Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 385 Trojan Horse

Chapter 385 Trojan Horse

Leisurely Xuanpei doesn't want to start a war with the Star Alliance on Tao Ranxing. If possible, the benefactor civilization will definitely avoid wars with the earthlings anywhere.Even if the controller decides to go to war with the earthlings later, and the benefactor will be involved in this war, the benefactor will not be in the vanguard position, but will follow the controller to wave the flag and shout, if there is a bargain, he will be honest stay.

The leisurely Xuan Pei decided to find the two missing benefactors first, and if he couldn't find them, he would leave immediately. He set a deadline of one week. He didn't know the mobilization ability and sailing speed of the Star Alliance warships, but he decided to be on the safe side. It has to be as short as possible, but in fact it is still not as efficient as expected.

Naturally, Bai Zhongfei will not be idle in this world. He still arranges the small atomic construction equipment carried by the landing craft to continue to manufacture super-fusion fusion bombs, which are hidden in the snow-capped mountains, and it is difficult for the benefactor's search force to penetrate into it.

Because the temperature is extremely low and the wind and snow are extremely strong, there is not even a dog-headed bat flying in this snow-capped mountain. Bai Zhongfei only saw some small animals in the snow-capped mountain, and the number was very small.

Through the supreme command, Bai Zhongfei was able to perceive that the several bionics he sent out to drive the flying saucer of the benefactor had not yet been discovered by the benefactor.However, he is not surprised by this. Tao Ranxing's strange communication obstruction phenomenon has almost interfered with the normal actions of all interstellar civilizations with extraordinary technology on this planet.Bai Zhongfei still has something like the supreme order, which can make up for it a little bit, and the civilization of the benefactor is almost equivalent to the communication method that has entered the original civilization.

The efficiency of information transmission through physical means is extremely low, and a large number of units need to be invested. Tao Ranxing is much larger than the earth, and there is no way to completely cover it with only a small number of benefactors and strength.

This situation made Bai Zhongqi want to change his strategy and give the benefactor a bigger surprise.

The No. [-] base of the benefactors stationed in Taoranxing is also the main base where the benefactors are stationed. Unlike the No. [-] base, which mainly focuses on logistics support and barracks, the functions of the No. [-] base are more complete and complete, and even have maintenance and simple repairs. The ability of space battleships, so the No. [-] base established at the South Pole of Tao Ranxing is actually a military airport here for the benefactor, and basically four warships of the benefactor are stationed here.

On the fourth day after the Beishan incident, when Xuanpei, the benefactor and blessing officer, became more and more anxious, his vassal officer came to report that the flying saucer Shen Shenzhiruo was on board was found. But that’s all there is to finding the flying saucer. There is no living person on the flying saucer. Even all the equipment is brand new as if it just left the factory. Everywhere is spotless, as if someone has cleaned it on purpose.

The leisurely Xuan Pei was shocked: "Where are Shen Shenzhi's Ruofu and Qingya's Ji Yangbo? Did they abandon the flying saucer and go somewhere else?"

Yuanhui Shanglun doubted: "The two of them are old people who are familiar with the rules of our Grace Shrine, and they will not throw their boat hastily."

Youranzhi Xuanpei said: "At that time in Beishan, most of our flying saucers should have been shot down by the space cruise missiles launched by the earthlings. After our people arrived, they only found seven wreckages. The human’s flying saucer is gone. The earthlings were also missing at the time, and I thought at the time that maybe the earthlings hijacked the two of them and escaped with the flying saucer.”

"Ah, what do you mean, it's not our people who abandoned the flying saucer, but those people on Earth?"

"Very likely." The leisurely Xuan Pei made a judgment.

"No matter what, let's bring our flying saucer back first, the people on Earth will leave some clues there, maybe it can help us find those two unlucky ghosts."

"Yes, I will arrange for someone to bring the flying saucer back to Base One for inspection and review."

A crew of vassals quickly brought the flying saucer back to their base. They confirmed that although the flying saucer was damaged to some extent, its flying ability was intact.

The leisurely Xuan Pei was a little surprised when he heard this: "If there is no problem with the flying ability, why would the people on Earth choose to abandon this best escape vehicle and choose some way to escape?"

"Maybe if we take it apart, we will know the result." Yuanhui Shanglun suggested.

Other than that, it seemed that they had no better way, so in the inspection station of the No. [-] base, a group of engineers and technicians from the vassal clan began to check what key evidence and important information the flying saucer had left behind.

Bai Zhongfei, who was still in the snow mountain, showed a happy smile.

When the engineer of the benefactor's vassal clan disassembled the outer casing of the flying saucer and inspected the engine, a brilliant spark ignited instantly, and expanded from the size of a star fire to a diameter of several square kilometers in an instant.The fiery fire and extremely dazzling light enveloped the entire No. [-] base. The moment the powerful energy burst out, the members of the benefactor civilization staying in the base were all trembling!
This is the day of their perdition.

Including the benefactor and blessing officer Youran Xuanpei, no one can find a glimmer of life in front of such power.

In order to watch this scene, Bai Zhongyu specially built a high-speed unmanned reconnaissance drone with better stealth capabilities.He was very satisfied when he saw the huge fireball engulfing the entire base.

This Trojan horse trick couldn't be simpler to use.He just recalled the flying saucer that was used as a cover, and then specially loaded the super-fusion fusion bomb into the engine of the flying saucer, and brushed a lot of backdoor programs for the flying saucer's command system, and at the last key At any moment, when someone dismantles the spaceship, this super-fusion fusion bomb will be automatically detonated.

After all, the benefactors never expected that Bai Zhongfei buried a deadly bomb deep inside their own flying saucer. Obviously, when they brought it back to the base, the soldiers of the vassal clan did a thorough investigation, but the flying saucer was operating normally, and there was nothing wrong with it. It didn't look like it had undergone any bad modification, so I settled down and brought the flying saucer back.

However, the engineering and manufacturing capabilities of the Iridium Earth civilization are not comparable to the benefactors. After all, Bai Zhongfei still uses this method to kill all the benefactors on Tao Ran.

"It's the last day. When our fleet arrives at Tao Ran, this place will become the XJ land of the Star Alliance. No matter what plans the benefactors and controllers have for the eternal crystal, we will stop it."

(End of this chapter)

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