Evil's beloved wife

Chapter 41 See who she will die for in the end

Chapter 41 See who she will die for in the end (1)
Huangfu Yao didn't bother to explain: "I'm asking about the result?"

"Brother, don't you worry about doing business? Hua Zi and I have a good friendship, and it's because of your face that I agree to settle this matter. Just make an appointment to have a meal together another day, and the police will also send them away."

"Hmm." He replied.

"It's okay to hang up." Fang Zhiyi yawned, he had been busy all night.

Huangfu Yao was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly heard another sentence: "Brother, with this girl, is that girl going to fall out of favor a few days ago?" It is right to dote on this woman very much.

Huangfu Yao frowned. In their circle, people usually ask this question to express their interest in that woman.And he doesn't like his discarded things to be missed by others, especially Qiao Keyu, he hasn't planned to let go yet.

On Fang Zhiyi's side, he didn't hear an answer for a long time, and his heart began to beat.It's all the fault of Huazi, that fat man, who doesn't know that Huangfu Yao's things can't be missed, and he hasn't learned how to behave after being bumped on the head.

"Just ask casually, hehe, hang up." Feeling that he was bored, Fang Zhiyi quickly hung up the phone.

Huangfu Yao suddenly remembered Qiao Keyu, who seemed to have a high fever last night, and those few phone calls he had missed.Put your phone in your pocket, lift your foot and walk outside.

Luo Sang, who was in a light sleep, woke up when he answered the phone.Hearing his leaving footsteps, he opened his eyes in a panic, and asked anxiously, "Are you leaving?"

"Well, it's time to go to work." He grabbed his phone, carried the car keys and walked out.

"Shall we have breakfast together?" Luo Sang asked to stay.

"No, there is an important video conference in the afternoon, and I have to go home to get the documents." He said and walked out.

When Luo Sang heard him talk about going home, he naturally thought of the phone call last night, and wondered if that woman lived in his house?She didn't want him to take care of another woman, and she didn't want to distract him even a little bit.But when he opened his mouth to stop him, he only heard the decisive sound of closing the door, and his figure had disappeared.

The anger that had been suppressed all night suddenly surged up, she grabbed the lamp by the bed and threw it on the ground.With a bang, the debris fell to the ground, which was harder than hitting that fat man last night.

It's a pity that Huangfu Yao couldn't see it.

He hurriedly got off the elevator and drove directly back to Guanyuan.

Take the elevator up, open the door and walk to the bedroom, only to see that the bed is in a mess, the mobile phone is thrown on the pile of sheets, and there is no one from Qiao Keyu.

He frowned, did he leave?
But he felt that something was wrong. He looked in the bathroom, living room, and kitchen, but there was no one there.It suddenly occurred to me that Mrs. Lan usually made breakfast at this point, but today she couldn't even find anyone.

He took out the phone and tried to call Aunt Lan's cell phone, but it rang for a long time before he was picked up: "Master!" The voice on the other end seemed a little anxious, but also a little pleasantly surprised, no, it was the feeling of finding a savior.

"When is it? Why haven't you come here yet?" He questioned.

His tone was not good, which made Mrs. Lan hesitate for a while, wondering if she should tell him about Qiao Keyu.

"Speak up if you have something to say." When will your servants learn this trick?
"When I came over in the morning, I saw Miss Qiao fainted in the bedroom, and she is in the hospital now." She was also not sure about Huangfu Yao's attitude towards Qiao Keyu, so she hesitated.

"Hospital?" No wonder the bedroom was so messy, my heart seemed to panic, but I asked calmly, "How are you?"

"The high fever may turn into pneumonia if it is severe. I haven't woken up yet." Aunt Lan was hesitant to speak more seriously. Since he asked, he must be concerned, right?

Thinking of this, a nurse came over with a receipt and asked, "Are you Qiao Keyu's family member? The blood test was abnormal, and she was suspected of having a pregnancy reaction, so I dare not take medicine for the time being. Let's push her to go to the gynecology department for a checkup."

The nurse should be very close to Mrs. Lan, so Huangfu Yao heard this sentence very clearly.

pregnancy?Gynecological examination?Huangfu Yao was chewing on this sentence, isn't it that she is pregnant?Startled by this thought, he grabbed the car keys from the shoe cabinet and went out without a moment's hesitation.

It wasn't until he started the engine that the fluctuations in his heart gradually calmed down, and he calmed down a little.Thinking of Qiao Keyu's attitude towards her, she should not let this kind of thing happen, but everything is hard to guarantee, and he has heard of cases of contraceptive failure.

Can't be so unlucky?Although it is easy to destroy it, if it does exist, it will always make him feel uncomfortable.

The silver-gray Koseniko drove out of the apartment and turned into the main road in the city. It was near noon, and it was trapped in the traffic and slid like a snail.He was a little anxious, so he called the dean of the hospital again.

News soon came from the other end: "Master, Miss Qiao has been transferred to the ward, and her condition has stabilized." The other end reported, but did not mention Huangfu Yao's main concern.

He frowned, anxious in his heart, and asked directly: "Didn't you say that there was a gynecological examination? How was the result?"

"Gynecological examination?" The other end was taken aback, thinking of the medical records he had gone through himself, and there was a report of an early pregnancy examination in it.It was only after I learned about it that I suddenly realized that it turned out that his young master Huangfu was afraid of killing people!
"That...cough cough, just a suspicion. In principle, for some people who have a cold, the HCG test is very similar to the pregnancy period. However, Ms. Qiao did not find any early pregnancy, but it does not rule out that the pregnancy time is still short. It is best if the condition is stable or Check again later."

Huangfu Yao's frown became tighter the more he listened, and he didn't speak for a while.

"Before we confirm it, we have temporarily chosen a drug that has no effect on pregnant women. Please rest assured." Not sure about his attitude, the other side had to guess by themselves, and carefully made guarantees.

Distraughtly, Huangfu Yao pulled off his earphones, and just in time for the signal lights at the intersection to turn on, he slammed on the brakes.

The roof of Koenigsegg slowly rose, and the gentle breeze swept his short hair. Maroon sunglasses covered most of his delicate face, but his lips appeared thinner and more sexy.

Even the female driver who was parked next to him couldn't help but take a few extra glances.What's more, her companion lay on the back seat and whistled at him: "Handsome, where are you going?"

Huangfu Yao glanced sideways, he was trotting in a red Ferrari, glanced at the women, and felt even more annoyed.But when he turned his face, the hearts of the beauties missed half a beat.

The woman with Sassoon's short haircut was stunned, feeling that the handsome man in front of her was somewhat familiar.Something flashed through my mind, isn't this the top-notch man I met last time on the expressway from S city to J city?
At that time, she just felt that it was embarrassing to be rejected like that, but she didn't expect the car to blow out just a short distance away.My car had just driven out of the 4S shop at that time, so it was impossible for this kind of thing to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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