Meow Ba

Chapter 193 Goodbye Clark, Diamond's Discovery

Chapter 193 Goodbye Clark, Diamond's Discovery
"These are just some of my personal hobbies, small electronics."

It's unimaginable that Alvin's round body is faster than the thin and small Clark. Haha, Clark stretched out his hand, wanting to take it from Alvin.

Unfortunately, Alvin didn't let Clark take the object in his hand.The small eyes on his large face narrowed, scanning Clark's face with his sunglasses off and Ron squatting nearby.

As one of the police forces of the federal government, although Alvin does not need as much training and legal knowledge as the police, he still has some vision.

The gadget in his hand at this moment is clearly a highly advanced micro-device that can be used for covert photography and sound collection.

So, with a flip of his palm, he had already held the gadget in his palm, and pressed the intercom on his shoulder with the other hand.

"I'm Alvin, I'm Alvin."

"Found a tourist who trespassed in the restricted area, found a tourist who trespassed in the restricted area."

"The tourist has tiny devices on him and needs to be investigated carefully, carefully investigated!"

Without worrying about Clark, Alvin communicated directly with the person on the other side of the walkie-talkie.

Liberty Island is small, but there are many tourists. In order to resolve possible disputes and crimes, at the other end of Liberty Island, there is a branch of the New York Police Department with two police officers stationed.

In just a few minutes, two police officers who Ron knew came to the Immigration Museum and took Clark away. As for how to deal with it later, it would depend on the strength of Clark's backstage and his own eloquence.

After all, bringing miniature equipment to Liberty Island and trespassing on restricted areas, any of the two items would be enough for Clark to drink a pot.

Watching Clark being taken away, Ron twitched the corners of his mouth and stretched his claws to his mouth; there were some furry lines hanging from the claws, which were hung when he just scratched Clark's coat. He was going to remove these lines from his Get it off the paws.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Ron was able to hit it accurately-he just passed by Clark, and his nose immediately smelled the breath of the first discovery of the micro-device.

It was this breath that guided Ron to cut through the necessary position accurately.


The thread was entwined so firmly that it couldn't come off when shaking the claws. Ron squatted up, ready to hook it off with the claw on the other foot.At this moment, a pair of round arms stretched out from behind and grabbed Ron.

"Hey, Katyusha, come on, I've got the papaya."

"Come and hug!"

Watching Clark being taken away, Ron's nerves relaxed a little, and he forgot that Alvin was "hunting" himself at the request of his girlfriend.So accidentally, Ron fell into Alvin's grasp and was handed over to his girlfriend Katyusha.

"Ah~~! It's papaya, really papaya!"


Heartbroken, Ron calmly accepted the result he had thought of at the beginning, and was completely submerged in the abyss. Alvin, who was on the side, looked straight at him, and even took a few mouthfuls of saliva.

Hugged and sucked, Alvin's girlfriend, Katyusha, who was emotionally satisfied, reluctantly put Ron down after ten minutes, and began to visit the Immigration Museum under Alvin's embrace.

And Ron, who was put down, breathed vigorously several times in a row before rescuing himself from the brink of suffocation.

"Exhale~, inhale~, exhale~, inhale~"

It's terrible, it's really terrible~
From now on, this meow will only accept hugs from girls under [-] catties, except those who exceed the specification~
Putting another commandment in his heart, Ron walked out of the immigration museum and brought the little orange cat out of the crown of the goddess.

The person who installed the micro-equipment was arrested, and the safety of the brother Lao Bai was temporarily guaranteed by the prohibition notice and the red line. Ron felt that he needed to make up for the lack of companionship of his godson these days, so he brought the little orange cat to the flagpole again on the square.

Lying lazily under the flagpole, wagging his tail to tease the little orange cat, Ron gave a comfortable hutch and squinted his eyes in the sun.

Surroundings, there were continuous clicking sounds of taking pictures.After a few days, tourists who came to Liberty Island once again saw the second-ranked landscape of Liberty Island. The round orange cat father and son naturally wanted to take a few photos to show off.


New York City, Dakota Apartments, Professor Jared Diamond just finished his morning research.

As he thought, the flesh and blood scraped from the claws contained a large number of stem cells—a type of cell that all animals possess at birth, which will continue to differentiate and grow into other types of cells, such as nerve cells, during later development and growth. , muscle cells, osteoblasts, etc.

Once an organism comes out of adulthood, there are very few stem cells left in the body, most of which remain in the bone marrow, which is why the bone marrow is the center of hematopoiesis - the bone marrow is only responsible for using stem cells to make cells in the blood, while the other plasma and glucose and other substances are provided by the liver.

At this moment, Jared Diamond's research object, Ron's fifth brother Lao Bai, is not only an adult bald eagle, but also an old bald eagle that has grown up for a long time and is close to death.

To find stem cells in large numbers in such an organism is definitely an unusual, even miraculous discovery.

"Maybe it's time to give Clark a call and hurry up."

Existing samples can only do this. If he wants to go one step further, Jared Diamond needs Clark to provide more samples, and even provide the location of this transformed bald eagle for capture and research.

The eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses flickered a few times, and Professor Jared Diamond picked up the phone several times and put it down again—he still didn't call Clark in the end.

It's not that he doesn't desire it in his heart, but that every penny of his research funding must be spent wisely.

Jared Diamond calling Clark, and Clark calling Jared Diamond are two completely different situations, and the difference in the amount of funds is likely to be doubled or even tripled.

Compared with the price difference, Jared Diamond felt that he could still afford to wait for two or three days.

However, Jared Diamond did not expect that Clark is now being questioned in the New York Police Station on Liberty Island, and he is likely to face prison in the future.

And as long as he makes a phone call, Clark will definitely tell him where Lao Bai is in order not to enter the detention center.

After all, Clark is more willing to lose some money than to go to the detention center and be exploited by others.

"There is also a petri dish, let's take a look."

And in order not to keep thinking about Lao Bai's flesh and blood, Jared Diamond decided to find something to do for himself—he picked up the last petri dish and put it under the electron microscope in front of him...

(Please support the original version, which is the greatest protection for the author! Thank you!)

 Thank you for the reward when you are young and bald!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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