Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 693 Set up a cage to catch birds

Chapter 693 Set up a cage to catch birds
Kang Xiong entered his cabin nervously and fastened his seat belt.The seat opposite him was occupied by Savannah, Kang Xiong couldn't care less about admiring the beauties now, the fleet has reached a very urgent moment.

"Aren't you afraid?" Kang Xiong asked the beautiful pilot who had just achieved a lot of victories.

Savannah likes seat belts. She pressed the terminal components on her suit a few times to confirm that she was correct, and then said casually: "There is nothing to be afraid of. People will die in war."

Kang Xiong sighed, and said: "For the Iridium people, the concept that many people will die in war is almost fading."

He raised his head with a determined expression, "But when we need to die, we will not refuse."

Savannah nodded, and said: "This characteristic of the Iridium people is still worthy of admiration. My hometown, Earth, well, you know, there are a group of rice bugs growing there now. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been various The miraculous existence of Xiaoqing’s political correctness. Later, the head of state brought higher technology, eliminated poverty, and eliminated many difficulties, but it did not give the people of the earth ambitions. Some people are working hard, and some people set foot on the route to explore the star sea , but many more become a mediocre demographic.”

For the first time, Kang Xiong heard Savannah say a lot of words, and there seemed to be emotional fluctuations in her words.But Kang Xiong opened his mouth and didn't know how to persuade or answer.He knew that the head of state had lived on the earth, it was his second home, and he knew that there were 100 billion people there, but Kang Xiong didn't know anything more.

Savannah didn't want to discuss this issue, and Kang Xiong would not answer it, so the two fell into silence.

At this time, the captain's voice was transmitted throughout the fleet: "All fleet, we will enter the tunnel at the next turning point."

Kang Xiong's spirit was shaken: "It's about to start, let's show some color to this group of running dogs of the fallen empire."

Savannah looked at the incomparably beautiful planet, her expression could not help showing some sadness, "This is such a beautiful planet, maybe it could have been a place where many young people started their families and started a business, and a new culture could be bred here."

Kang Xiong sighed and said, "This is war."

Savannah withdrew her gaze, lowered her eyes, and said softly, "Yes, this is war."

Just when a large number of chasing warships of the Galactic Empire were about to trap the quick response detachment on the orbit of Nuo Ye star, the battleship of the quick response detachment suddenly emitted a blue halo around it.

Seeing this scene, Claren's general was still puzzled: "Are they planning to use some kind of weapon at the bottom of the box?"

As for Sushuang, who was still commanding the main force of the main force of the Nuoye fleet in the final battle with the Star of Optics Valley, he was extremely dissatisfied with his nominal subordinates, so he paid more attention to accessing the screen here to observe the situation.But when he saw this scene, his expression changed immediately.

"You idiots of the Xuelong Alliance, have you read the training materials carefully? That is a sign of entering the space-time tunnel! There is a time-space tunnel node that we have not discovered on Nuoye Star, and the Iridium star is about to run away!"

Several generals of the Snow Dragon Alliance panicked immediately, and someone said: "Hurry up, catch up, it will take a little time to prepare for the space-time corridor navigation, we can keep them all before they leave!"

Su Shuang can't wait to slap the generals of the Xuelong Alliance, "Idiot, go, these Iridium people are deliberately guiding you to Nuoye Star. From here on, the defensive weapon platform of Nuoye Star has not been fully operational at all. , isn't it suspicious? This is a trap!"

However, it was too late.

The moment the formation of Wuxie entered the node of the tunnel, Nuo Yexing suddenly "jumped" in people's eyes.

The surface of the entire planet collapsed suddenly, and then the collapse continued to expand, and all the matter on the surface of the planet began to be sucked into the interior of the planet.At the same time, an extremely terrifying ray burst burst out from the orbital building that exploded suddenly, and the crazily rays began to sweep across the entire fleet of nearly a thousand ships of the Galactic Empire.

"Captain, the equipment is malfunctioning!"

"Our shields are beginning to waver."

"Ahhh, I can't breathe, my body hurts so much!"

If this extremely complex ray burst is large in scale, it can even be listed as one of the eight natural disasters.The Iridium United Empire has developed such a strategic weapon after absorbing the technology of all parties. The only disadvantage is that it is impossible for its own combat power to stay nearby, because the terrible ray burst will destroy everything regardless of whether it is the enemy or the enemy. There is destruction all around.

Originally, the energy shield was a good barrier against these killing rays, but when the scale and power were too large, even the energy shield would be shaken.Special ray bursts can affect many equipment in the ship, thereby affecting the operation of energy shield devices.

The ray bursts emitted by the Iridium Stars are not enough to destroy the fleets of these Galactic Empires. Even the battleships of basically advanced civilizations are unlikely to be sunk when encountering ray bursts. At most, there will be a certain degree of damage and loss. Mobility.

In fact, this was Li Cheng's purpose. He planned to use Nuoye star as a trap. The ultimate move was not on the ray burst, but on Nuoye star itself.

A large amount of matter was sucked towards the core of the planet, and when the entire planet absorbed most of its own matter, its terrifying essence was revealed—a dark and terrifying celestial body that would swallow even light at the center of the earth was hungry for it. Anything it can touch.

"Black... black hole?!" The general from Claren couldn't believe his eyes at all. He couldn't imagine why there was a black hole inside Nuoye Star.If the black hole has been here, why was the Nuoye star safe and sound before?

Even the current Bai Zhongfei would find it very troublesome when dealing with singularity weapons. Before, he used glass balls to contain black holes.Perhaps Yindi will have some methods to deal with the singularity weapon, but it is definitely not in the hands of the nouveau riche fleet of the original Snow Dragon Alliance.

They don't even fully understand and utilize the technology of advanced civilizations. Facing completely unconventional singularity weapons, they can only wail and wait to die.

"No—it can't be like this! Legion Commander, do you have a way, save us quickly."

Through quantum communication, information can still be transmitted. At this time, within this range, even electromagnetic waves will be sucked away by black holes.The battleships desperately wanted to create a thrust against gravity, but when the black hole was created, they were already too close to this terrifying celestial body.

Su Shuang didn't respond, because for this general, these people are looking for death by themselves, and they can't live anymore, and he has no interest in talking to dead people who have no future value.

(End of this chapter)

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