Chapter 348 Sudden Memories

————The following are my memories———

Suddenly, he was born on a planet named Tao Ranxing, which is a beautiful place.A natural environment suitable for the survival of primates, abundant ecological vegetation and various animals, a vast ocean, and a large amount of minerals stored underground.Perhaps when the primates were placed on this planet by the elder race, this place is unique.

Brilliant ancient civilizations were born on Tao Ranxing one by one, a hundred flowers bloomed, and all schools contended.However, since the primates established different countries on the planet, Tao Ranxing's tragedy has been doomed.

Su was born in the kingdom of Torosan, an ancient country with a long history of nearly 3000 years. For 3000 years, Torosan has experienced different family rule, but there is a stable royal family.After undergoing many changes, this ancient civilization has gradually realized industrialization and established a developed economy and society.Only at that time, the country of Merrill Lynch in the south and the country of Luzhi in the east also carried out technological revolutions and entered the modern age.

More and more land was discovered, and the three powerful countries entered the era of colonial competition. It was against this background that Hu was born in a humble middle-class family in the capital of Torosan. His father was a national professional. A faculty member of the technical college, and his mother is a senior librarian in the Beijing University Library.

Hu’s childhood experienced Torosan’s transformation from poverty to wealth. He and his brothers and sisters didn’t even have enough to eat before the age of seven, but after the age of 11, their family lived in an independent house, and their father drove a car car.Since then, Hu has been able to go to vacation places with his family every year to experience different customs.

However, I suddenly understood that the wealth and development obtained by the three big countries of Tuoluoshan, Meilin and Luzhi were all based on plundering the labor force and population of other weak civilizations on the planet.After experiencing the extensive and violent colonial rule stage, the three major powers began the colonial stage of cultural invasion plus certain autonomy and final economic control.

During this colonial stage, the three major countries each developed their own high-end industries and firmly controlled the high value-added parts of the industrial chain. Colonies became gathering places for labor, resources, and pollution.

The graduate of political economy is deeply worried about the situation on Tao Ran. What is hidden under the peace is the struggle and hardship of the colonies, as well as the endless greed of the three major powers.

Finally, on the eve of suddenly getting his college diploma, he was shopping with the girl he liked on the street when he was forcibly pulled away by several soldiers driving a military vehicle and stuffed into a truck.Sitting in the truck was a group of young people who were as at a loss as he was.

They were then sent to a barracks and told that war had broken out and that the country needed them.

Suddenly, he clearly remembered that a boy from a rich family reprimanded the officers face to face, claiming that they were not open minded, and that he could leave here in minutes, because his background was particularly deep.

However, the officer knocked the guy out with the butt of his gun.

Someone asked: "Why do politicians have to pay for the ambitions of ordinary people like us?"

The officer said: "The country provides for each of you to live the best life in the world. You live in a big house, drive a small car, eat three meals a day, and have all kinds of entertainment. This is what the country relies on. Your own strategy has won for the people, now if you want to keep yourself and your family like this, then fight for the country, whether we are on the side of justice or the side of evil.”

In fact, the war didn't last long. After Hu had completed the recruit training, he hadn't even killed a single enemy on the battlefield, no, he hadn't even seen the face of a Merrill or Lu Zhiren, the war was over.

I suddenly remembered that I sneaked out of the camp with a few comrades in arms that day, and was going to watch a movie in a nearby city's cinema. It was a comedy, the plot was very nonsensical, and it was really funny.A few young people bought a few bottles of soda outside the movie theater, and felt a little hungry and bought some vasu to eat.

Then, I suddenly saw thousands of rays of light going to different places in the sky.

Then, the earth shook!
The Merrillians launched a nuclear attack on Dorosan first, and this wave of nuclear bombs destroyed nearly 30.00% of Dorosan's land. Torosan immediately retaliated and extended the target to Lu Zhiren.

Not long after this war went on, it turned into a drama where the three major powers threw atomic bombs at each other.

The three countries were completely destroyed, and no city was spared.

Suddenly, he survived by luck. He lost all his family and friends. In a daze, he boarded a survivor's boat and went to a colony that was less damaged in the nuclear attack.

The order of the world has collapsed, crime is everywhere, people are vying for all the materials that can keep them alive, civilization and etiquette have disappeared in this world.The nuclear dust cloud covered the sky, and the brilliance of the stars could not shine on this land for many years, and the food production was reduced on a large scale.

Even more frightening is the death of a large number of animals and the ubiquitous nuclear radiation.Even if they escaped the nuclear explosion, many people did not survive the first few months. Their skin ulcerated, their eyes were bloodshot, and they died of radiation sickness one by one.During that time, Hu's body was also very unstable, several times he thought he would die in this wilderness.

Until, suddenly met a person.

The man with tousled hair and glasses that were always missing a corner was called Dr. Bean.Dr. Bean is a colonist, but he has obtained the status of Torosan, and he is even the guest of Torosan politicians and wealthy businessmen.Dr. Dou met Hu who was dying, rescued him, and became his student and servant.

The well-connected Dr. Dou has accomplished a remarkable thing in such a doomsday. He gathered the only industrial and scientific forces remaining on the planet, and built a spaceship using the most advanced technology of the three major countries.He invited those people who were afraid of the terrible radiation of Tao Ran star, those who still possess power and wealth, but lingering in the last days, to board this spaceship.

Dr. Bean pointed to the sky and said to everyone: "There will be our new home, and we will search for a planet suitable for everyone to live in in the universe."

Not everyone is qualified to board such an escape spaceship. Many people heard of the existence of this spaceship and rushed to try to board this ship.Killings and all kinds of ugliness took place. In order to ensure his position and the smooth launch of this spaceship, Huo personally killed several people.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the spaceship was finally sent into the sky by six rocket boosters, and he stood up and down the spaceship to look at the already ugly planet.

(End of this chapter)

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