Meow Ba

Chapter 392 Hot Auction

Chapter 392 Hot Auction
Of course, Ron didn't want the price to soar to that level either—the Pandora Rose Gold Bracelet sold to Mrs. Rosa last time was only [-] U.S. dollars, plus other groceries sales, Catherine's start-up capital this time was only [-] U.S. dollars. .

If this warehouse is really bought at [-] yuan, Ron is worried that he will not have enough funds when he competes with other warehouses.


"I'm the only one who cuts off other people's beards. When can a little girl cut off my beards?"

"Six thousand dollars!"

The door of the No. [-] warehouse was still closed, and while the auctioneer wasn't paying attention, Carter glanced inside again, gritted his teeth and announced a new number fiercely.

Without a smart animal like Ron as a helper, Carter can only rely on his own eyesight. According to the investment principle of half the cost and half profit of warehouse auctions, the warehouse was originally worth five thousand dollars at most.

However, Carter meowed again and saw some motorcycle accessories in the corner of the warehouse, so he added another thousand dollars cruelly.

"Seven thousand."

The fair-skinned girl raised her arm again, hitting Carter's heart hard, causing him to light a cigarette.

"Eight thousand."

The auctioneer didn't speak, and the treasure hunters around him didn't speak either, they just looked at Carter quietly - so, he blushed and called out the new price.

It's a pity that this tough attitude just now was immediately knocked to the ground by Catherine's third bid.

"Nine thousand."

"I just brought [-] dollars, and if you call [-], I'll give it to you."


"Little girl, you are amazing."

"I'll give it to you."

"As long as you don't cry when you wait."

Among the treasure hunters in Orange County, he can be regarded as the number one person. Carter can afford it and put it down. He didn't pay [-] yuan. After smoking the last cigarette, he stamped out the cigarette butt and said with a sigh.

"One time for $[-], two times for $[-], three times for $[-], deal!"

Catherine gets the keys to the second warehouse, and the auction continues.

Of course, Ron also inspected the two warehouses for subsequent auctions, but there were no items that touched Ron's heart, and Catherine did not have sufficient funds, so there was no bid.

But when the last warehouse was opened, Ron immediately meowed twice, and patted Catherine's arm several times with his fur claws.

"FUCK! Another junk warehouse."

Compared with the first four warehouses, especially the warehouses with mountain bikes, the last warehouse has no tarpaulins to cover the dust, and there are no valuable items to be seen. Except for a whole pile of garbage, there are only a few cardboard boxes piled up in one broken sofa.

"Three hundred dollars, three hundred dollars, this is the last warehouse, if you don't want to go home empty-handed and waste gas money, you can just take pictures..."

The auctioneer who presided over the warehouse also thought that there was nothing lucrative in the warehouse, so he opened the auction at the lowest price.

"five hundred."

As strong as before, Catherine raised her hand.

However, a strong opponent soon joined.

"Eight hundred."

"one thousand."

"One thousand and five."

"two thousand."

There is no need for a bidding officer to fuel the atmosphere. Everyone knows that the leader who was transferred from Carter to the local treasure hunters got into a fight with a little girl today.

So the few treasure hunters who originally planned to make a quotation did not speak, but just stood by and watched.

Only the auctioneer at the side was elated—his main income was a commission from the warehouse auction, and the higher the warehouse bid, the higher his commission.

"Three thousand."

After shouting three thousand, a strong man standing next to Carter couldn't stand anymore. He patted Carter's shoulder and put his mouth close to Carter's ear, so Ron immediately pricked up his ears.

"Dude, are you crazy?"

"This warehouse can be seen through at a glance, and there is nothing valuable in it."

"If the little girl doesn't follow, you will lose a lot."

And listening to his words, Carter's mouth immediately turned up.

"You don't understand this, do you know who owns these warehouses?"

"That Ronnie Harris who likes to collect car badges."

"I have definite news that Ronnie hid all the car logos in the warehouse here."

Who is Ronnie Harris? This local treasure picker still knows. Since Carter said so, he didn't say anything.

However, when he heard Carter's words, Ron's whole body tensed up—the news Carter got was not wrong, there were indeed a large number of car logos in the last warehouse, and the most important thing was that the second warehouse had just been photographed, and Catherine spent I spent [-] dollars, and now I only have [-] dollars left!


"Three thousand five."

Patting Catherine's arm irritably, the clever little girl of Diesel's family immediately knew that her pet had new news, please receive it, so she reported a new number, and carried Ron to the corner.


That Carter also knows that there are car logos in the warehouse~
But I probably didn’t know there was a Rolls-Royce logo in it~
"Got it, Tangerine."

"Maybe we should!"

"Four thousand dollars."

Waiting for Catherine to return to the ranks, Carter quoted a new price - he knew Ron Harris, the owner of a large factory in the Orange County Industrial Zone.

During his lifetime, Ronnie Harris liked to collect car logos.

Although most of the car logos are not very valuable, Ronnie Harris has collected a lot. There are nearly two hundred car logos of various car brands and different ages.

These are all he bought - most of them from the used car market, and some from the underground market.

It just so happens that one of Carter's contacts likes to collect car logos and has admired the collection of Ronnie Harris.

He is willing to exchange [-] US dollars for Ronnie Harris' collection.


"Little girl, I know how much money you have."

"Sell the gold bracelet for [-] U.S. dollars, and divide it into [-] U.S. dollars for a total of [-] U.S. dollars."

"In addition to the nine thousand dollars spent just now, you only have seven thousand dollars now."

The circle of treasure hunters is not big, and when Ron heard it, he immediately knew that he got the news from old Kevin, a grocer—at that time, Mrs. Rosa directly issued a check for fifteen thousand dollars, plus the subsequent Old Kevin saw all the parts that his father gave up.

When they heard Carter's words, Catherine and Molly immediately changed their faces, with anger and surprise showing on their faces—the hole cards were figured out, such a blow was still too heavy for the young Catherine sisters.

"Seven thousand dollars."

Seemingly going all out, Catherine gritted her teeth and reported all the remaining funds.

"Wow~, it's so bold."

"Little girl, it's amazing."

The onlookers immediately applauded, but no one noticed that Catherine was no longer holding her cat.

Quietly, Ron had already sneaked into the warehouse with the two little mice while no one was paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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