Meow Ba

Chapter 106 Finding, Trading

Chapter 106 Finding, Trading

Lorraine returned to the dormitory at night, took a hamburger from the bag he was carrying and put it on Ron's dinner plate, and then went to take a shower on his own.

When he came out of the shower, he hadn't seen Ron yet. Now Lorraine was not calm. Although he never cared about Ron's freedom, his pets were quite self-disciplined and would return to the nest on time before 06:30 every night. Never late.


"Orange, go home—"

Putting on his clothes and biting into a hamburger, Lorraine began to search—even though he was busy with work, Lorraine still knew the places Ron went to most often.

Building No. [-] paper archives, no.

Dog training grounds, no.

On the lawn next to the gate of the police station, no.

There is no plastic training playground.

After searching the entire Orange County Police Headquarters, Lorraine couldn't find any trace of Ron, but Melissa and Christina were alarmed. The two of them accompanied Lorraine to search again, but there was still no trace.

"Maybe, we can look at the surveillance."

"follow me."

Melissa, who has been a patrol officer for more than a year, is obviously much sharper than Christina, who is a civilian, and Lorraine, who has just taken up the post. When Lorraine was about to look for the third time, Melissa thought of an idea, and immediately got The other two agreed.

The surveillance of the police station is next to Police Officer Patton's office in Building [-], but the inspection requires the permission of the chief or Officer Patton who is in charge of internal affairs.

Officer Barton was off duty, and Melissa called Officer Barton and told him about Ron's disappearance.

"Give Charlie the phone, I'll be right there."

Without too much nonsense, Melissa immediately handed over the mobile phone to Police Officer Charlie who was still on duty in charge of surveillance—obviously with the permission of Officer Barton, Officer Charlie immediately called up all the cameras of the Orange County Police Headquarters today The captured picture was then checked by the four people.

"So, did you find it?"

After about twenty minutes, the door of the monitoring room was opened, and Officer Barton walked in with a serious face.

He has to be serious, Ron is a rat catcher for the Orange County Police Headquarters, and has his own column on Youtube, attracting a large number of fans.

Moreover, because of Ron's existence, the reputation and favorability of the Orange County Police Headquarters among the public are rapidly increasing. Whenever a police officer asks the public to assist in the investigation, seven or eight out of ten people will ask about Ron. Let the police and the public suddenly have a common topic.

After that, things were much easier to handle, and the cooperation of the people also increased considerably.

"Officer Barton, he hasn't been found yet."

"Stop, No. 30 reverse gear, back up for [-] seconds, normal speed."

Lorraine just said something in his mouth, and didn't look back. His eyes kept staring at the three display screens in front of him with three times the playback speed. Christina and Melissa also had two display screens in front of each.

Suddenly, an orange dot flashed on the screen, and Lorraine caught it keenly. He immediately said to Charlie who was manipulating the video.

The video began to play backwards slowly, and it was very clear in the daylight—Lorraine saw a fat orange cat walking slowly across the road to the park opposite the police dog training ground.

"Emma, ​​what's the name of the park across the road from the police dog training ground?"

"Check immediately to see if there is any registered surveillance. If there is surveillance, ask Charlie to get it right away."

Officer Patton, whom Lorraine saw, also saw it. He walked out of the monitoring room and gave an order—the police officers and police officers in the hall were on duty, and they acted immediately.


"maybe i didn't treat you"

(Maybe I didn't treat you well enough)
“quite as good as i should have”

(didn't try my best)

Lyrical country music echoed in the car, the black car sped down the highway, and Cliff and Bill were on their way to deliver the goods.

"Hey, Jacques, here's the cat."

"One hour later, the delivery is at the door of the graffiti bar."

While driving, Cliff made a phone call to the intermediary, and then handed the phone to Bill on the co-pilot—expertly prying open the card plate of the phone, taking out the phone card inside and throwing it out of the window, Bill gave Cliff Passed a cigarette.

After receiving the call, Jacques immediately called his friend Amos. Half an hour later, a van appeared at the door of the graffiti bar and parked quietly by the side of the road.

After another half hour, the black car drove slowly, and Cliff reached out and took a dim taxi light from the back seat and put it on the roof—this was the secret signal they had agreed with Jacques.

"Hey buddy, why are you here?"

"I'm receiving the goods, where are the goods?"

Apparently seeing Cliff's movements, a stout man got out of the van and knocked on the window of the black car, waiting for Cliff to roll down the window, and said impatiently.

"No, here you are, but I suggest you put it in a cage."

"There is still about an hour before the anesthetic will wear off."

The money was already in the account, and Cliff passed the black cloth bag containing Ron through the car window while making a suggestion.

"Thanks, I'll be careful."

Pulling open the black cloth bag, he glanced inside at the streetlight and confirmed that it was an orange cat with a small police sign hanging around his neck. The burly man nodded and walked back to his van.

Following Cliff's suggestion, he emptied the bag of Ron into the iron cage in the van and drove away from the Graffiti Bar.

Cliff and Bill drove in the other direction, but they stopped after a few kilometers. In front of them was the Kelly Bar. The consumption level was a little lower than that of the Graffiti Bar, and there were more girls, which was just right for the two of them.


The van is full of iron cages one by one, and the smell of various animals still remains - this car is used to transport pets to various pet shops on weekdays, and occasionally does some private work in the name of pulling pets for pet shops , Earn some extra money, such as today.

After driving for about half an hour, the burly man came to a pet shop, got out of the car to make sure no one was paying attention, and then moved Ron's iron cage into the pet shop.

At the pet shop, Chubby Jacques and Mohawk-haired Amos were already there.

"Amos, the baby you want has arrived."

Laughing, the chubby Jacques lightly bumped Imos with his elbow, and Amos ignored Jacques' cheap smile, but moved closer to the cage and observed carefully.

The fat body, the small blue police badge, and the orange hair are indeed what he wants, so he nodded, indicating that the burly man can leave.

After the stout man left, Jacques and Amos worked together to put the iron cage into a car again and drove towards Amos's manor.

(End of this chapter)

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