Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 714 Original quality

Chapter 714 Original quality

Bai Zhongzheng did not embark on the road of "crusade" so soon. Although the "loophole" in Orion's arm was gambled, the cancerous tumor formed by the Galactic Empire fleet in Orion's arm still needed to be removed.This matter, Bai Zhongfei handed it over to the chief knight Zang Xingyan, basically using the power of the imperial army.

The huge Iridium United Empire has declared that it has entered an emergency wartime state. Except for various products that people need daily, basically all productivity is transferred to military needs.This terrible productivity is unimaginable. Every month, the shipyards of the Iridium United Empire can bring as many as 10 warships to Bai Zhongfei. Double the size.

The battle with Teronova in the Sagittarius Arm-5 sector caused Bai Zhongfei a lot of losses, but within a few months, Iridium produced more AI warships, and the Imperial Army itself mobilized reserves, and After mobilization, the Imperial Army's strategic fleet group has grown to 135.

Zang Xingyan can mobilize such a huge fleet within the arm of Orion, it is simply difficult for the Galactic Army fleet, which is only one third of the size of the Imperial Army, to compete.

Bai Zhongqi is still on the Iridium star, not because he is worried about Zang Xingyan's ability and the ability of the imperial army. In fact, he has forcibly seized the control of the Silver Emperor Mechanical Troll from the Sagittarius Arm-5 sector and turned it into a universe Titan even discovered that Yindi possesses a mysterious substance that has very similar properties and can form various substances.

"I'm going to call it protoplasm. Even after advanced civilizations have a full understanding of the microscopic and macroscopic physical world, many scientists tend to believe that after the formation of the universe, hydrogen was first produced, and then either the equilibrium process, Or neutron capture, or fusion reaction, finally through a series of complex reactions to form various elements today. But in fact, even the big bang theory can only be based on infinitely small volume, infinitely large density, infinitely high temperature, space-time curvature The description of infinity is placed before the appearance of microscopic particles such as quarks and electrons. So what is the material before it? Humans always have various wishful thinking about the universe, and they are used to measuring themselves by what they understand Actually do not understand the existence. At least, the discovery of the primordial matter made me not only wonder whether the origin of the universe was these magical substances, and finally under the action of certain conditions, they began to lose their ability to change, and eventually became various different material elements."

Zero is not particularly interested in these things, she responded with a smile: "Physics goes back to philosophy, how people look at the world is through their own eyes and consciousness, is it created by the original quality? People don't care about the current appearance of the universe, what I care about is, what kind of help can the primordial substance named by you, the head of state, do to the current Iridium Star United Empire?"

Bai Zhongzheng smiled slightly, and when he opened his palm, he saw a mass of elusive substances constantly combining and changing in his hand, "There are so many that I can't finish all of them. Any interstellar civilization has tried to use it. Combine and form nanomaterials with different functions to build machinery and enhance its variability. But no matter what kind of nanomaterials, we manufacture them through their original material properties. For example, the commonly used vitrified smart devices, It is to use the function of silicon and light to create the functions of computers and display screens. However, if you want to make this piece of glass into an extremely hard bullet, or make it into a fighter plane that can fly at high speed, This is very difficult to do.

But the original substance is different. It can form various substances, and even combine the characteristics of some different substances. Maybe what you see is a piece of glass, but it may actually be an aircraft that can fly at warp speed. "

Zero grew his small mouth, and his eyes widened, "How can the original quality be so powerful?"

"Yeah, just such a use, for a civilization, almost creates infinite possibilities in manufacturing, not to mention its influence on energy, time and space, and even the law of causality, but even if I want to It is not an easy task to fully grasp the original quality."

Bai Zhongfei spends most of his time researching the primordial matter that makes up the Titans of the universe. He also ordered Lin Yin to bring a large number of scientific researchers to join this research project. In fact, most other researchers' role is mainly to record and give feedback.

Because this substance is so dreamy and wonderful, almost all the researchers who participated in this project were obsessed with sleep and food. If it weren't for Bai Zhongfei himself, they couldn't have been dragged to work, or they might even play the head of state until he died of overwork. up.

Lin Yin also reported their great discoveries to Bai Zhongfei every day like a madman, "Your Majesty, the primordial mass may become the end point of any scientist's scientific research. Thinking of this makes people feel a sense of doom. These days Come on, you manipulated these primordial substances with supreme instructions, and you have successfully assimilated a large amount of matter. In fact, if necessary, you can form a large fleet of these primordial substances within a few seconds. The efficiency of the shipyard must be high.”

Zero also learned more. She browsed the various experimental reports submitted by Lin Yin, and was very surprised: "Perhaps palm-sized primitive matter, after being turned into a battleship, the firepower released may be comparable to that of a cruiser? What are these things? What a huge amount of energy."

Lin Yin responded: "We have observed that if a unit of original matter releases too much energy, it may lose the characteristics of original matter and become ordinary matter. We want to use methods such as charging, but there is no way to The only way to convert it into primitive substance is to use more primitive substance to assimilate it again, so that it can become primitive substance again. We have done similar experiments on all kinds of substances, and primitive substance can be assimilated Everything. The head of state guessed that all the matter in the universe today is a change from the original mass, and it is very likely to be true."

She paused, and said very tantalizingly: "However, these are not our biggest discoveries."

Bai Zhongqi raised his eyebrows, "What else did you find?"

Lin Yin smiled and said: "We found that the creations of these elder races, including the Iridium Star, the Golden Galleon, and the Silver Fleet, seem to be a kind of primordial quality that has suppressed the active state, that is to say, the elder race itself is similar to The primordial quality has a special relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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