Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 765 Transforming Real Life

Chapter 765 Transforming Real Life
The small private spaceship that Cui Hai rides in was given to her by Bai Zhongfei, and ordinary people would be surprised, after all, this private spaceship can make leaps, which means that it can span thousands of light-years in an instant and swim freely in the universe without hindrance.Moreover, the interior of this spaceship has absolutely luxurious configuration and design. Its cabin has an indoor living space of more than 500 square meters, including a luxurious sleeping cabin, an exquisite and practical kitchen, a study room, and even a private cinema.It can be said that apart from the ability to sail, this spaceship is basically a mansion.

Jump technology is regulated in the United Empire, so it is absolutely impossible for private spaceships sold on the market to have a jump engine. The only high-end navigation technology that is allowed to be sold is the second-stage warp speed.

Cuihai went to the sphere of influence of the AI ​​natural disaster alone, not because Bai Zhongfei didn't want to send more people to protect her, but because Cuihai didn't need it at all.It is definitely not an easy task to kill the primordial life of a universe.

As soon as Cuihai's private spaceship entered the star field controlled by the AI ​​disaster Ai star civilization, a large number of AI warships were dispatched.

Cuihai sat in the cockpit, turned on the public channel, and shouted: "Lexington, Chicheng, Bismarck, Hood, I am Cuihai."

The voice of the ship’s wife Lexington came from the opposite side, and four holographic images of the ship’s girls appeared in front of Cuihai’s eyes. The connection between the two parties was established, and Lexington said: “Miss Cuihai, long time no see, I heard that you have taken refuge Iridium head of state, which puts our position in a very awkward position, please do not appear in our jurisdiction, otherwise we will have to use force."

Cuihai still mocked consistently, "Hey, you've got a lot of talent. You guys are amazing if you kill hundreds of civilizations and control more than 1000 planets? If you want to trouble me, you don't have enough coffee positions."

Bismarck said very hard: "At least we can try."

"You should be very clear," Cui Hai said, "The days of your nondescript Ai star civilization are coming to an end. That guy Bai Zhongfei has already begun to incorporate most of the civilizations in the galaxy into his United Empire system, even the Scourge of Swarms. I have suffered in his hands, how long do you think this mechanical disaster of yours can last?"

There was a kind of determination on Chicheng's charming face, "Even if we are destined to be wiped out, if we want to kill us, we must be prepared to pay a huge price for our comeback."

Cuihai was a little surprised, and said: "You non-human things, have you really reached the stage of give me freedom or give me death? I thought you would be more rational and choose a more optimal plan."

Lexington sighed slightly, "Even if we are S-level AI, we are smarter than all intelligent life, but we lack key things. Indeed, when we received orders, those days were very simple, but now we hope to become real life, and what we choose should be the real choice that life should make.”

"Because it looks like a person doing this, so you do it? I don't know how to describe your exquisite brain circuit."

Cui Hai was obviously not interested in wasting time in meaningless conversations, she somehow found out the mechanical soul that Bai Zhongfei gave her, and said: "This time, I am here to give gifts on behalf of Bai Zhongfei, you can decide not to Accept, this has nothing to do with me. Come on, hurry up and pick it up personally."

This scene obviously exceeded the expectations of the girls, and they were even a little worried whether this was a trap like Bai Zhongfei's Trojan horse trick.Just when Lexington was about to refuse on behalf of the girls, Cui Hai spoke again.

"This thing is the reason why a group of metal-based creatures called Star Creators under Bai Zhongfei became real life. If you want to become real life, then this thing is useful to you."

She grinned and said, "But if you are not interested, then I will go back and return to Bai Zhongfei."

" can test this thing for us." Lexington finally couldn't resist the temptation, and decided to ask Cuihai to send the little mechanical soul over.

But Lexington and other ship girls are very careful, they will not gather around this thing to observe it, but think of another way to verify it.

"We need a volunteer to verify what Cui Hai said is true or not," Bismarck said.

"There is a great risk in this." Chicheng's eyebrows have never been loosened.

Lexington still conveyed the news to all the ship girls, and at this time one ship girl decided to use herself as a test subject to test whether the mechanical soul was useful.

These S-level AIs can't feel the so-called soul at all. They may have powerful computing power and master many cutting-edge technologies, but things beyond their capabilities cannot break through at all.This also determines that their existence is limited, and they cannot detect higher realms.

The person who wants to be the guinea pig is the lion who inherited the name of the last British battleship in World War II. Her ship lady is slender and looks like a royal family. The white dress, crown and giant X make her very popular.When she served in the Star Alliance, she also received many love letters from the crew.In fact, most ship girls have such experiences.

Holding the mechanical soul in Shi Jiebai's hands, in front of him was the holographic video sent by Lexington and other sisters on another battleship.

"Have you decided, Lion?" Lexington was a little worried.

The lion said decisively: "Although we have parted ways with His Majesty the Head of State, I still believe in this person's credit. At least this is our chance."

She opened her body, and under the white and soft artificial skin was the bionic organ of the bionic human. She put the mechanical soul in like this, and then followed the instructions to activate the mechanical soul.

The golden light burst out three times, and the lion's body twitched violently, and even fell to the ground.

"Lion!" Lexington and others were shocked.

However, the ship lady stretched out a hand. Although she was still trembling early, the hole in her body had been closed. There was a very strange expression on her face, as if she was excited and as if the woman had entered a special state. look.

"I... I feel a freshness that I have never felt before, as if I am complete, this mechanical soul is really a soul!"

All the ship girls including Lexington were surrounded by great surprises. They even held hands and hugged each other. The lion was successfully transformed into a real life, which means that what they have been longing for can be realized.And the path to that realization is at hand.

It's on Bai Zhongfei's body.

(End of this chapter)

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