Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 781 Natural Disaster Decisive Battle

Chapter 781 Natural Disaster Decisive Battle ([-])

The sword in Valkyrie's hand is fast.

Originally, in the background of advanced civilizations walking everywhere and powerful and gorgeous weapons, a group of big girls wearing highly revealing leather armor and holding cold weapons are very inconsistent.But every time Bai Zhongqi saw the scene where the sword in Valkyrie's hand was completely equivalent to crossing the space and killing the insects, he couldn't help but marvel that the creatures he created were simply abnormal.

Standing proudly in space, the Valkyrie archer draws her bow and sets her arrows, and the arrows she shoots chase those worms around like a missile with a homing head, and even disappear suddenly, and then hit the enemy violently .

The power of these arrows did not seem to be great, there was no explosion, and they did not pierce into the exoskeleton of the bugman, but the floating light burst out from the arrow head, and then the bugman wailed and found that their bodies were being assimilated .

Arrowheads are made of raw quality.

These arrows became the deadliest weapon against the Bugs.

A worm-human grand duke was accidentally shot in the thigh by an arrow. When he saw that his legs were starting to glow and he couldn't control them, the grand duke cut off his legs cruelly to prevent the assimilation from spreading to his body.But he had just cut off his own leg, when a Valkyrie rushed up from behind and pierced his body with a gun.More primitive matter was passed over, completely assimilating his body.

Ai Landong was no longer as calm and indifferent as before, and the battle with a large group of Valkyries was so difficult.He had to carefully avoid any contact with the Valkyrie's weapons, because he saw that even if they only touched the body, the glowing parts of these weapons would assimilate the bugmen, which was quite terrifying.

The Green Man, who was the least good at fighting, had already gone all out, blowing a strong cosmic wind several times, blowing the Valkyrie away, but no matter how hard he blew, he would still get tired, and the Valkyrie would still rush up.

"Duke Alandong, save me!" The green man struggled, wanting a last straw.

But Ai Landong was too busy to take care of himself, how to help him.

I saw the swords and spears of the Valkyries chopping and poking randomly, killing the green man alive.This insect-human prince who had participated in the destruction of countless planets had a face full of fear when he died, which was surprisingly consistent with the expressions of those innocent creatures on the planet destroyed by their insect-humans.

Ai Landong found that he was the last Grand Duke besides You Yuan, and all the Grand Dukes around him were beheaded by the Valkyries one by one.Not only did they die, but their bodies didn't even stay. Their bodies turned into puddles of glowing colloid and stayed in place, looking particularly weird.

He looked left and right, but there was not even an ordinary worm around him. All the worms in the small space were killed, and only he was still fighting.

You Yuan's voice came over and said softly: "We have failed."

Ai Landong's face suddenly turned red, and his eyes also turned red.

"No, we shouldn't be defeated just like this. Empress, where is the empress? Youyuan, you bring the empress out, the empress can save everything!"

You Yuan replied: "Do you think the queen was really held hostage by those guys like Lin Dong? She just doesn't want to do something, just like now, I can't push her out of the subspace."

Ai Landong still couldn't believe it: "We are about to be wiped out, all the insects are going to die, the Grand Duke only has us two left, why is she still indifferent?"

You Yuan said: "Because he is the empress, she doesn't care."

Ai Landong's heart seemed to be shattered in an instant, and he couldn't get it together again.

"Has she never cared about us?" Ai Landong smiled wryly at himself, "Maybe it is true."

You Yuan said: "Our life is really short. We are born in spring and summer, and die in autumn and winter. We are just like locusts, humble and inferior."

Ai Landong was completely disillusioned: "We are worms."

Qiwen, the leader of the Valkyries, struck Ai Landong with a great sword, and the moment Ai Landong was hit, Ai Landong's whole body turned into dots of stardust-like primordial matter, floating in the space.

You Yuan didn't die, a man who didn't look good appeared, and gently pinched the Grand Duke of the Swarm, who was only the size of a single cell.

You Yuan was surprised: "The number one general? It turned out to be you, no wonder the Iridium people were able to defeat us so easily, it was you who betrayed us."

Lu Zhinian shook his head, "I have never belonged to the swarm, let alone with you, so why betrayal?"

You Yuan was in shock, he was already the only Grand Duke of the swarm, and it had no other ability except subspace, Lu Zhinian could crush him to death just by moving his fingers.

"Take me to the queen."

You Yuan didn't dare to disobey, opened the subspace and let Lu Zhinian in.

Still in that unremarkable hut, with simple furnishings and dim light, the Queen of the Swarm, who looked like a human woman, was sitting there reading a book.When Lu Zhinian walked into the hut, she smiled like an innocent child.

"You came."

Lu Zhinian nodded: "Yes, I'm here."

The queen said proudly, "I knew you would come."

Lu Zhinian's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "I killed all your subordinates."

Yi Nu didn't seem to care at all: "When they die, they die. It doesn't matter anyway."

Lu Zhinian stepped forward, gently embraced the girly Queen of the Swarm, and said with a smile, "Yes, no one is more important than you."

Yi Nu closed her eyes contentedly, and embraced the man she liked.

Until, Lu Zhinian's hand like an eagle's claw inserted into her body from her back, pulling her heart out of her chest.

Yi Nu was still holding Lu Zhinian, but her expression had turned into astonishment.

She only heard Lu Zhinian's soft and gentle voice like a lullaby narrating in her ear: "Sleep, sleep, don't entangle your instinct and heart, don't feel the complicated world, turn into nothingness, where there is Eternal peace."

Yi Nu closed her eyes again, she couldn't understand, but she couldn't continue thinking either.Her life was lost rapidly with the loss of her heart.At least, she died at the hands of her beloved.

Another level of perfection.

Lu Zhinian gently placed Yi Nu's body on the table, with light hands and feet, as if she was really letting a sleeping girl sleep peacefully.

He looked at the heart in his hand that had lost its luster, and even dried up and turned into a stone-like shell, his eyes were cold and heartless.

"Heart of the Swarm, is the Eye of the Void next? Nanma came with the Void Fleet to make a surprise attack, and it should be almost here."

Lu Zhinian closed his eyes tiredly, feeling guilty.

"Although he didn't respect him as the head of the Star Alliance, he was still a partner in the same camp. I never thought that I would get to this point. Thinking about it, I am the most damned guy."

"It's only your fault, Bai Zhongfei, why do you want to be the overlord of the galaxy?"

(End of this chapter)

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