migration, and the wildebeests gather in groups, and the canyon just now is the only way for migration, which is where the wildebeests are telling them to run.

"Boom rumble~"

Countless hooves trampled the ground, and it was not clear how many wildebeests there were in the dust cloud.

With Timon's reminder, Ron rushed out of the canyon entrance, aimed at a big tree and climbed up, while the warthog Pumbaa and Timon hid behind the tree, avoiding the impact of the wildebeest herd.

Standing on a branch, at the end of the wildebeest herd, Ron saw three hyenas who seemed to be causing the confusion.

More importantly, the three hyenas leaned close to each other's ears from time to time, their eyes flickering, as if they were communicating.


"It turned out to be these three bad guys."

Timon and Peng Peng, who were hiding behind the tree, also saw the three hyenas. Peng Peng groaned in disgust, and Timon the mongoose even spit.

"Are they also intelligent animals?"

When information came to his door, Ron was naturally willing to accept it.

"That's Banzai, Sanchi, and Ed, the three most annoying guys in Swahili."

"They most like to bully herbivorous intelligent animals and eat their non-intelligent counterparts in front of herbivorous intelligent animals."

Ding the mongoose said with disgust on his face, while Pumbaa the warthog grunted in agreement.

"Moreover, these three stinky hyenas are still under Shakara."


Obviously, the situation in the Land of Glory is much more complicated than that of Savaga or the London Zoo.

Ron memorized these names silently, and then arrived.

"Can Pumbaa tell me more about Swahili, the land of glory?"

(End of this chapter)

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