Meow Ba

Chapter 208 Cold, True Lover

Chapter 208 Cold, True Lover
"Quack quack~"

With only time for Ron to catch a glimpse, the group of dolphins rushed into the dark water with joyful shouts.


I remember you, Vitas and his partners~
The name, Vitas, was written on the steel plate of the dolphin that Ron had just ridden.

There is only one case where unnatural products like small steel pieces appear on dolphins, a purely wild aquatic mammal. This is obviously a group of dolphins that have been continuously tracked and studied by scientists, and may even be on the verge of death. extinct.

Squatting on the pier, watching the dolphins disappear into the depths of the sea out of sight, Ron turned around and walked ashore along the trestle at the ferry terminal.


Just as he was about to land on Liberty Island, a strong cold wind blew from the sea and swept over Ron's body - a loud sneeze came out of his mouth, and two long crystal strips immediately hung down from Ron's nose.

Oops, I'm going to catch a cold!
Feeling dizzy and dry around his lips, Ron couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking it, so the tip of his tongue touched a little moist.

What the hell, why is it salty?
Thinking it was sea water, Ron licked again, before realizing that, because of the length of the cat's tongue, he had licked his own snot.


Boo Boo Boo!

Hastily lowered his head and wiped his snot with his hairy paws. Ron shook violently like an electric shock, shaking off all the sea water from his body—just now he was fighting hard for his own life, and Ron completely forgot that he was soaked in sea water until he was soaked by the winter sea. A reminder of the breeze blowing towards Liberty Island.


However, the consequences of being reminded by the breeze were serious. Ron felt as if a paw was scratching in his throat, followed by a louder sneeze than before—the snot just wiped off with the paw came back again. Out of the nasal cavity, longer than before.

And the sneeze had other effects.


A black shadow in the woods was split into two, and then there was the sound of leather shoes kicking the ground, and a young man turned in the direction of Ron's sneeze, and the flashlight in his hand immediately enveloped Ron.

"Orange, why are you here?"

Liberty Island is very small, and the man who came out of the woods, Ron also knew, was Robert who worked in the crown of the goddess.

It's just that, as a relatively dull male, Robert just wondered why Ron would appear here so late - in the past, after six o'clock in the past, there was no round figure of Ron on Liberty Island.

"Meow... Ah Choo!"

Continuing to wipe away the snot with his fur claws, Ron raised his head to say hello to Robert, but this time even his nose was itchy, and the third sneeze came, and Ron watched helplessly as two crystal long strips flew by. The distance of two meters fell on the lap of Robert who kept approaching.

Robert: "..."

However, before the speechless Robert could make any move, a petite body came out from behind Robert and hugged Ron.

"Hey, Papaya!"

"You're all wet, didn't you fall into the sea?"

"Looking at your runny nose, you must have a cold!"

"Robert, take off your clothes!"

The first three sentences were addressed to Ron, while the last commanding tone was addressed to Robert—Nina turned out from behind Robert.


No way?So fast?
With his round eyes open, he turned around Nina who was holding him and Robert who had no choice but to take off his clothes. Ron seemed to have even disappeared the itchy throat caused by the cold.

Lonely men and widows, small forest, dark moon and high wind, dry wood and raging fire...

A series of explosive words surged out of Ron's mind - in just a few days, Robert made Nina willing to go into the woods together?
Could it be that Robert is the true lover who hides his secrets?


Winter has not left yet, Liberty Island is very cold at night, Robert is wearing a black down jacket.But at this moment, the down jacket was already wrapped around Ron's body—the soft fabric absorbed the moisture that was not completely shaken off the hair, making Ron's body gradually warm.

However, Ron's sneezing didn't stop. Just a few tens of meters away from the Goddess Crown Restaurant, Ron sneezed three more times and shed several streams of snot, which made Nina, who was holding Ron, flustered.

With thick coats, cats are not prone to colds.

However, unlike humans, once a cat catches a cold, the consequences are very serious—not only sneezing, runny nose, and tears, but also coughing, fever, diarrhea, and even other diseases that are life-threatening.

At this time, in addition to drying the cat's hair and replenishing water, it is best to keep the cat in a warm and comfortable environment.

"Jenny, my cat seems to have a cold."

"It should have fallen into the water, what should I do?"

Nina, who quickly walked back to the crown of the goddess, found a phone number and dialed it.

"You should..., then..., then..., or..."


The other, called Jenny, seemed to be an expert in this area and gave Nina quite a bit of advice.Nina kept moving back and forth in the restaurant with the mobile phone between her shoulder and ear, and Ron and Robert kept shaking their heads following Nina's figure.

Afterwards, Nina who hung up the phone immediately began to operate according to the other party's instructions.

She wiped Ron's hair with a warm wet towel first - sea water would corrode the cat's hair and skin and needed to be cleaned as much as possible.

Afterwards, Nina dried Ron's hair with a hair dryer, and put Ron into Papaya's warm cat bed.

In the third step, Nina called Robert and asked him to cook a bowl of warm fish soup, and turned on the air conditioners in the entire restaurant to adjust to a suitable temperature.

The little orange cat was not idle either. The little guy who was awakened from his sleep was delighted to see Ron appear in his cat's nest, so he hugged Ron's neck tightly, nestled on Ron's body, and let out A comfortable grunt.

"That should be fine."

Putting the warm fish soup in front of the cat litter, watching Ron poke his head out of the cat litter and drink the fish soup comfortably, Nina who was squatting was relieved—the fish soup is very fresh, Robert Knowing Ron's taste, put a lot of spices in the fish soup and cook it quite thick.

And Ron didn't drink the fish soup with his tongue like a normal cat, but stuck the tip of his mouth into the soup and drank it like a cow.

"Don't worry, oranges are strong."

Squatting down next to Nina, Robert casually put his palm around Nina's back, put it on the other shoulder, and said relaxedly.

Nina's body shook slightly, her face slowly turned red, but she didn't push Robert's hand away.

A charming atmosphere began to spread.

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(End of this chapter)

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