Chapter 723

Theoretically, the energy that the primordial mass can absorb is enormous.However, Bai Zhongfei understands that the 33 obelisks attacking the planet in Orion's arm is not just a matter of energy. When the obelisks absorb the dark matter and dark energy in the space to the same extent, the space base will be destroyed, causing the space to collapse.

In that way, the Iridium star is still dead.

Bai Zhongqi brought the cosmic titan and appeared near the energy point. If the cosmic titan is not made of primitive matter, it cannot be measured by ordinary matter. If any creation stays here, it will probably be completely burned by the powerful energy.

"Although the absorbed energy is large, it is limited after all. If the obelisk cannot stop absorbing dark energy, then this crisis cannot be resolved." Bai Zhongfei was spinning his mind rapidly, and his hands were not stopping, and began to control the universe titan. absorb energy. "

At this time of crisis, Bai Zhongqi still couldn't help thinking: "If the obelisk doesn't extract dark energy so quickly to destroy the Orion Arm, then converting dark energy into energy that people can use is better than preparing antimatter or using fusion nuclear energy."

Bai Zhongfei, who had already racked his brains, resisted the gathered energy on one side, and threw out 33 balls of primordial mass on the other side, flying towards several uninhabited celestial bodies around him.Without exception, these celestial bodies are very huge celestial bodies, some are super giant solid planets, some are gas planets, or some are simply stars.

The energy between the primordial masses can be teleported over a long distance. Bai Zhongfei very simply transferred these energies from the cosmic titan to the 33 groups of primordial masses, and when these primitive masses touched those celestial bodies, a large amount of energy drove With the primordial mass speeding up the transformation of these celestial bodies, turning them into the primordial mass under the control of the supreme command.

Zang Xingyan, who was still feasting, noticed this scene, finally showed a smile, and said to himself: "As expected of the head of state, you actually want to use this method."

It took several days for Bai Zhongfei to transform several huge celestial bodies.And his cosmic titan also began to show signs of shrinking because of its huge energy output.Although the primordial matter is almost omnipotent, after exceeding a certain limit, there are signs of death just like life. The death of the primordial matter is like matter entering the void and being annihilated directly.This phenomenon also surprised Bai Zhongfei.

But in the end, Bai Zhongfei still assimilated 33 celestial bodies with the original matter.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Zhongfei almost overdrawn the willpower of his supreme command, and jumped 33 groups of celestial-sized primordial matter to the side of 33 obelisks.

The obelisk seemed to be conscious, reacting to the fact that Bai Zhongfei was like an idiot who saw a beautiful woman with beautiful thighs like flowers and jade dew. The obelisk, which had not moved for a long time, actually started to move, but the speed of movement was not particularly fast.It is simply not comparable to Bai Zhongfei's dozens of balls of original quality.

The celestial primordial mass, like a piranha, opened its "big mouth" suddenly, and then swallowed those "delicious" obelisks in one gulp. After the primordial mass's mouth closed, it completely blocked the obelisks .

If it is an ordinary thing, the obelisk may easily break through this physical blockade, and its energy transmission will simply ignore the physical barrier.However, Bai Zhongzheng used the original mass, and the physical space formed inside the original mass was like a Faraday cage that sealed off all energy and material operations, making the Obelisk completely unable to operate.

Even the Silver Emperor, who was controlling the destruction of the obelisks at an unknown place at this time, could not control the obelisks, and these obelisks immediately became useless and cumbersome things.

"I'm afraid we can't send these obelisks out. Once they are released, Yindi will immediately grasp these obelisks, and the attack will come again. It's just a pity that so many original qualities have been transformed, so they are thrown here to waste." It sounds a little sad on the surface, but I am actually happy.

In the Privy Council, the soldiers of Iridium star cheered, and even Jun Jiushao, who has always been aloof, showed a fresh smile.

"Sure enough, is what Zang Xingyan said right? With the head of state present, these matters can be resolved."

Across Iridium, excited people emerged from shelters and took to the streets, celebrating and cheering.

Since the beginning of the war with the Galactic Empire, the Iridium people have always been surprised. The United Empire, which once dominated the first universe, entered the new universe and became the public enemy of the galaxy, and was provoked and violated again and again. The powerful Iridium people regard it as a disgrace.

Kang Xiong, who returned to Iridium after the last battle, felt very excited when he saw the excited crowd on the street.Standing beside him was Savannah from Earth. This tall female pilot looked at the crowd with a smile on her face.

"The Iridium star is invincible, we will definitely fight back, and give those fallen empires some color." Kang Xiong waved his fist and said forcefully.

Savannah tied her long hair behind her ears, and sighed softly: "The war must end with the complete defeat of one side, but at this time, neither Iridium nor the Fallen Empire has reached the end of its rope. Silver Emperor The constant moves made us overwhelmed, and the head of state saved Iridium several times at critical moments, but will this situation continue to happen?"

Kang Xiong became a little more serious, and he said: "That's why we have to bring the war to the enemy's land. Only in this way can we regain our disadvantage."

"I don't know how many lives and homes will be destroyed before the Milky Way can finally find peace? Or are these just our wishful thinking, wars are the norm in a chaotic universe, and peace is accidental?"

Kang Xiong looked at the sad female pilot on Earth, and said firmly: "Whether it is war or peace, the Iridium people will survive bravely. If the universe is doomed to be chaotic, then the Iridium people will also break the law and create our own. world."

"Isn't that what the head of state did back then? Changed the fate of a planet and a nation, and established a proud civilization. Now, we are just going to change the fate of a universe. How difficult will it be? "

Savannah couldn't help but smile, and said to her boss: "Are all Iridium people so optimistic?"

Kang Xiong said with a smile: "The words you want to say are ignorant."

Savannah didn't answer.

"As long as the head of state stands in front of us, the Iridium people will follow suit, even if it takes 1000 or 1 years to complete it, this is the mission of our Iridium people."

Kang Xiong's face had a peaceful but breathtaking light.

(End of this chapter)

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