Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 752 Duke Winter

Chapter 752 Duke Winter

Lai Perry Star, an administrative star belonging to the Golden Crown civilization.Although it is not the capital planet of the Golden Delicious Civilization, it is the planet with the largest, most populous, and best biodiversity of the Golden Delicious Civilization.Reperi means "song of life" in the language of the Golden Crown people. When the Golden Crown people came to this planet for the first time, they were also amazed by her prosperity and richness, so they took such a name.

For the ownership of Lai Perry Star, the Golden Crown people fought with many civilizations, and Lai Perry Star changed hands several times, but they still stayed in the Golden Delicious Civilization.

After the Golden Crown people decided to join the Iridium Star United Empire, the Golden Crown people even asked to deploy the Star Whale Beasts to the Perry Star first, and their capital star to be placed second.

However, when the United Empire deployed a large number of star whales on Leperi, Leperi was still invaded by swarms.

"How did those eggs appear?" Bai Zhongqi frowned, this situation obviously exceeded his expectations.

The knight Xu Lanzhou, who presided over the work of the Privy Council and was also responsible for the work of the Ministry of Defense, came to Bai Zhongfei's mansion to report.

"Actually, we didn't receive any reconnaissance reports from the worm eggs before. The enemy appeared suddenly. Unlike the worm eggs, this time a large number of large worms appeared."

Xu Lanzhou released a video to Bai Zhongfei, which was shot on Lai Pei Lixing not long ago. In the picture, there are a large number of dense insects rushing towards Lai Pei Li Xing.Although the orbital defense platform on Lai Perry was outputting the greatest counterattack firepower, the huge number of insects still easily destroyed all kinds of defensive weapons.

The star whale beasts that were on standby in the space were the most attacked. These slave beasts, which basically had no conventional attack capabilities, were basically defeated in a short time when facing a large number of insects.Insect people are particularly cruel when dealing with the star whale beast. They rush to the star whale beast's body, and use their sharp mouthparts to bite the star whale beast's flesh.But even if they swallowed this flesh and blood, they couldn't digest it. The natural resistance of the insect swarm turned the flesh into vicious viruses after entering their bodies.

However, the insects soon discovered this problem, stopped such attacks, and fired missile-like weapons from their bodies, blowing the Star Whale to pieces.

"What kind of bugman is this?" Bai Zhongfei couldn't help asking.

Zero said: "I'm afraid it's those bugmen after advanced."

These worms are often over 20 meters in size, similar to the size of an aircraft.Their exoskeletons have different colors, some are deep red, some are dark green, some are pitch black, and some are dark purple.They all have a pair of worm-like wings, but when they vibrate, they emit a faint light, so that the actual flying speed of these worms may exceed Mach 100.These worms carry a variety of weapons. They can produce similar missiles themselves, and there are two railgun-like organs under their heads, and they can even eject corrosive beams from their mouths.

Basically, these large worms are like aerospace fighters in space warfare, and with their huge number, they can already pose a threat to many fleets.

"They came from the leap. Pay attention to the smaller bugman who is surrounded and protected by a large group of bugmen." Xu Lanzhou pointed to the screen, and Bai Zhongfei saw a normal human-sized bugman standing in space. Among them, it seems that they are directing the attack of these insects.

From Bai Zhongyu's music, you can see that this worm looks like a magnified drone, but it only has four limbs. Behind the slender legs is its own worm belly, and you can see circles of light patterns like LED lights flickering on it. .

"We detected a strong energy reaction on it, could this be one of the Grand Dukes of the Swarm?"

Bai Zhongqi nodded: "It's possible."

He picked up his Führer's coat from the back of the chair, and said, "I'll go there myself, but I'd like to find out what the so-called Grand Duke of the Swarm is capable of."

Bai Zhongqi, Xu Lanzhou and Ling left the mansion and boarded the battleship command ship Queen of Blades, which is now considered to be part of the Unified Imperial Army. Accompanied by this flagship, there was also a fleet-sized battleship of the Unified Imperial Army.The officers and soldiers of the current unified imperial army are more or less decent, and they are becoming more and more familiar with their ships and weapons.

Zero also dispatched tens of thousands of star whales. Although no eggs have been detected at this time, the insect swarm may use these eggs to carry out the next attack.

It took only a few minutes for Bai Zhongfei to arrive at Leperi Planet from the spaceport of First Galaxy Star, and it was mainly spent on starting the fleet jump engine.

When the fleet of the Unified Empire arrived at Leperi, millions of insects had already landed on this planet called Song of Life.

"Your Majesty, please save our most important planet." The representatives of the Golden Crown civilization almost shed tears. The importance of Lai Perry to them is self-evident. They can only hope that Bai Zhongfei can save their planet.

Bai Zhongzheng just nodded slightly, but did not comfort the representative.What is more important to him now is how to deal with this group of worms.

At the moment when thousands of warships of the Unified Empire Army jumped out, millions of flying insects had already noticed it. They roared, turned around and began to fly towards the fleet of the Unified Empire Army.

With a cold look on his face, he said to Bai Zhongqi: "Prince, let the fleet provide fire support. Let my swarm fight this battle."

As she spoke, the subspace had been opened, releasing a huge army of beasts that also counted in millions.Until now, Bai Zhongfei still believes that the size of the second swarm should not exceed the swarm in Zero's hands. Although the second swarm is developing rapidly, Zero has accumulated for a long time after all, and has benefited from reverse bionics. The route, zero swarms are also extraordinarily productive.

To deal with the flying worms, Zero did not send a fleet, but released the King Kong worms that hadn't been used for a long time.These king worms are similar to flying insects in many ways, similar in size and attack methods.

After a large number of King Kong worms appeared, they immediately started a fierce battle with the flying worms. To Bai Zhongfei's surprise, whether it was the flying worms of the second swarm or Zero's King Kong worms, they basically fired a few rounds of long-range weapons. , began to fight with each other very violently.This kind of hand-to-hand combat was extremely bloody. Bai Zhongfei kept seeing King Kong worms gnaw off the waist of the flying worms, and saw the sharp claws of the flying worms directly inserting into the body of King Kong worms.

A large number of warships of the unified imperial army covered the battlefield with firepower, but to Bai Zhongqi's surprise, most of the small and medium-caliber naval guns were actually blocked by the shields of those flying insects. Often after ten shots, these flying insects People will be shot down.

"What kind of shield are they using, and why is it so strong?"

(End of this chapter)

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