Meow Ba

Chapter 250 Reunion

Chapter 250 Reunion
The shelter is built in a stable space surrounded by three big trees, and the nearest bamboo forest is also five or six meters away. Except for the branches, there will be no other objects hitting the bamboo leaf fence of the shelter.

And the crackling sound is not from the top, but from the side—the big tree used as a support has no branches that grow at such a low position.

Therefore, at the moment when the crackling sound sounded, Catherine immediately stopped crying, and she had already grasped the hunting knife in her palm.

Ron was also ready to fight. The sharp claws that could easily cut through the snake's skin popped out from the pads, ready to give the intruder a hard claw at any time.

"Papa papa~, papa papa~"

The sound of beating the bamboo leaf fence didn't just stop at one place, but circled around the entire shelter.

Ron and Catherine also changed as the direction of the slapping sound changed, making sure that they were always facing the front of the creature that was slapping the bamboo leaf fence and breaking in at any time.

The slapping sound circled around the shelter, and then suddenly disappeared - without letting up, Ron and Catherine continued to be vigilant, until suddenly there was a greeting and another slapping sound from outside the bamboo leaf enclosure , Ron and Catherine were immediately stunned.

"Hello, is there anyone?"

"We have no malicious intentions, can we go in and hide from the storm?"


Turning his head, Ron stared at Catherine speechlessly, and felt that his ears had hallucinations, or, in this deserted island, was there actually some kind of ghost that confuses people?
"Hello, is there anyone?"

"We have no malicious intentions, can we go in and hide from the storm?"

Ron and Catherine looked at each other silently, and the voice outside the shelter sounded again. This time Ron and Catherine said that they heard it right, it was Lorraine's voice!
"Brother Lorraine!"


Just now, she was still missing her family, but at this moment, her family appeared in front of her. Tears immediately filled the eyes of the underage Catherine, and pearly tears rolled down her cheeks.

Crying, Catherine rushed to the door of the bamboo leaf fence tied up with vines, trying to untie the vines and open the door.

Ron also uttered loud meows, but compared to Catherine, Ron remained rational and vigilant. He didn't withdraw his sharp claws immediately, but was ready to protect Catherine.

"Oh my God!!!"

"It's Catherine, and oranges!"

"My God, my God!!!"

It seemed that he was also stunned by such a sudden surprise, and Lorraine's voice outside the door was full of surprise and ecstasy.

And there seemed to be more than one person outside the door, and Ron heard other people making voices.

"Crack~, snatch~"

Slower and more urgent, more anxious and slower, Catherine, who was in a hurry, couldn't open the tree vine, and suddenly saw the hunting knife in her hand, and finally cut the mess with a sharp knife.


The wild gale immediately blew into the shelter, suppressing the faint fire in the fire pit, making the surroundings even darker. However, a strong light came over right away—it was a portable rescue light commonly used during rescue, and it could be used all the time. Use for five or six hours.


"Do you know how much we miss you?"

"elder brother!"

The strong light made Catherine and Ron slightly dizzy, and when Ron woke up, a pair of strong arms wrapped Catherine tightly.

Squinting his eyes, Ron, who had adapted to the strong wind and darkness, finally saw clearly that it was indeed Lorraine who was hugging Catherine.

Besides Lorraine, there were three other people and a cat, two of whom Ron knew, they were Christina, Molly and Tina, and Ron didn't know the other bearded man in a hat.


There was a soft cry.

Seeing Ron, Tina broke free from Molly's arms, and ran to Ron's side, hopping and licking Ron's hair, leaving Ron speechless.

However, at such a touching moment, there will always be people who spoil the scenery.

As if unable to bear the howling wind outside, the man in the hat rubbed his hands.

"It's too windy outside, can you go inside?"

"I touched it just now. The outside of this hut is made of woven bamboo leaves. It's very thick, and it's absolutely windproof."

Apparently it was the man in the hat that had made Ron and Catherine wary at first.

"Well, this hut was built by me and Orange, come in, everyone."

Finally turning around from the surprise of meeting her family, Catherine got out of Lorraine's arms and greeted everyone to get into the shelter with a smile on her face.

And Lorraine also immediately discovered that the little girl who had been missing for several days, except for a little darker, seemed to have grown up all of a sudden.


"Come, come, let's have some soup."

The bonfire was ignited again, and five or six breadfruits with branches were inserted on the edge of the fire pit to keep the warm bonfire continuously heated; The shellfish has been tumbled to a milky color, bringing out a rich aroma.

"Little sister, you really have grown up."

"Not only did I survive on a deserted island, but I also built such a wonderful place~"

Smiling and drinking the broth in the coconut shell in his hand, Lorraine sighed sincerely, making Christina and Molly sitting next to him nod their heads in agreement, while Hogarth, the man in the hat, sat on the side, yelling Stuttering toasted breadfruit and drinking broth.

"Of course, I've seen a lot of documentaries and books about survival in the wild!"

Squatting beside Catherine, Ron looked up, just as Catherine looked down at him, smiled and spoke.

Of course what she said was not true, because Ron taught Catherine all the knowledge of survival on a deserted island.

However, at this time, Catherine must lie because there are outsiders around.

Ron and Catherine had agreed that she could not tell anyone that Ron could walk upright, write, and be wise, not even Lorraine.

As for the slight smile just now, Catherine was naturally reassuring Ron that she would not reveal the secret.

"Catherine, so much food, so much firewood, and this shelter, have you been busy these days?"

Touching Tina's soft hair, Molly looked around and asked enviously—she suddenly wanted to be stranded on a desert island with Catherine, as if it was fun.

"Of course, it took me seven days!"

Raising her head proudly, Catherine put on an expression that I am very capable and is coming to praise me, but Lorraine and Christina suddenly trembled when they heard Catherine's answer.

"Catherine, how many days did you say was just now?"

"Seven days, is that all?"

Facing Lorraine's question, Catherine replied with some doubts.

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 Thank you Xingyue Chuanshi for your reward!thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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