Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 675 The Opening of the Age of Natural Disasters

Chapter 675 The Opening of the Age of Natural Disasters ([-])
After the merger, the Milky Way was divided into dozens of closed areas, which is the tragedy and doomsday of many civilizations, but it is also a great opportunity for many civilizations.

As the first natural disaster, the mechanical AI civilization Aixing civilization has continuously occupied some planets with advanced civilization technology, and produced its own military power on a large scale through atomic material construction technology.

The queen of the swarm, who has been sleeping in the gas planet for an unknown number of years, has embarked on an unprecedented path of expansion of the swarm.In its enclosed area, the insect swarm occupied hundreds of planets in a row, and there was no way for civilization to deal with the terrifying insect eggs scattered throughout space.

Originally irrelevant civilizations have become neighbors due to changes in astronomical terrain.Whether it was to optimize their own defense posture or out of interest, these civilizations waged war with each other.Even the Big Ten, long the benchmarks of galactic leadership, have started a scuffle with each other.

Su Shuang, who failed in the battle of 17 warships, was stripped of his rank, but at such a critical moment, the former fifth general was re-appointed by the Seven Phoenix Civilization, regardless of whether he was sent to the front line.Seven Phoenix Civilization did not officially start a war with other giants, but was on guard.

Su Shuang, who only commanded a hundred or so warships, was far less majestic than he was back then, but now he also went to the flagship transformed from two magical mechas.

While Su Shuang was taking care of military affairs in an orderly manner, he received a communication.

"Long time no see, my fifth general." The video showed Suoke Xiao, another general who defeated the star-swallowing battle with him.

Sushuang was not polite at all, and there was a little doubt on his handsome face, "Sokshaw, aren't you the main commander of Polkai fighting against the Jinxi civilization? How come you have the time to come to me."

Suokeshaw looked indifferent, and said, "Well, here to inform you, I have just changed my family, and now I am not affiliated with the Polka civilization."

Sushuang was even more surprised. In the interstellar civilization, due to the significant differences in race, culture, and development stage between the two sides, it is very rare to change the family easily. He asked: "Did you take refuge in the Jinxi people?"

Suokeshaw waved his hands and said with a smile: "How come, how could those guys be worth my betrayal to Polkay? After all, I am still from Polkay. Well, let me make it clear to you. There was a big battle with the Jinxi Fleet, but the battle was forced to stop because the Fallen Empire, which has been keeping a low profile, appeared."

Su Shuang's eyes widened, and she shook her head vigorously: "Impossible! Even a fallen empire cannot possibly be able to stop the battle between two 30th-level civilized fleets."

For a long time, the ten giants of the Galactic High Governance Council did not think highly of those fallen empires who called themselves the Galactic Watchers.Most of the fallen empires are ancient civilizations that have experienced the second dark period of civilization and have continued until today. They have lost their aggressiveness and the power of evolution and development. touch.

The Galactic Council tried many times to attract the Fallen Empire to join the Council, but they couldn't even see people, and they couldn't enter their homes. Any spaceship that strayed into their territory would be kicked out.And even during this process, people from the Fallen Empire would not have normal communication with others.

In this way, the Galactic High Council of Governance gradually stopped paying attention to the fallen empires that should be very powerful. They often occupy a small area, and they do not have contact with the outside world, nor do they plunder other people's resources and population. The Ten Giants and other advanced civilizations regard the Fallen Empire as a place that was deducted from the map, and just leave it alone.

It's not that no one has worried that these peaceful fallen empires will suddenly emerge to deal with other civilizations, and even many fantasy novels in the galaxy use this as a material.People don't even know about the racial form, what kind of technology they have, these things people don't know at all, which gives people room for fantasy.

It's just, just like the former earthlings fantasized about aliens, but never saw aliens.Ordinary civilizations in the Milky Way fantasize about fallen empires, but they don't know what the fallen empires are like.

Until the Fallen Empire appeared in front of people.

Suokeshaw shrugged, expressing his helplessness, and said: "You can see for yourself, [-]% of the fleets of the Jinxi Civilization and the Polkai Civilization War were destroyed, and I was directly captured. In fact, the Fallen Empire is not at all It should be called the Fallen Empire, but the Galactic Empire!"

Su Shuang's eyelids twitched, and he quickly asked, "What do you mean?"

Sokshaw said: "The ten giants and the Galactic High Governance Council are all a bunch of ridiculous clowns. We were like a group of monkeys before, jumping up and down in other people's yards, just because the master was taking a nap. Now the master is awake, the monkeys Only then did I realize that I was a monkey, not a tiger."

Sushuang couldn't understand why Suokexiao had such a drastic change. Suokexiao's words subverted his normal cognition and made him palpitate.

"Okay, I still have a lot of things to understand. To make a long story short. General Sushuang, you are one of the few generals who I think are really capable. The Galactic Empire is about to return. The real ruler of the galaxy, Yindi, Sensing that a wave of serious natural disasters is forming in the Milky Way, if the natural disasters are allowed to develop, I am afraid that the entire Milky Way will be destroyed. Therefore, His Majesty Yindi decided to integrate the civilizations in the Milky Way to jointly fight against those natural disasters."

Su Shuang frowned and asked, "Is the natural disaster that Yindi wants to solve a galaxy merger?"

Sokshaw denied: "No, the merger of galaxies is actually a good thing for the Milky Way. We have entered a new universe. The new universe is younger and more prosperous, and will have more development prospects in the future. The natural disasters I refer to are the four major Scourge."

There are eight natural disasters in the Milky Way, among which the last four are supernova explosions, super ray storms, space breaks, and rogue black hole groups. These four types are basically natural and objective natural disasters.The first four types of natural disasters are AI revolution, insect swarm, void demon, and the fourth natural disaster that no one can explain clearly, which are more subjective and historical evolution.When people refer to the four major natural disasters, they often refer to the first four natural disasters.

Su Shuang was thoughtful: "Before the countermeasure office received a report from a lonely civilization, the star-eating insect swarm has returned to the Milky Way, and it seems to be called the Iridium Star United Empire, an advanced civilization from a different universe. Confirmed news came that the swarm is still raging in other places, and has wiped out a large number of civilizations and planets. Is this what the Iridium United Empire is planning to conquer the entire galaxy?"

(End of this chapter)

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