Evil's beloved wife

Chapter 18 Is there anything I can't play?

Chapter 18 Is there anything I can't play?
After changing her clothes, she didn't see Mrs. Lan when she went out, so she called a taxi and took the elevator down. After walking for a while, she came across a taxi. She went home first and changed into a high-necked dress.

Then I went to the hospital. It was still early, so Mother Qiao hadn't woken up yet. She sent Aunt Fang home to rest, and lay down on the sofa for a while with her clothes on.

On Huangfu Yao's side, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning when he woke up, and he subconsciously patted the back of the person in his arms, but nothing happened.He opened his eyes, only to realize that Qiao Keyu was gone...

For the next few days, Qiao Keyu took care of Qiao's mother in the hospital, and her life was relatively peaceful.Qiao's mother is also recovering well, and is now able to sit in a wheelchair.In the evening, Qiao Keyu often pushed her to take a walk in the small park of the hospital.

"Ke Yu, there's nothing else going on here, Mom, why don't you go to work early? It's always not good to ask for long leave."

On the way to send Qiao's mother back to the ward, this was the third time that Qiao's mother tried to persuade her.She spent a lot of money in the hospital, Qiao Keyu didn't say anything, but from Aunt Fang's mouth, Qiao's mother vaguely guessed that it was Tao Shaoming's money.She always felt a little uncomfortable, but in order not to burden her daughter, she never mentioned this issue.

But even if the medical expenses are temporarily resolved, they cannot always rely on Tao Shaoming.She also understands her daughter's personality and knows that if she is not desperate, she will never accept the money. Her daughter would rather live a peaceful life with a meager salary.

"Got it, Mom." Qiao Keyu responded.

She knew about Qiao's mother's misunderstanding. Her mother thought too well of Tao Shaoming, but she couldn't expose it.Because Qiao Keyu couldn't explain the source of the huge medical expenses, he could only let his mother misunderstand.

Suddenly feeling a little stuffy in the ward, I left the hospital on the pretext of going out to buy something.I bought a recruitment newspaper at a small newsstand nearby, and sat on a wooden bench in the park to sketch.It is not easy to find a job that pays well and is convenient for taking care of my mother.She made a few phone calls, either asking for too high a degree, or the salary was too low, and some addresses were far away.

Before she knew it, when she raised her head while beating the stiff back of her neck, she realized that it was already dark.The street lamp above the wooden chair was shining brightly, so she didn't notice it in time.

Put the newspaper away and put it in the purse, then turned and walked towards the building of the inpatient department.She stared unconsciously at the ever-increasing numbers on the display, until the elevator opened with a ding, and she came back to her senses.

When stepping out of the elevator, he walked around the corner to Qiao's mother's ward, but unexpectedly saw the back of the middle-aged man.He held his hand on the handle of the ward, and seemed to be hesitating, when he heard footsteps and turned around.

The eyes of the two met, and Qiao Keyu's eyes turned cold when he saw the man's face.On the other hand, Tao Shaoming's eyes panicked, as if he had a guilty conscience.

Qiao Keyu walked over and glanced in through the solid glass of the door. His mother was already asleep, and Aunt Fang was lying on the sofa watching TV with a very low voice.

She glared at Tao Shaoming, turned around and walked in the direction of the safe passage.Huangfu Yao is actually right, she is docile like a lamb most of the time, and will turn into a hedgehog when she touches the bottom line.

"What are you doing here?" After closing the door of the safe passage, her question echoed in the corridor.

"I...you take these first." Mr. Tao, who is handsome in the eyes of the outside world, is much weaker in front of this daughter.He took his daughter's hand and pressed the thick paper bag onto it.

Qiao Keyu's reaction was very violent, she withdrew her hand violently.The pink bills slipped from the bag and spread all over the floor, but she didn't even look at them.He stared straight at his father: "Mr. Tao, if you really have a heart, please don't come here again. Don't give your wife and daughter a chance to insult me ​​and my mother. Give us some dignity."

After she finished speaking, she opened the door and went out, her waist straightened.But only she knew how painful she was, Tao Yao's words were engraved on her heart word by word that day, and now she really became a sellout.But even if she sells, she no longer needs the Tao family's charity.

Seeing his daughter's desperation, Tao Shaoming stretched out his hand and opened his mouth to stop her, but he didn't make a sound in the end.

It was his fault, he owed their sisters, owed their mother.But he is also dependent on others, and he also has his difficulties...

At that time, in the most famous Burning Ember Bar in S City, the wonderful night had already begun.In the box separated by the bead curtain, Huangfu Yao and his group were already playing like crazy, some were singing, some were lying in the corner making out, some were fighting for drinks, the excitement almost lifted the roof of the hotel bar.

Huangfu Yao was lying on the sofa in the middle, with his slender legs crossed on the coffee table, holding a delicate crystal cup in his hand, shaking the brown liquid in it leisurely, his sexy thin lips hooked lightly habitually, taking a sip from time to time .

Many women couldn't help sneaking glances at him, but they didn't dare to approach him easily without his speaking.

"Hey, Huangfu, what's the matter today? Don't give those hungry women a chance, what should I do if I get burned later?" Fang Zhiyi leaned over, and the beauties beside him clung to his arms like snakes, but their eyes were on the sidelines. Stealth glances at Huangfu Yao.

Huangfu Yao looked away from the k-song screen and looked at Fang Zhiyi puzzled.

"I didn't bring my sister back today, and I look like I'm rejecting others thousands of miles away. Is it a deep study recently?" Fang Zhiyi said clearly, the reason is that Huangfu Yao didn't choose a woman to accompany him tonight.

"Damn you." He laughed and cursed, and sat up a little.

"Where was that person on the yacht that day? Did you eat enough? You won't be struggling because you didn't eat enough?" Fang Zhiyi approached him very gossip.

"Is there any woman that this young master can't play with?" He chuckled, his madness was undeniable.

Fang Zhiyi stared at his radiant profile, and was momentarily stunned.Even if he is a man, he has to be subdued by his demeanor. He doesn't need to show it off deliberately, the frivolity just comes out from his bones.

"Young Master Fang, Young Master Fang." Seeing that he had been in a daze, the female companion rubbed and rubbed in front of him resolutely, until Fang Zhiyi's heart itch, so she dragged her away.

Fang Zhiyi walked away, Huangfu Yaotong thought of Qiao Keyu, and that empty morning.After being taken care of by him all night, she actually left without saying goodbye?He took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, called Qiao Keyu's number and pulled it out.

"Hello." The bell rang for a long time before he heard her cautious voice.The background is very quiet, it should be in a hospital.

"Come out, Ember Bar." He said simply and clearly.

Qiao Keyu frowned and subconsciously refused: "I'm sorry, it's not convenient for me now."

"I'll give you half an hour. You should know that I'm impatient." He threatened leisurely, and hung up the phone without listening to the explanation.

Half an hour later, led by the bar waiter, Qiao Keyu walked through the deafening disco and entered the box where Huangfu Yao was.

(End of this chapter)

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