Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 360 Narrow and Wild

Chapter 360 Narrow and Wild

In his own room, Kouman greedily looked at the Iridium equipment placed all over the floor.He doesn't need a high level of education to be able to recognize these are definitely extremely valuable alien weapons.Although he doesn't know exactly what they do, it doesn't prevent him from knowing that these things can be sold for a good price.

Kou didn't think about how much power mastering these weapons would add to his power in the refuge. Kou was a small character, a member of the bottom of the ruling class, and the benefits of the people above were not as real as his own.

"But how to open these things?" Kou scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, as if he was looking at a hot beauty, but found that he didn't have that kind of words.

Whether it was the guns or armor, he couldn't find any way to open them.These alien weapons were obviously more complex than anything he had seen before.

"Could it be possible to go to those people and ask how to use it?" Although Kou is a villain, he is also a villain who cares about face, and he feels ashamed to ask him to ask such a thing.

"Hmph, I'm going to kill them here anyway. After tying them up, let's force them to find out how to use these things."

Kou felt that he was very safe. Since he was born, he had been in the refuge for decades, and he had hardly been to the ground a few times. Everything he came into contact with was extremely limited.The most powerful person he could see was the leader of the shelter, unlike Bu and they traveled the surface and met more people and monsters, Kou's vision was narrow.

He didn't think there was anyone more powerful, and he thought that no matter who entered the shelter, he would be at his mercy.

At the same time, Bai Zhongfei walked into a temporary shelter that Zhongbu found for him in the shelter.

Bu said apologetically, "You have a lot of people, so you can only resettle them in this way first. The shelter has never expected to receive any guests. When it was more tense back then, it even had to keep abandoning some residents to maintain the operation of the shelter. "

Bai Zhongqi leaned on the door, looking at the small room that was as cramped as a dormitory in Tongzilou.This is actually Bu's home, and Bu is considered a relatively powerful person in the shelter, with a separate room, and this bachelor has been living by himself.This room is only five square meters in size, and it is very difficult to even walk in it, so it is not tidy at all.

Bu Shi gave up his room, ready to squeeze with other members of the hunting group.Residents in most shelters have no personal space. Even if they start a family, they still live in a dormitory with other people.The more common rooms are three to four square meters in size, with three beds on the left and right, but there are usually seven or eight people sleeping here.

The entire living area of ​​the refuge is full of people's body odor and various odors, as well as various food odors and chemical smells, making it difficult for people to adapt.

"Okay, that's it." Bai Zhongfei really doesn't care about this situation, he himself is not here, and even a few surrogate earth warriors lie down casually, and as soon as Bai Zhongfei disconnects, he can be in the captain's room of the Holy Falcon Rested peacefully on the big bed.When necessary, he can also ask the soft girl to kill him, although he has never needed it.

On the contrary, Nan Ma was very dissatisfied with such an environment. He touched his bald head and said, "If I want to sleep in such a moldy bed with these guys, I would rather launch an incident in this shelter and overthrow Their ruling class, go to sleep in their beds."

At the end, he added: "Maybe they can sleep with their women."

Bai Zhongzheng patted him and said, "You can hang in the air, sleep in mid-air."

"Forget it, it's just a few days, it doesn't matter if you sleep or not." Nan Ma's words were true. With his physique, it's not a big problem if he didn't sleep for a week.

At this time, a few people heard a commotion coming from the end of the corridor in the dormitory area, and this guy Bang ran over without saying hello.

Bai Zhongqi asked, "What's going on?"

Bu looked over there and said, "It should be the mayor's daughter who came to teach the children in the civilian area."

Nan Ma became interested, and said with a smile: "Prince, let's go and have a look."

Several people followed Bu to an open space in the dormitory area, and saw a girl in a white dress sitting on a low stool with her jade legs together, looking very ladylike.Wearing a maid's hat decorated with light gauze, she has a beautiful appearance and a quiet demeanor, which seems to form a contrast with the messy environment around her.

Bai Zhongqi saw that this guy, Bang, was also sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a dirty little notebook and a short piece of pen in his hand, looking at the girl in front of him with longing and admiration.

Bu explained to Bai Zhongyu: "Her name is Ti, she is the most beloved daughter of the mayor of the refuge, and the most beautiful girl in the refuge. She is kind-hearted and gentle. Almost all the boys in the refuge want to marry her , including my nephew."

Bang sat on the ground, pretending not to hear what his uncle said, but his face turned red.

As a result, Nan Masha said gracefully: "If you can't sleep with the ruler's woman, it's not bad to sleep with the ruler's daughter."

Bai Zhongzheng is not interested in talking to Nan Ma who has nothing to do, Ti is indeed a beautiful girl, but Bai Zhongzheng has seen a lot of beautiful girls, and he also has his own heart, so he doesn't have much interest in other girls.

Ti picked up a small whiteboard from under her feet and began to explain the words to the children in the civilian area.Her voice is soft and light, making people sound indescribably comfortable.

Dozens of children gathered in the small square, and they were all listening carefully to Ti's words about Dorosan.

He didn't have much interest in the girl's beauty, but Bai Zhongfei was somewhat interested in the form of the shelter. He asked the sermon: "Does your shelter not have a school?"

Bu shook his head and said, "There are more than 3000 people in our shelter. Most of the young and middle-aged are laborers and need to do various jobs. It is difficult for anyone to have the energy to teach the children. There are only young ladies like Ti, I have nothing else to do, and I have a good heart, and I am willing to teach children to read and write. Except for wealthy families, children from ordinary families rarely know how to read and write."

Looking at this scene suddenly, he was also slightly moved, and he said to Bai Zhongfei with his thoughts: "The country with a powerful civilization in the past has become so barren and desolate today. It is deplorable. Führer, maybe you are the only one who can bring the Iridium Earth civilization to this planet and expel it." Only those monsters on the surface can let the people here live a normal life again."

Bai Zhongqi turned his head and asked tentatively, "If I do this, what will happen to you?"

"When Tao Ranxing has become a part of the Star Alliance, I will naturally assist you wholeheartedly and protect the Star Alliance."

(End of this chapter)

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