Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 739 Traveler

Chapter 739 Traveler
Two dusty travelers rode a white sand camel from the desert and entered a small town in the oasis. This small town seemed to have only two or three streets, and no one lived at all.This desert is rich in gold, and there are even rumors that there are relics of ancient civilizations here. Many people come here to hunt for treasures, which has resulted in the prosperity of this oasis town in the desert.

This is a relatively backward area that is rare in the Iridium United Empire. The Iridium people like to build developed facilities on their own administrative stars for the residents here to use. It is precisely because of this development that many people who originally had their own culture The race slowly began to get used to the iridium people's way of life and assimilated with the iridium people.

But this planet named Kunxue is different. She just joined the Iridium star. It is a planet that has not yet developed into an interstellar civilization and merged into the Orion Arm star region from the second universe in the galaxy merger event.The population here is not dense, and there are even a variety of intelligent races in a state of competition.

The United Empire established a capital city on Kunxue, but it did not fully naturalize the population of the entire planet, so most of the population on this planet is still living in the old way.The Iridium people also didn't have time to create citizenship files and identities for people on the entire planet.

This also gave the two exiled generals a chance, and they hid on Kunxue, hiding from the Iridium people.The two tied the white sand camel to the horse post in front of the tavern. People's mounts were basically white sand camels and other livestock, and few people rode motor vehicles.

In this small oasis town, travelers and gold diggers have already received some things from the Iridium people, such as smart devices.

A wild boar with two terrifying fangs was showing off a smart device in the tavern. This is a palm-sized gadget that integrates all the functions that a person can use in daily life.

"See, I brought this little thing from the 'New King's City'. You all know the New King's City. Whether it's the ape-man, wild boar, rat-man, tiger-man or something on our planet, now Everyone wants to worship the Iridium star beyond the sky to be the king, as the world we live in is as big as the world we live in, and it is even wider and wider. He rules dozens of planets."

Su Shuang, who was drinking a glass of poor ale, showed a very mocking sneer.The people here have no real understanding of their so-called heads of state. In fact, there are at least a thousand habitable planets in the entire Orion arm.

The wild boar businessman said: "The new king's capital is a good place. Those who are willing to live there, as long as they accept the job assigned by the government, they only need to work [-] hours a week, and they can get a good income. And the government distributes various Planting good things, like this thing in my hand, although I haven't fully learned how to use it, but basically I can use it for everything."

He pressed a button, and a holographic screen popped up, causing a wave of wonder among the loafers in the tavern.

The content displayed on the holographic screen is exactly the news of Iridium.

"...According to the latest news, Deng Yuan, a diplomat representing the head of state of the Iridium Star, has rejected the proposal of San Lin Luzhi, the second god general and envoy from the Gao Yuanfeng civilization, officially stating that the Iridium Star and the original ten giants and the Galactic Empire An uncompromising attitude. After expressing regret, Sanlin Luzhi left the planet Pod Concera where the meeting was held. There is no news yet to confirm how the Gao Yuanfeng civilization will react to our decision. Spokespersons of the Privy Council and the Imperial Army spoke earlier When I was interviewed by our station, I stated that the Iridium United Empire does not have the challenge of any civilization in the galaxy alone or jointly, and has the ability to defeat the enemy's conspiracy and maintain the peace and stability of Iridium."

The people in the tavern were amazed when they saw a woman broadcasting the news, but the wild boar didn't turn on the translator, so they didn't know what the news was broadcasting.But this is not the case for Sushuang and Suokexiao, who understand Chinese. When they heard this content, they felt like a huge wave in their hearts.

The two began to communicate with a very low voice.

Suokeshaw said with some surprise: "Iridium is already so powerful?"

Su Shuang walked up to the Wild Boar, took out a huge golden helmet, and said to the Wild Boar, "Sell this to me."

The wild boar man had such an attitude in the tavern, and he originally had the idea of ​​trying to catch a winner.He has known for a long time that in the new royal capital, such broken smart devices are worthless at all. He can get the lowest-end ones for free after reporting the loss, or he can buy more powerful ones at special stores for a little money.In short, he is now an official Iridium citizen, and he also has a job. It is very simple to spend some of these things on income.

His eyes were fixed on the exquisitely crafted helmet inlaid with various precious stones, obviously it was a treasure from the ruins in the desert.The wild boar was absolutely unambiguous, and immediately stuffed the things to Sushuang, and ran away without stopping with the golden helmet in his arms.

Sure enough, several guys followed him out, and some people stared at Sushuang. Obviously, in this small town, it is very unwise for wealth to be revealed.

But Su Shuang didn't worry at all, he came to the dilapidated room in the hotel, Suokexiao locked the door.Su Shuang operated this low-end version of the smart device and opened various news pages.

Suokeshaw said with a smile: "The Iridium people are used to displaying all kinds of important military affairs, so that everyone can see it, which is also convenient for us to collect intelligence."

Su Shuang didn't speak, but browsed the news quickly.Soon, news about Iridium Star being establishing a pan-galactic joint empire, the disappearance of the Silver Emperor, the disintegration of the Galactic Empire, and the three major natural disasters sweeping across the entire Milky Way were presented to him one by one.

When Suokeshaw saw that the Polkai civilization was destroyed by the natural disaster of the swarm, and a small number of Polkai people left in the ark fleet and became a wandering civilization, this "heartless" general laughed.

"It would have ended like this. The agency was too clever to calculate, but nothing was left behind."

As he spoke, he shed a tear.

Su Shuang's expression was cold, but there was a trace of unbearable emotion in his eyes. He patted Suokexiao's shoulder to express his comfort.

Suokeshaw raised his head, looked at Sushuang, and said, "The two of us will probably become lonely ghosts in the future. I'm afraid this Milky Way will really become the Milky Way of Iridium."

"The big deal is to live as an Iridium person. Life is like this, and you can never be happy everywhere."

(End of this chapter)

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