Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 610 System Conception

Chapter 610 System Conception
"The last knight." Ling knelt and sat on the couch in the tea room, gently pouring tea for Bai Zhongfei.Because the earth has returned to Bai Zhongfei's hands, those famous teas in the old days have become Bai Zhongfei's daily things again.It's just that Bai Zhongqi is a gentleman who doesn't take what others like. He can't taste anything special about the so-called famous wine and tea, and doesn't touch them at all. Only those rare things that he likes, he only adds a little bit.

For example, the Tongmuguan Jinjunmei he drinks, even after entering the interstellar era, in order to maintain the original flavor, from the tea species to the tea making process are still the same as before, and even the masters have not changed.Bai Zhongfei also has no so-called special supply demand, just buy at the normal price.Naturally, if the head of state wants to buy it, the tea merchants will definitely be willing to give priority to it.

Bai Zhongqi drank a heart-warming cup of black tea, and said to Han Jiaxue, who was sitting beside Linghe, "Yes, and I guess, the last knight should be in the first universe, and the Iridium star is more likely."

Han Jiaxue is completely different from her girlhood, she is full of charm, which makes Bai Zhongqi want to stop.She gently opened her lips and asked: "The size of the Iridium United Empire is no less than that of the ten giants of the Galactic High Governance Council. Recalling the last knight and restarting the Supreme Command with the Babel Pyramid, although it is possible to directly control the empire. The military strength is gone, but will the hearts of the empire be able to return smoothly?"

Ling also said: "After all, most people regard the head of state as a mythical figure from birth, rather than a real role. The Star Alliance reformed by Xiao Yu is basically modeled on the Iridium star system, with a strong aristocratic politics. Features. The twelve Families of Destiny Knights, as well as nobles, large and small, control the resources and power of the United Empire. Your return will inevitably take back the power, and how do these people deal with themselves?"

Han Jiaxue chuckled: "These people are not stupid enough to fight against the head of state. Although Iridium Star doesn't have many bionic troops, but under the Supreme Command, they can't even order the fleet, and they must be checked and balanced in all aspects. of."

Madame Xue, with long hair like a waterfall and picturesque eyes, looked at Bai Zhongfei and suggested, "The Iridium star nobles have been rooted in the United Empire for 5000 years. They are intertwined and connected with each other. If you want to uproot them all at once, I'm afraid It is also a strong harm to Iridium itself. Many of them are important talents, just like Xu Lanzhou. It is naturally the best situation to be used by the head of state. If you don’t understand the general situation, deal with it. The key is to think well A new political system that can cut into the iridium star can gradually make the iridium star get used to your existence and obey your will."

Bai Zhongqi drank half a cup of tea, put the teacup back, and said, "In fact, some of the original systems can be used. In terms of land, the Iridium United Empire is mainly divided into two types of land, one is public land, and the other is the head of state. Earth. Many undeveloped planets are preserved in the form of the head of state. When I returned to Iridium, the original administrative planet of the Iridium United Empire was still managed by the United Empire government, and various planets such as the glass beads, with Preservation in the way of the head of state. Planets such as the earth that were originally brought from the Star Alliance, those who are willing to join the United Empire, will be permanently placed in the first universe, and those who are unwilling will be set as autonomous administrative stars, giving relatively large autonomy .

As for the system, the aristocratic politics of the United Empire must be changed to the head system.My initial idea is to set it up in a form similar to a dual system.The head of state governs the Privy Council, Tongzhengyuan, and Chuanxingyuan.The Privy Council is in charge of military affairs and governs the Imperial Army; the Tongzhengyuan is mainly responsible for advising on political affairs and governing the head of state; the Star-Transmission Academy has drastically changed the system of star warriors and changed it into an intelligence agency that includes star warriors and ordinary people.However, the original set of the United Empire Cabinet will continue to be retained, and it can be governed as it should be governed. "

Han Jiaxue nodded and said, "It seems the safest thing to do. It may be a little troublesome to completely take over the general affairs from the cabinet. However, there seems to be nothing to worry about with the supreme order."

Sitting next to Bai Zhongqi, Ling said as it should be: "It is natural for Iridium people to be loyal to the head of state. Even if those nobles have their own small calculations, but ignore the great interests of civilization and the tradition of Iridium, they cannot survive. After all, not all families, like the Xiao family, naturally regard opposition to the head of state as a secret belief."

Han Jiaxue asked curiously, "How do you plan to deal with the Xiao family?"

Bai Zhongqi sighed slightly, now he has roughly understood the cause and effect.In the final analysis, the Xiao family became a reactionary family, which was basically caused by him killing Gangnaji.But this is the inevitability of the law of causality connecting fate.He has a certain sense of guilt towards the Xiao family, but the Xiao family has been educated for generations to seize the position of the head of state as a big goal, and Bai Zhongqi can't tolerate such a family controlling the imperial government.

He didn't speak, but from his cold expression, Han Jiaxue understood.The Xiao family might be removed from the Iridium star.

The Xiao family's original Divine Artifact Seal of Destiny has fallen into the hands of Bai Zhongfei, and his current Artifact of Destiny has become a magic weapon. When the First Universe is reopened, the old Artifact of Destiny can no longer affect the Supreme Command, but it is still very important. Something powerful.

Bai Zhongqi didn't intend to hand it over to others.It's a memory of a lesson I learned.

He no longer thinks about this problem. Now that he has returned to the first universe, he has more than half of the planets in the Star Alliance, and even the population of these planets is more than the Iridium people who have official citizenship in the Iridium United Empire.There are some other races in the Iridium United Empire, and the population is often counted separately, but there is no difference between participating in the Imperial Army and the Iridium natives.

Most of the administrative planets of the original Star Alliance joined the Star Alliance with the intention of being coerced. There are still some planets that are rebellious, but it is technically impossible.Bai Zhongfei does not intend to give these planets the same transcendent status as the earth. Next, especially the administrative planets of the primates, will be completely iridized by iridium.Cultural and other characteristics can be retained, but from the social form to the system, it will be completely connected with Iridium.

There is only one family of the earth, and Bai Zhongfei will give it a relatively free and autonomous status, similar to the concept of directly governing the planet.Economically, it communicates with other planets of the Iridium United Empire, and retains greater autonomy in governance, but the military is completely managed by the Privy Council, which will be no different from other planets of the United Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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