Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 510 The day when the head of state was away

Chapter 510 The Days When the Head of State Was Absent ([-])
"Let's take off, Shield!" Xu Lanzhou took off to meet the warship, which was still in stealth mode just now.

This Marquivina frigate is not a large ship. She is only more than 170 meters long and 45 meters wide, and her firepower is relatively weak.But this is a warship of advanced civilization after all.

Xu Lanzhou named the frigate after the destiny artifact inherited from his family, always reminding himself of the knight's mission and vowing to be loyal forever.

When the shield took off from a piece of loess and showed its figure, the menacing Scarlet Skull and Bones members were dumbfounded.

"What is that?! Battleship! Damn it, when did Sumer have such a battleship!"

As a paradise for criminals and adventurers, Sumer did not have many space vehicles.Because of the relatively harsh environment, this dwarf planet cannot even support itself with food, and often relies on supplies brought in from the outside world.

The reason why the Milky Way Wilderness is called the Milky Way Wilderness is because this area is located in the three large star regions of the Milky Way, that is, at the division point of the spiral arms. There is no civilization near here, because there are not many planets nearby.There are even various charged nebulae with strong disturbances, terrible astronomical tides, and even multiple rogue black holes (black hole groups).

The Galactic Desolation once became the tomb of a powerful civilization. Many civilizations wanted to clean up the filth in this galaxy, but large-scale fleet activities seemed to encounter problems in the Galactic Desolation. Zhihuang does not have its own fleet, but every time a fleet arrives, it will always suffer heavy losses before it arrives. Either it encounters a neutron star explosion, or the route is calculated incorrectly, and it enters the black hole formation, and finally cannot get out.

When Xu Lanzhou and Han Jiaxue entered the Milky Way Desolation, they were worried and even in danger, but they finally managed to enter this "Galaxy Sanctuary".

There are indeed some forces in the Galactic Wilderness that have spaceships, but the number is very small, let alone a battleship of a higher civilization.The Scarlet Skull may still be the No. [-] role in Sumer, but it is a ground force after all, and it is more like a mafia labor export organization in the wasteland of the galaxy.They have some military reserves, but they don't even dare to think about owning a spaceship.

"Damn it, who told me that it was two primate women who caused the trouble? Will the two primate women have battleships?"

"Quickly retreat! It's too late if you don't leave!"

In fact, it was already too late, these brothers and sisters of the Scarlet Skull and Bones, they were riding on hoverbikes or even older four-wheeled armored vehicles with gasoline engines, and added some basic weapons, ranging from ordinary electromagnetic acceleration weapons to There are chemical energy weapons. Although they are menacing, their strength is limited after all.

However, after all, Xu Lanzhou is driving a warship with a high degree of self-sustainability of a high civilization. Although its firepower is weak, it is compared with a warship of a high civilization of the same level. Compared with this underworld labor export organization on Sumer , then there is no problem in using it to destroy the world.

Perhaps when the frigate Shield was built by the Maquivina people, they considered the security and suppression operations near the ground, so Xu Lanzhou chose the ground suppression and strike weapon group, and the lower part of the battleship immediately popped up various weapons of different sizes. weapons.

Xu Lanzhou did not use the most powerful one, but chose the smallest caliber rail gun, and fired a burst of shelling towards the Scarlet Skull and Bones.

These rail guns are used to continuously shoot against aircraft, and the rate of fire per second is easily tens of thousands of rounds.Although the caliber is not too large, they all have explosive warheads.When hundreds of shells fell on the ground, the members of the Scarlet Skull and Bones were completely covered in explosions and smoke.

After the shield flew by, there was no one alive on the ground.

Xu Lanzhou is not surprised by this situation. The gap between the two sides may be small if you describe it as a world of difference.

Through the visual sensor in the bridge, Xu Lanzhou could see that the people on the other side of the town seemed to be shocked by the fact that all the troops of the Scarlet Skull and Bones were wiped out.Of course there are still people in the Scarlet Skull, but no one will come out to die.

Xu Lanzhou frowned slightly: "I originally wanted to keep a low profile, but it seems that I can't."

Han Jiaxue smiled at her and said: "The situation in Sumer is different from that of Earth and Iridium. There is no order here, and we two girls live here alone. I'm afraid we can only be bullied by others. When we came to Sumer, we showed our strength, and it is a strength that others cannot compete with, which is helpful for us to live here."

Xu Lanzhou nodded. Although Han Jiaxue usually looks more like a vase, Xu Lanzhou can feel that this beautiful girl is actually very smart.And she is also studying very hard, especially when it comes to interstellar civilization exchanges. Han Jiaxue, a native of Earth, has more skills and knowledge than Xu Lanzhou, a military talent who once presided over an exploration fleet.

"I hope people from the Star Alliance will not track down here." Xu Lanzhou said softly.

When he said this, Xu Lanzhou also had a feeling of sadness.Maybe she is not like Bai Zhongfei, who was born on the earth and has a strong complex for the civilization of the earth.But that was the civilization of her and the head of state, the civilization she had fought for over the years, and it had become something she recognized newly.But now, she and Han Jiaxue have become defectors and targets of civilization. In order to survive, they have to stay away from the Star Alliance and become unknown people living in the wasteland of the galaxy like other desperadoes and adventurers.

Han Jiaxue looked at this almost ugly dwarf planet, and said, "If Bai is still alive, then he will definitely come back for revenge. Although the Milky Way is barren, there are well-informed intelligence dealers here. There are also mercenaries with various skills, maybe these people can be used in the future."

Xu Lanzhou's eyes lit up, and he said: "You're right, although we can't create a civilization that can fight against the Star Alliance with our strength alone, but the head of state can definitely, maybe he can bring an army from Iridium Star .It would be great if we could help him."

It seemed that the goal and motivation had returned to her, Xu Lanzhou waved his fist and said, "It's decided, let's build the most powerful mercenary group in the Milky Way on Star Sumer!"

Han Jiaxue smiled: "Then we need a famous name."

"Revenge Mercenary Group, I think this name is good."

 There is still a chapter of transition, the Führer is coming back

(End of this chapter)

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