Meow Ba

Chapter 296 Decoration, meowing

Chapter 296 Decoration, meowing

The Mediterranean greasy uncle came prepared. These two greasy pieces of paper are exactly two house sales contracts. Looking at the browned and blackened edges and a faint inexplicable smell, these two house sales contracts have obviously been in his trouser pocket for a long time up.

"No hurry, we haven't seen the restaurant yet."

The cursed restaurant was locked. Lorraine and Robert had only looked at the outside, but hadn't visited the inside of the restaurant. Signing a contract in a hurry is a foolish move. Only after visiting the inside can they sit down and pay back the money.

"There is no impulse."

"Okay, let's take a look."

Taking out a similarly greasy key from another trouser pocket, the uncle Mediterranean muttered, and reluctantly opened the door lock - Hearing the young man's voice, he came out with the idea of ​​a quick fix, It's a pity that Robert didn't give him this chance and insisted on seeing the restaurant first.

As for why Uncle Mediterranean didn't want Lorraine and Robert to visit the restaurant, Ron knew; due to the long period of vacancy, the restaurant was full of dust and it was difficult to see it, which would most likely reduce buyers' desire to buy.

"Although there is a bit more dust, the area is not bad."

"It's just that the decoration is too old and needs to be redesigned."

Fortunately, Robert is not a reckless young man who only looks at the appearance. He measured the size of the restaurant with his feet. He nodded in satisfaction, called the owner of the restaurant, and prepared to sign an agreement.

But just as Robert held up the fountain pen handed over by the Mediterranean uncle and was about to sign, the Lorraine who was wandering in the restaurant with Ron in his arms suddenly spoke.

"Robert, wait, come and see here."

"What's wrong Lorraine?"

Hearing Lorraine's call, Robert came over immediately.



What to look at?
With a cry in Robert's arms, Ron poked his head out of Lorraine's arms curiously, and followed Green Forest's fingers, just in time to see a series of plum blossom footprints on the ground.


This is what I stepped on yesterday~
With just a glance, Ron could see that the plum blossom footprint was left by himself and Lorraine when he and Lorraine went to the beach to play a few days ago, but when Lorraine and Robert saw the footprints on the ground, their faces immediately became serious.

They even called Uncle Mediterranean and showed him the cat footprints on the ground too.

"Hi~, I told you that this restaurant is cursed by cats, isn't it normal to have more cat footprints?"

"If you really want, I can lower it a little more."

He pretended to be indifferent, but Uncle Mediterranean's Adam's apple had already revealed his mood - he was very worried that the two of Lorraine would leave like this. For this reason, he even pretended that it didn't matter and took the initiative to lower the price.

However, Lorraine, who had received special training, immediately saw through Uncle Mediterranean's disguise. Instead of Robert, he fought with Uncle Mediterranean on the price of the restaurant.

"You also said that this restaurant is cursed by cats, and now I see cat footprints, it's not enough to drop this much!"

"We are helping you bear the curse!"

"This is already the cheapest, if it drops any further, I plan to leave it empty!"

"Then let's make this number, and we can make a deal!"

"……,All right."


And this kind of operation?

Ron, who was in Lorraine's arms, was taken aback for a while as he watched the two's wriggling lips and arms making various gestures to enhance their persuasiveness.

It was just a series of cat footprints that I left not long ago, but at the right time and place, it created quite good economic benefits. Lin successfully won the restaurant at a price 30.00% cheaper than the original price, and made a victory gesture to Robert.


The next week is the busiest time. Robert needs to clean up and design the entire restaurant, remove unnecessary decorations, add decorations he wants, and contact the food seller. When everything is in order, the restaurant can be grandly opened.

However, Lorraine can only help during break time. As a trainee sheriff of the Santa Monica Police Department, Lorraine has a lot of things to do. He has to follow Jordan to learn how to judge the criminal's psychology and analyze the criminal's whereabouts. Eventually send them to prison.

Only Ron will report to the entrance of the new restaurant on time every day, act as a supervisor, and have lunch by the way.

In fact, it was Ron's goal to eat a meal. After buying the restaurant, Robert first cleaned up the kitchen. After confirming that the stove, range hood, and refrigerator were still in normal use, he bought a lot of ingredients and put them in the refrigerator.

After all, if a restaurant owner eats lunch in someone else's restaurant, he always has some grudges in his heart.



The renovation took longer than Robert expected, which is also due to the fact that Robert saved labor costs by doing it himself.

After ten lunches, the restaurant was finally renovated, and everyone gathered together in the restaurant with a new look, with delicious wine and strong atmosphere.



When everyone was not paying attention, Ron also meowed, and then stuck his whole head into a goblet—Robert prepared red wine, which was served in a goblet with a big belly, only the bottom was shallow. layer.

This is the standard wine utensil for drinking red wine. Before drinking, shake the wine glass gently to let the taste and air of the red wine be fully released and complete the process of sobering up.

It is said that doing so can eliminate most of the astringency in the red wine, making it more delicious and fragrant.


Hiccupping, Ron jumped down from the dining table and walked towards the restroom of the restaurant—whether the shaken red wine tasted better, Ron didn't know, but after eating a lot of dishes, Ron drank another glass of red wine En felt warm all over, and one place seemed to be about to explode.


Here it is~
The bathroom in the restaurant has also been redecorated. They are all upright urinals. Walking into the bathroom swaying, Ron first jumped onto the highest end of the urinal, then slid down the sides, and finally stood upright in the L-shape of the lower part of the urinal. .

Then a stream of water shot out from under Ron's body, impacted strongly on the inner wall of the urinal, and slid into the lower entrance under the action of gravity.




The water flow in the body maintains the same temperature as the body temperature, but when the water flow leaves the body, it naturally takes away a certain temperature.

Like a human being, Ron shivered suddenly, and then the corners of his eyes and mouth drooped—the pleasure of relaxation filled his whole body, making him drag out a long voice comfortably.

But the moment after the comfort, Ron's ears stood up, and he jumped off the urinal without even wiping his fur paws.

There were two meows just now, and only one of them was from Ron, so where did the second meow come from?
Could it be that the curse has broken out!

(End of this chapter)

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