Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 730 Dangerous Insect Swarm

Chapter 730 Dangerous Insect Swarm

The Queen of Blades landed on an already dead planet, and Bai Zhongfei and Ling walked on this land.

Feeling the breath here, Zero said: "Every time we take a breath of oxygen, the oxygen here will decrease by one point. But even if there is no other consumption, this place will become a land of chaos."

Bai Zhongqi sighed softly, and a group of cargo drones were released from the Queen of Blades.

"I'm going to put the cyanobacteria from the earth on this planet, and slowly there will be biological evolution here. Of course, if we have the energy, we can also do ecological transformation, and it won't take long to restore its ecological stability."

Creatures obviously prefer life, and if possible, Bai Zhongfei still hopes that more planets will be thriving and full of vitality.

Zero bent down, revealing a wonderful curve of her waist and hips. Her green fingers touched a handful of soil on the surface, and the soil slipped between her fingers. She said: "Even the organic matter in the soil has been taken away, which is very suitable for the insect swarm. nature. The soil here is quickly deserted.”

Bai Zhongqi asked curiously: "I've always been puzzled. It stands to reason that there should only be one swarm in a universe, but now besides you, there is another swarm, which should be the one Chi Jia and the others met. This The swarm has now been able to raze a planet with a level 30 civilization to the ground, and this growth rate is already somewhat worrying."

Zero is obviously full of hostility towards another swarm.She said: "The three universes form a new universe, and it is not surprising that another swarm appears. Each swarm has its own characteristics. For example, my swarm has taken the path of reverse bionics, which is more It is biased towards the civilization established by human beings. And this swarm of insects takes a rather unimaginable route, using insect eggs that can penetrate energy shields and even materials to parasitize other life. According to the information we have collected, this swarm of insects seems to be It is to create a group of ferocious and human-like insects, with very strong combat effectiveness, and the individual can evolve."

"This is not in line with the characteristics of your swarm. Once your beasts are born, there will basically not be much room for improvement, unless you devour them again and create new beasts. But this swarm , obviously endowing each individual with greater room for improvement.”

Zero Face said coldly: "I also suspect that the worms of this swarm may even have individual consciousness."

Bai Zhongqi was surprised, "Since ancient times, all insect swarms have one will, that is the queen's will. If different insects have individual wills, what will the insect swarm look like?"

"At least those worms must still obey the queen. Individual consciousness will give them more space for autonomy, and make the swarm unpredictable and more dangerous." Zero said with a little concern.

Bai Zhongqi was more optimistic. He said confidently: "Maybe this swarm is indeed capable of defeating the Polka civilization, but it is not enough for us. We are here to trouble the fallen empire, but fill another swarm , there is no problem."

This trip was not for nothing. First of all, the planet of Polka civilization was destroyed too quickly, and the enemy was a swarm of insects that made people completely helpless, so the Polkai people did not have time to destroy their own civilization. Important scientific and technological achievements were destroyed, so there is still a large amount of important technical knowledge from the Polka civilization on this planet.

Although Bai Zhongfei is now mainly investing in the use of primitive materials, for the majority of Iridium people, more different types of technology can bring more development.

Furthermore, Bai Zhongfei transformed a large number of abandoned buildings, facilities, spaceships and other things into primitive matter, which gave the planet a complete new start, without any trace of civilization. If new life is born , will not know what happened in the past.

Bai Zhongqi collected more and more primitive matter, and he chose to continuously create new elder ships. In fact, in the subspace cabin of the golden galleon, he did not completely stop creating Valkyries.These powerful fighters can adapt to various severe combat environments, and they can also be used as labor force. More importantly, they are almost immortal. As long as they are filled with original quality, it is equivalent to a round of renovation, similar to the overhaul of fighter jets. And Valkyrie's "overhaul" interval is very long, about 100 billion years.

In the past, Bai Zhongfei was keen on building bionics, but in comparison, the life span of bionics is only a few thousand years, which is very long compared to human beings, but Bai Zhongfei is immortal after all.

The Queen of Blades lifted off again, and Bai Zhongfei returned to his captain's seat.There are more than 500 Iridium star crew members on this battleship command ship that is not an elder ship but is better than an elder ship.Bai Zhongqi doesn't need to carry a crew, but this is not only his own war, but also the Iridium people's war to defend their United Empire, so he needs the Iridium soldiers who fight side by side with him.

It is an honor for all crew aboard the Queen of Blades to go on an expedition with the Führer.It's just that there are not many things they can do on the ship, and some people even have the illusion that they are here for an outing.

The officer of the intelligence department on the bridge saluted Bai Zhongfei at this time, and reported: "Prince, most of the reconnaissance ships we sent have returned. Judging from the collected information, the surrounding planets of the Polka civilization are all the same. In the current situation, the life on the planet has been wiped out, but most of the civilized buildings and facilities are still there, and it is determined that they were all wiped out by the swarm of natural disasters. We tried to use the equipment of the Polkai civilization to try to contact their civilization capital planet and the official Agencies have not received a response."

Bai Zhongqi was a little surprised, "Could it be that the entire Polkay was wiped out by the swarm?"

This made Zero also a little unexpected, "How big is this swarm?"

"In fact, it's not surprising when you think about it, because this swarm doesn't attack civilization in a conventional way at all, but expands the eggs. As long as they spread these eggs around in the universe, they can continue to occupy the planet."

"Could it be that these eggs can exceed the speed of light?"

"It's not impossible."

When Bai Zhongfei was thinking about how far the swarm might have expanded, the Queen of Blades suddenly raised the alarm automatically.

"Führer, we have detected a large-scale biological response, and a biological response covering tens of thousands of kilometers is approaching us at a very fast speed!"

Bai Zhongfei and Ling looked at each other, Bai Zhongfei said: "Is this here?"

"I'm afraid it sensed biological DNA, so it came directly to us."

(End of this chapter)

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