Meow Ba

Chapter 406 Diplomat

Chapter 406 Diplomat

Ron didn't know about the handover that happened in the logging town of Daxing'anling. He and his fifth brother, Lao Bai, were looking at the body of Mrs. Brown Sugar angrily.

After a low mournful roar, senior brother Shi Zi suddenly turned his head and looked at Ron.

He had been thinking for a while, and then his voice rang in Ron's ears.

"Orange, big brother wants to ask you something."


what's up?

Raising his head, the eyes of the huge Siberian tiger in front of him are mixed with sadness and anger—the intelligent beast already has emotions similar to human beings.

Ron could feel that the next thing that the big brother Shizi wanted to ask was not so easy to complete, and he was already prepared in his heart.


In this world, there are four places where intelligent animals gather.

You have seen two places, the London Zoo hidden in the human world, and Savaga hidden in the cold wilderness.

Apparently holding the same thoughts as Ron, the eldest brother Persimmon didn't say the matter of begging Ron right away, but slowly explained the ins and outs of the matter.


Whether it is the zoo led by Heimi or the Savaga led by me, they are relatively peaceful, and intelligent animals can get along well with each other.

But the other two are different.

The Serengeti, led by your second brother, is a world of pure wildness, while the last one lurks in the Amazon, advocating the survival of the fittest.

As a leader, I cannot leave Savaga.

I can only ask you, head to the Serengeti and give the braised a word.

They are back.



Although the eldest brother Persimmon has already done a lot of foreshadowing, Ron still let out an unbelievable cry, with a bewildered face of are you kiddy me.

Even after seeing the senior brother's eyes and confirming that there was nothing wrong, Ron couldn't help complaining crazily.



Do you know where the Serengeti is?
That was in Africa, black Africa!

No plane, no car, no money, you let me go to such a distant place to talk? !
Do you know how difficult this is for a cat? !

But after complaining, Ron thought about it carefully, but found that he was the most suitable person... Maoxuan...

Compared with wild animals, Ron, as a mellow pet cat, is born with the ability to have both sides in human life. In many cases, he only needs to meow twice and show off his cuteness casually, and he can have a full meal. meal.

Moreover, Ron also has an advantage that the senior persimmon doesn't know - he is still a small rich man in human society. Although he is not as good as a big crocodile, he can still do it by booking a plane and traveling around the world.

After all, the green Franklin is quite useful in this world.


Is there a time limit?

After sorting out his thoughts, thinking of his value in the eyes of the elder brother, Ron did not directly refuse, but looked up at the giant Siberian tiger.


Just pass it on within three months.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief at the words of the big brother Persimmon.

Three months, this is really a long time before the current means of transportation in human society.

Based on the fastest time calculated by Ron just now, as long as the funds are in place, Ron can reach the Serengeti within three days.

The remaining two months and 27 days are definitely enough to find the second senior brother's braised sauce.

Moreover, senior brother Persimmon actually has Zhou Xiang's considerations.

Because, after saying the deadline, he had other words to say.


Of course, in order to ensure a smooth journey for you, I will let the communicator between Savaga and human society go with you.



How long?

"It's coming soon~"

The rough palm rubbed against Ron's fur to comfort him, and then the owner of the palm pulled the joystick, and the small propeller plane immediately began to dive below him.

A crude runway appeared ahead, and at the end of the runway, one could see an empty dirt field, scattered hangars made of wood, and a five-story tower.

This is Arusha, the closest city to the Serengeti National Park, which belongs to Tanzania and is the capital of the administrative region of the same name.

Although it looks inconspicuous, Arusha is considered prosperous in the whole of Africa.

The northwest of Arusha is the Serengeti Plateau; the southeast is the Masai grasslands; and the central part is the Caldera Plateau.There are fault lakes such as Eyasi, Manyara, and Natron, and volcanoes such as Mount Meru and Mount Lengai.

It is an important coffee producing area in Tanzania, and is also rich in wheat, sisal, cotton, pyrethrum, etc.

And the administrative area includes Serengeti, Ngudoto, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater and many other national parks.

And now the middle-aged man who controls the landing of the plane also has a lot of background - I think many people have watched the documentary "Tiger Roaring in Africa".

This documentary, which was broadcast on the US Discovery Channel in September 2003, let many people know that tigers are endangered to the point where they must be rescued in other places. At the same time, it also allowed many people to see real tigers.

And this middle-aged man is the provider of the two Bengal tigers in "Tiger Roaring Africa", a fanatical admirer and protector of tigers, and an ally of Savaga in the wild land, as well as the elder brother Persimmon. In addition to Ron's other channel to go to Africa on his own - Shaluo, a local tyrant. (purely fictitious)


“Welcome back to Tanzania~”

"Are you here to see the babies?"

Beside the landing plane, Ron was held in Sharo's arms and got off the plane, and then an old man who was waiting at the side hugged him warmly.

"Of course, of course I'm here to see the babies."

'How are Ron and Julie?'
Of course, the Ron that Sharo is talking about is not Ron the fat orange cat, but the name of a male tiger that he provided to the program crew in 2003 and brought to a valley near the East African Rift Valley for rewilding training.

As for Julie, it is the name of another female tiger.

"They are doing well, Ron has been getting fatter recently~"

"And it's too dangerous for us to get close."

"As for Julie, she gave birth to six tiger cubs, and five survived, including a beautiful white tiger~"

Smilingly, he introduced the current situation of the two wild tigers to Sharo. Ron and Sharo got on the off-road vehicle driven by the old man and headed towards the Serengeti National Park.

They will spend the next 230 kilometers on an off-road vehicle.

And the African prairie officially kicked off a magnificent prelude for Ron in the blazing sun, which also heralded that Ron would officially face the African prairie.

(End of this chapter)

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