Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 770 The Mission of the God General

Chapter 770 The Mission of the God General

The number one general, Lu Zhinian, may be the only person who has had in-depth contact with the swarm. He once stayed with the queen of the swarm as a "friend" for several months, and during this time he collected a large amount of information about the swarm. intelligence.

"There are eight princes in the swarm. I believe His Majesty has dealt with several of them, and even killed one of them, Qingye. It can be said that these princes of the swarm have their own abilities. Basically, it can be considered It is a star god-level battle force, and it is not a problem to fight against the fleet alone, or even destroy the planet. Among them, it can be said that the most significant to the swarm is the Grand Duke named Youyuan. This Grand Duke has never shown himself in front of other Grand Dukes. , but is deeply respected because his presence has ensured the invincibility of the Swarm."

Listening to Lu Zhinian's narration, Bai Zhongqi was very concerned, and asked, "What powerful ability does this Youyuan have, so that the insect swarm can remain invincible?"

"Because it is a subspace, a subspace that can accommodate all the swarms to live and hide in, so Iridium has never been able to catch them and wipe them all out, but can only watch them continue to destroy one planets and civilizations."

"Sure enough!" Bai Zhongfei actually had some guesses, but he was still very shocked after getting the confirmation.

"There is no ecology in the subspace of Youyuan, so it is only a place to accommodate insect people. However, this is enough. The key is that Youyuan itself is very, very small. He is actually an insect egg, which has been floating in the universe. Sometimes it is attached to a star, and sometimes it continues to travel, in this case, there is no way for Iridium to track him, so it is impossible to talk about killing the swarm."

Bai Zhongqi looked at him eagerly, and asked, "Is there a way for you to find Youyuan?"

Lu Zhinian nodded: "Yes, I have left some tracking means on their queens, even though they are located in a small world, the characteristics of the small world can be tracked, it just requires the Iridium United Empire to change their thinking, It is not to search for the signals of bug eggs or bugs, but to search for space background signals."

"It's not a problem for us." Bai Zhongfei said confidently.

Lu Zhinian handed over the clues he took out, and Bai Zhongfei handed it over to Lin Yin for the next step of detection.Regarding Lu Zhinian, Bai Zhongfei didn't fully believe it. This guy who had disappeared for a long time suddenly became the number one general, and he was also related to worms. No matter what, Bai Zhongfei had to keep an eye on it.

"Aren't you going to play for the Iridium United Empire?" Bai Zhongfei finally asked this question.

Lu Zhinian looked at him with a calm expression: "You know, the previous number one God Generals have never really committed their allegiance to any civilization or leader."

Bai Zhongqi said: "This also makes me very curious. Why didn't the first general choose a fixed civilization, but went to war like a mercenary?"

"Because the first god will have a different mission, which is different from what each civilization pursues."

"Can you tell me?"

Lu Zhinian was slightly silent, and then said: "Your Majesty, you are an elder race and can see wider worlds and dimensions. The universe we live in is a new universe, but in the past, our universe was a universe with more than 100 people. For billions of years, civilizations have been rising and falling, and the galaxy is full of various powers. In this process, the first god will always play a role. This role is to bring war when the galaxy is too peaceful, And bring peace in a war-torn galaxy."

Hearing this, Bai Zhongqi frowned, "Why did you do that?"

Lu Zhinian sighed slightly: "This is the responsibility that every general has to bear, starting from the first general. I didn't get any information about why the first general undertook such a mission. Who conveyed the mission and who created the first general is beyond my knowledge. But all the previous generals have made their own guesses. If the creator of the universe created the first general, then if If the progress of civilization is too high, it may not meet its hopes, and if civilization is almost destroyed, it is not what it wants to see. For some motive, he is actually maintaining a relative balance of the galaxy, not creating an absolute order, nor absolute chaos."

"So now, are you ready to achieve relative stability in the galaxy?"

Lu Zhinian nodded: "Natural disasters have already caused too much damage to the Milky Way. The war between the Galactic Empire and the Iridium United Empire was also destructive enough. The Milky Way should return to its peaceful state."

"I have a question." Bai Zhongfei's expression was obviously not as friendly as before.

"I want to ask, if one day, I think that the pan-galactic Iridium United Empire has made the galaxy too peaceful and stable, will I take action to bring about war?"

Bai Zhongqi nodded slightly.

"Probably they will."

Bai Zhongqi was a little annoyed, and asked, "You know that I have to rely on your power to deal with the swarm of natural disasters, so I dare to say these words so loudly?"

"No, because I know that the Iridium United Empire has become a powerful civilization that has never appeared in the universe. This is mainly because of your factors, the head of state. You are an elder race, and you still have primitive matter in your hands. Such a universe , There is absolutely no way to maintain the so-called balance. Even if I am the number one general, if I face such an Iridium United Empire, I will only fail." Lu Zhinian's tone sounded very flat.

Bai Zhongqi questioned: "Then you still have to fulfill your mission?"

Lu Zhinian said: "Just like you must unlock your fate, the mission of the first general must also be obeyed."

Bai Zhongqi nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Bai Zhongfei was not satisfied with such a result, but as Lu Zhinian said, although he is the number one general, the Iridium United Empire is a powerful force that has never appeared in the universe. Chaos, the difficulty is not ordinary.And Bai Zhongfei is not an opponent who can be easily defeated.

Bai Zhongfei never gave up the policy of pan-galacticization because he was afraid of the prestige of a number one general.He must be crowned the overlord of the galaxy, and no matter what reason Lu Zhinian may threaten the United Empire in the future, Bai Zhongfei will never tolerate it.

He had quite a few enemies, and in front of Lu Zhinian and the swarm were Yindi, Pilgrim, and the like. Facing challenges, Bai Zhongfei was never afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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