Meow Ba

Chapter 121 Fuck the sheets, goodbye Somali cat

Chapter 121 Fuck the sheets, goodbye Somali cat

What are you looking at?
The snow on Selena's lawn hadn't been spoiled much yet, Ron stamped a row of plum blossoms on the snow with his paws shaking, and then squeezed into the group of cats.


The distance between the group of cats under the eaves was just right, but now that they were squeezed by the round Ron, they immediately turned into dominoes, with Ron as the center, and one piece fell over.

The group of cats was very angry, but when they turned their heads to look at the instigator, they saw an orange fur ball that they hadn’t seen for a long time, and they lost their anger all of a sudden—they couldn’t beat and squeeze, couldn’t squeeze and squeeze, why were they angry~
And Kil'jaeden and Gemini, seeing that it was Ron, immediately came out of their corners, stuck to Ron's side, and made coquettish meowing sounds.

However, Ron's attention at this moment has been completely attracted by the scenery in the floor-to-ceiling windows-there are bright orange lights that radiate warmth in the room, and Selena and a handsome guy with six-pack abs are rolling blankets on the sofa.


Suo Ga!Big drop yo west yo west~
Selena is engaged in the modeling industry, so there is nothing to say about her figure.

Just like filming an idol drama, two people are affectionate on the sofa, you feed me a piece of fruit, and I feed back half a grape, watching Ron's blood pressure gradually rise.

But looking at it, Ron found that this handsome guy looked familiar—isn't this the handsome guy driving a Bugatti Veyron who was chased by Selena when he went home last time?At that time, this handsome guy chased Selena's carnival all the way to the Fox Hill community~
Moreover, Ron still clearly remembers that he once saw a photo of this handsome guy in Selena's hands. At that time, Selena's introduction was—boss?


It seems that Selena has gotten what she wanted, and she has lost her lovesickness. After looking at it for a while, there is no too passionate scene, or the passion was left last night, and today it is just a lingering reverberation, so Ron turned around. Erjadan and Gemini patted the heads a few times as comfort, then walked out of Selena's house with their tails twisted, ready to continue patrolling along the sidewalk.

The Fox Hill community is still quite big, and Ron had only visited a quarter of the area when he walked to Selina's house.

But when he was leaving, Ron's big ass wriggling finally fell into the eyes of the two hugging each other on the sofa in the house.

"Selena, I seem to have seen that cat in your car~"

The first guy to see Ron was the handsome guy with the rock-solid six-pack, and he reached out from under the blanket to show Selena Ron's ass.

"Oh, that's Tangerine, the boss of all the cats in the Fox Hill community~"

"Its owner was admitted to the police some time ago, and it also became a mouse catcher in the police station. Now it is quite famous on the Internet~"

"If you have seen oranges in my car, it should have been more than a month ago~"


Lying lazily on the handsome guy's chest, Selena drew circles with her fingers - she didn't see the sudden interest on the face of her current boyfriend and former boss.


As Ron continued to move forward, time passed slowly, and there were more and more pedestrians and pets on the road-it seemed that the pure white snow inspired everyone's innocence. Most of the people Ron saw along the way, especially Even young people will hold a snowball in their hands, chasing and playing in the snow.

The pets, especially the dogs, were also very excited. Ron saw a lot of huskies and Alaskans tossing and turning in the snow, unable to stop at all.

"Hoo~, Hoo~, Hoo~"

He didn't wear a small platinum sandbag, but walking in the snow exhausted as much energy as running hard on a police dog training ground. When Ron finished patrolling half of the territory, he came to the intersection of Fox Hill Community Avenue and Deerwood Community Avenue. A dark red-haired Somali cat suddenly jumped out of the grass by the roadside.


The last night in the Fox Hill community, the Somali cat had been defeated by Ron, and the sound it made now was not hostile, but like a call.


You said to go with you?
Cats don't actually have language, but they can hear their emotions from their meows—Ron replied, but unexpectedly, the Somali cat on the opposite side nodded, and then turned around and burrowed into the bushes.


Unexpectedly, he would meet the Somali cat again. Ron hesitated for a moment, and finally curiosity got the upper hand. He followed behind the Somali cat. Intelligence, it is not easy.


Compared with the Fox Hill community, the Lumu community is larger, and the environment and houses are worse. Among other things, the bushes in the Lumu community are much messier than the Fox Hill community, with overgrown branches. Eun's hair is all shaved.

However, the Somali cat in front of him did not take the usual path. He led Ron through the trees and forests, and walked the streets and alleys, getting farther and farther away.

And Ron also saw the strength of the Somali cat - Ron saw many cats along the way, some of them were bigger than Ron, and there were several little brothers behind them.

But as soon as the Somali cat approached, those cats would admit their cowardice, and shrank to the side of the road obediently, and only crawled out from the corner when the Somali cat and Ron were far away.

In this way, after following the Somali cat for about ten minutes, the two cats came to a strange little house.

This is a wooden two-storey cottage. There is a small garden in front of the house, surrounded by a wooden fence, and there is a road paved with small cobblestones leading to the door. Of course, these are not unusual. The small house is built between two tens of storey buildings.

Or it should be said the other way around, when this small house was built, there may be the same small houses on the left and right sides, but the back was demolished and built into a mansion, and the owner of the small house in the middle was unwilling to sell it, which eventually resulted in a Such a situation.


Standing in front of the garden of the little house, the Somali cat called to Ron, then turned and walked up the cobblestone path.

Ron understood the call, and obviously wanted to keep up, so Ron took a step, followed the Somali cat, and walked to the door of the small house.


Seeing the Somali cat get into the cat hole and make a calling sound inside, Ron hesitated a little-the cat hole looked a bit small and seemed inconvenient.

The memory of barely getting out of the cat hole in Diesel's house in the morning has been recalled by Ron later. When he woke up, he immediately knew that it was because his body had grown a round, so for things like cat holes and cat doors Passage, Ron began to pay attention.


The Somali cat, apparently waiting on the other side of the cat hole, let out another meow.

Ron approached the cat door cautiously, turned his body around, measured his stomach and the size of the cat hole with his tail, found that it was bigger than the cat hole in Diesel's house, and finally made up his mind.

He turned around, put his head through the cat hole first, then pressed his front paws on the door panel and pulled hard, and immediately passed half of his body smoothly through the cat hole.

And when Ron continued to work hard to get out completely, an old and kind voice came from above.

"Midnight, are you back?"

"Is this your friend? It looks very healthy (yuan) strong (run)~"

 Thanks to the lazy squirrel for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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